Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2122

"Well, I'll arrange a disciple of Yaozong to show him to your attendants. These two days I'll take care of him, and you'll plant qingyangcao here. You can succeed or not!" Said the old man with white beard.

It's not difficult to take care of the servants.

Any disciple of Yaozong can do it.

It's qingyangcao. Most people can't!

Although Gu Chaoyan is ridiculous.

But obviously, the old man with white beard made the disciples feel ridiculous.

It's just a servant. What are they.

I asked the disciples of Yaozong to go.

However, the old man's words were exactly what Gu Chaoyan wanted.

She was willing to face the expression, and then suddenly remembered something, such as facing the enemy: "no way."

"Why can't you, my disciple of the medicine sect, don't you worry?" The old man with white beard had an incomprehensible expression on his face.

"My servant was injured by two disciples of your medicine school. They said that his name was Wu Yuze and Fei Zizhen. If they were allowed to go, I'm afraid that Qingyang grass will live, and my servant won't be able to live!" Gu Chaoyan is full of worry to say, saying the disciple of medicine clan is like saying what unreasonable wild fire beast general.

What else?

The disciples of Yaozong beat other people's servants at will.

Gu Chaoyan said here.

Almost everyone understood.

She's here to ask for pills. She's here to talk.

It's just that the two disciples of Yaozong were miserable.

The smile on Fu Xinde's face was deeper.

No wonder he thought it was strange.

Gu Chaoyan always has a purpose when he does things like this. How can he come to him for no reason, and the reason is why he wants pills.

So the real reason is here.

However, she is also a magical person.

It's about being really smart and having the ability to do it.

Will let some can't get justice of things not only can get justice, but also let those people have no way to bully her and her people.

This younger martial sister is really a treasure.

"What can't live! unable. I will come to inquire about this in person. I will arrange the disciples of the medicine sect to take good care of your attendants, and I will find out what happened to your attendants when they were beaten. You don't have to take care of these. You can plant half of the Qingyang grass here. You can use the field of Yaozong as long as it can live! " White beard old man direct overbearing said, a hold him here.

I've already said that.

Gu Chaoyan naturally has nothing to shirk.

Just plant it.

Half of the grass shows that the old man didn't put all his hopes on her. The other half, I'm afraid, should be handed over to the disciples of the medicine sect.

Gu Chaoyan didn't feel much about it.

The only thing is that it's a pity that half of the qingyangcao is gone. It's a good pill!

There was a cry in her heart.

Then it was quiet.

This half of the grass was given to her.

And the rest are in charge of the disciples of Yaozong.

But just now that radical medicine sect disciple, is secretly compared with Gu Chaoyan meaning, even unwilling to say directly: "I will see if you can really grow live, or only mouth fierce!"

"You'll see." Gu Chaoyan easily dropped a sentence, and then looked at them: "I hope so many of you can't be inferior to me. I'm not a disciple of Yaozong."

"Of course not." Said the disciple.

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