Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2115

"What's more, they still have no human skin and can only survive with their flesh and blood.

But their cultivation is extremely powerful.

And never die.

Because they are dead bodies, they are immortal. And they and the witches never die. Until a hundred years ago, the witches used witchcraft to make them continue to be corpses. Unexpectedly, they had vitality again. " Elder Qing spoke about the situation of these dead people.

"At present, no dead people have been found in the major branches. This is the first time. It's not a good thing." Green elder is full of worry of open mouth say.

However, looking at the situation of the corpse clan, it seems that it has not been restored.

So I keep eating green grass, even Terrans.

The relationship between the dead and the sorcery was never dead. A hundred years ago, they tried not to be enemies with the human race.

Before the corpse clan became the corpse clan, it was also a human race. They also had brains and were very smart. Naturally, it was clear that making enemies on all sides was not good for the corpse clan.


Under extremely bad circumstances, they will not worry about these things compared with their current interests.

It seems that the current situation of the dead is worse than expected.

Otherwise, he would choose to eat qingyangcao.

Elder Qing thought of what happened before.

There is a monster in Longdi mountain, but now it is because the monster has fallen that no one has picked the green grass.

It's very possible that there are no so-called monsters at all.

It's this corpse clan all the time.

And qingyangcao is obviously not satisfied with it, it will be so designed to let the Terran come.

And then devour the people who come to get green grass, so as to recover their cultivation.

Elder Qing sorted out these thoughts, only felt that the whole person's scalp was numb.

"It's a matter of great importance to the dead, and it's not something we can solve. We can't solve the problem of the huge dead clan. Go back to zongmen first, and then discuss with zongmen to see how to solve this problem. " Elder Qing soon made a plan.

Elder Qing's meaning is different from Gu Chaoyan's original intention.

But it's a big deal.

Gu Chaoyan thinks it's still according to elder Qing's idea.

Since I want to go back to zongmen.

So they left without delay, and did not disturb the dead.

Back at the sect, elder Lin planned to take Gu Chaoyan directly to the weapon refining sect. Gu Chaoyan still thought how to avoid elder Lin, so elder Qing took elder Lin and left.

Gu Chaoyan was relieved.

Fortunately, I was pulled away.

It will take her a lot of time to leave the refining house.

The original task of this sect delayed him a lot of time and her cultivation.

Go back to the house.

She took out the spirit stones and began to absorb the spirit.

It's half absorbed.

The door was knocked again.

Gu Chaoyan looks helpless.

When he opened the door and was about to scold, the disciple of the beast controlling sect said, "elder Qing said that you don't have to complete the third task. You are qualified to enter the beast controlling sect, so now I'll let you go to the beast controlling sect."

The disciple of the beast controlling sect said politely.

If it had been before, they would not have been so lucky.

Now Gu Chaoyan not only killed the mutant beast, but also saved the disciples of the supreme sect. Those disciples even adored Gu Chaoyan, so now the inner disciples accept him.

Enter Yushou sect?

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