Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1797

In that case, he came by himself.

He schemed for such a long time, and even did not hesitate to poison Chaoyan himself. In the end, what was the result? Naturally, he was not reconciled.

And the people who hurt him like this are the people in the ethereal Pavilion. Naturally, he has to make it clear with the people in the ethereal Pavilion.

Misty Pavilion is in a mess now.

No one paid any attention to him at all.

Zhenbei Hou was even more angry.

If you rush directly, you'll have to find the elder of the ethereal Pavilion.

Qianji had no time to care about him at all, but he roared and screamed in the misty Pavilion. He was really annoyed, so he came out.

"What is Zhenbei Hou's intention to do when he comes to the post station of my misty pavilion to make trouble?" Thousand silent facial expressionless ask a way.

After he had poisoned himself, the town's North Marquis was useless. Since he was useless, there was no place for them to use. Since there was no place to use, why should he have a good attitude towards him? Why should we tolerate him?

"You misty Pavilion use this Marquis, harm this Marquis? You let me poison you, and everything will come naturally. Now? Because she is deeply poisoned, she wants to follow the people of Xueyu city. She has left. What should we do? These things are all because of you misty Pavilion. You misty Pavilion should think about how to compensate me! " Zhenbei Hou was full of anger and said that his pale face was twisted and terrible because of anger.


No matter how terrible he is, people like Xue will be scared. In their view, the so-called zhenbeihou is just an empty shell.

What do they need to worry about?

Qianji suffered a lot of losses when he came to the holy underworld. He had suffered so many losses in the ethereal Pavilion. Now the northern Marquis of the town doesn't pay attention to him. How can Qianji be happy.

"Zhenbei Hou, do you know what happens to people who dare to talk like this in front of me

"I can't control what happens. Now I want you to give me an explanation from the misty Pavilion." Zhenbei Hou didn't pay attention to Qianji at all. He asked with a condescending expression.

Qianji looks at him with a look of not afraid of death, and smiles faintly on his face.

Reach out your hand.

He picked up the spirit power, and then faced the north of the town, pushed the spirit power in his hand heavily, and put it directly on him.

Zhenbei Hou was beaten out by the sudden spirit power. The whole person was thrown on the wall of the post station, and then fell down heavily. He vomited a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.

Since he had planted poison on himself before, his body was not as good as before, and he had been maintained by antidote.

Today, for the first time, he felt that he was really going to die. He felt that all the viscera in his body were broken.


zhenbeihou thought of this person in his mind, and then suddenly he was out of breath, and he lost his breath.

Seeing this, Gu Ruxue was scared to death.

Zhenbei Hou wants to come to find the misty Pavilion. She also comes here with a try of luck. After all, Zhenbei Hou looks like a must. She thinks that Zhenbei Hou has enough confidence.

Who knows.

It's as easy for the people in the misty pavilion to kill him as to pinch mole ants.

Now, Zhenbei Hou is dead.

She doesn't want to die!

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