Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1795

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind, which was a person he had seen several times, she was wearing a green dress. She always had a humble expression on her face in front of him, but in her shining eyes, it seemed that he was the only one.

I'm afraid I won't come out of Xueyu city easily this time. Even if I come out of Xueyu City, I won't come back to Shengming country, and I won't see her again.

He didn't know why, but there was some discomfort in his heart. He always felt that he would be sad if he left her in the holy underworld.

From a very young age, he clearly knew that he would be the Lord of the snow covered city when he grew up. To become the Lord of the snow covered City, he was destined to put aside a lot of things he wanted to do. What he wanted to do was to do good things for the snow covered city. He had strong self-control, he could forbear, and he knew what he could and could not do.


At the moment, he has some selfishness of his own.

He wants to take her with him, even if he doesn't own her and doesn't see her, but as long as he knows that she's not far away from him, that's enough.

It's a selfish idea, but now he feels he has to.

That girl is also a proper girl. On the surface, he is going to take their eldest daughter back to the snow area. She is also very clear that she is just a servant girl. She believes that even if she follows her, she will not make trouble for herself, and she can give some advice to her.

That's it.

That's enough.

I believe that this will not affect the overall situation.

Ouyang Mingjing thinks this is the most appropriate way.

Looking at long Qing, he didn't continue to talk about the misty Pavilion. Instead, he said seriously, "you should do it yourself. Don't let the elder know. If the Lord of the city remembers correctly, fengnu sent the servant girl she was with to Putuo Shili. Go and tell her when we will leave. In addition, when necessary, secretly help her a little bit, let her use the identity of a servant mixed in the team. Don't do more. Just take her with you. "

After hearing this, long Qing's serious face is full of shock.

Just now, the city master mentioned the ethereal Pavilion. He thought that the city master was dissatisfied with the ethereal pavilion's calculation of the Phoenix girl. If he wanted to give vent to the Phoenix girl, he asked him to do something about the ethereal Pavilion. Although it was unnecessary for the snow area, he could understand and do it.


Now what the city Lord mentioned was the little servant girl beside the Phoenix girl.

Who is that little servant girl? She planted Acacia beans on her by mistake.

They all think that even if there is Acacia bean, the little servant girl doesn't appear, the city master can control himself. Moreover, now that all the energy is on fengnv, they think that everything is OK.

They underestimated, underestimated the role of Acacia beans.

It never occurred to me that the Lord of the city was still thinking about the little servant girl and wanted to take her back to the snow area.

This matter, he wants to discuss with the elder, but the meaning of the Lord is not to let the elder know.

Long Qing is shocked at the moment, and some don't know how to deal with it.

After all, it's about the Lord of the city.

He suddenly remembered the elder's saying that since she had made a mistake, the girl could not live.

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