Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2108

Gu Chaoyan was relieved to see that they were just blocked by other sects.

Solve these xuanyuemen people, then can complete this task, she also can go back to practice well.

Think, Gu Chao Yan also went down directly.

The people in xuanyuemen are just as arrogant when they see that the Supreme Master has come to help them. It seems that they are not afraid at all. They make up their mind to get into trouble with them.

"What if your elder martial brother comes? If you hurt the people of xuanyuezong first, you must give us an account! " Xuanyuezong's disciples said to the Supreme Master.

The people of xuanyuezong said that wushangzong hurt people first.

Di Hongyun is not so rash.

"What happened?" Lu Zhengyang looked at the disciples and said with a voice of reprimand.

No wonder something like this happened for no reason.

it turned out that the disciples of the supreme sect hurt others first.

If you go out, you can't make trouble, let alone take the initiative to hurt people. If it's true, there's no reason for you.

If it's time to apologize, apologize.

Xuanyuezong's people saw that LV Zhengyang was already denouncing the people of the supreme school. He had a triumphant smile on his face and looked at the people of the supreme school with contemptuous eyes: "your elder martial brother has denounced you. You don't really apologize."


"do it, it's the people of your supreme sect who do it first. Am I still wronging you?" Xuanyuezong said.

Seeing that he was so upright, LV Zhengyang was almost certain that they should not have lied.

"Did you do it first?" Lu Zhengyang asked.

Several disciples of the supreme sect looked at each other and obviously did not know how to answer.

"We did it first, but..." before the leader of the mission team had finished speaking, LV Zhengyang directly cut off his words: "if you did it first, please apologize. How does zongxun teach you? When you go out, the people of my supreme school don't take the initiative to hurt others. "

"Did you hear that? Apologize, kneel down and apologize Xuanyuezong said triumphantly.

The disciples of the supreme school were aggrieved.

They did it first, but they were really right.

"On your knees?" Listening, LV Zhengyang also felt that something was wrong: "we are all disciples of the sect. I'm afraid it's too much to kneel down?"

LV Zhengyang frowned, obviously dissatisfied with kneeling down.

"Well, you're the supreme patriarch. You think it's OK just to apologize? Naturally, we have to kneel down before we can forgive, otherwise we have to report to the clan. " Xuanyuemen people arrogantly said.

Gu Chaoyan didn't want to participate any more.

Still came out.

"Since it was the supreme patriarch who did it first, there must be something wrong with the dispute between the two sides. Can't they do it for no reason? Why did you hurt people? " Gu Chaoyan asked these disciples.

These disciples are all dressed in the clothes of inner disciples.

Gu Chaoyan was dressed as a disciple.

Now, even if a disciple of the supreme sect asked, they nodded and said, "they teased Yi Lu first. Yi Lu is our female disciple of the supreme sect. Naturally, we want to protect her, so we do it."

"Is that so?" Gu Chaoyan looks at the person of xuanyue gate.

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