Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1802

Ouyang Mingjing saw Zhou Huaijin's face coming out of the carriage. The whole person was shocked. He was in the carriage, too?

It's a carriage to follow the people and horses of their snowy city. He's in the carriage, not in the line to see them off. Does that mean to follow them to the snowy city?

Ouyang Ming's face is full of disbelief.

He is not only the emperor of the kingdom of the Holy Ghost, but also the new emperor. He has been dormant for many years and is hard to fight down.

He didn't keep it in the palace and wanted to follow him to the dangerous and unknown snow city?

He originally thought that he could arrange so many people to follow him, which was the best way to treat fengnv.

He looked down on him.

At this moment, long Qing obviously saw the new emperor Jindi of Shengming kingdom. Her face was also slightly surprised, and then she was stunned: "their new emperor also came with us?"


"Lord, what should we do? Do we still act according to the original plan?"

"Yi, he's coming, too." Ouyang Mingjing hardly hesitated, so he replied.

If he wants to come, he has to do it according to the original plan, even more rigorous, and can't make any mistakes. Otherwise, with his dedication to fengnv, Xueyu city will be more troublesome.

Ouyang Mingjing ordered, then also nodded toward that side, it is said hello.

Then he put his eyes away, walked ahead, and began to walk in the direction of the snow city.

They want to leave, the misty Pavilion and the cangyan gate are also behind, planning to go.


There are snow city guards here. It's hard for them to get close to fengnv, not to mention looking for opportunities to get gold scrolls on the road.

Before entering the carriage, Ouyang Mingjing looked around in the procession. Until he saw Qing'er in the procession, he felt relieved. As expected, Longqing did everything right.

Qing'er, who is in the team, can't believe Ouyang Mingjing's eyes at first, and then doesn't know whether he is looking at himself or not.


In her whole life, she often saw such a look, and she was very satisfied.

That's why she did it.

As for the young lady, she can only repay her in the next life.

Qing'er put away his eyes, slightly lowered his head, eyes firmly toward the front.

As long as there is no accident, she will go to the snow area with her. When she comes to the snow area, she will stay in the snow area all her life and see him often.

Qing'er's heart is slightly tight.

At the moment, Gu Chaoyan also looked carefully at the place where Ouyang Ming looked in the mirror.

Ouyang Ming is looking for someone.

But who was he looking for in the crowd?

Gu Chaoyan carefully looked at it, then put away his eyes, only as if he was just a casual look, not some special.

The carriage in the snow area is very fast, just like the fear that Gu Chaoyan will repent.

They followed quickly, but the strange thing was that they didn't know what was going on. The carriage that followed the snow was very stable. Even if it was very fast, Gu Chaoyan couldn't feel the turbulence in the carriage.

They walked a part of the way, and the shadow gate's dark guard came to announce the news.

As soon as Jian went to listen, he came into the carriage.

"What's the matter, but what's the matter?" Gu Chaoyan asked.

"Miss, something really happened in the capital." The expression on Jian Yi's face was complicated.

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