Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2350

Emperor Jinwei is really relieved now. He feels that everything is good from the worst to the present, so he is in a good mood after being scared.

The major events have been discussed, and now there are some trivial things. Emperor Jinwei is quite willing to talk about these things.

Gu Chao Yan couldn't avoid a white eye.

The emperor Jinwei is also a wonderful person.

Just now, he looked as if he would step on the sky if he changed the rules. Later, he thought it was good. Now that so many things have happened, he feels that everything is easy and he is in the mood to be a matchmaker.

She has no choice but to be helpless.

"No, now that we've settled, we'll go back." Gu Chaoyan was very quiet and didn't want to talk to Emperor Jinwei.

The emperor, Jin Wei, was a little out of tune, but he was very smart and had a heart for everything.

Match her.

Naturally, she also wanted to pinch her.

Emperor Jinwei saw that she didn't want to, and he didn't ask for it at the moment. He just said, "don't worry. It's not too late to talk about it when you want to."

Gu Chaoyan did not reply, with mammy will go back.

Mammy had nothing to say all the way.

She was really shocked.

There are many things that she can't do at all. In fact, as long as she does, it's still very easy to do. They always want to endure, but did not think that resistance is not so difficult.


Women in the world can really practice openly.

Although it will take time to really compete with men, they have a chance.

Mammy has been in shock, Gu Chaoyan does not disturb her.

Emperor Jinwei did what he said. Early the next morning, he announced that Jinwei's women would be allowed to practice.

When the edict came out, no one in the court had any objection.

No one wants to go out and fight against what the emperor has already approved of when he knows what happened in the palace yesterday.

And Jin Wei's folk, full of complaints, did not like the occurrence of this will.

These folk men do not have many rights, but they can squeeze some women. Now they don't even have the only right to squeeze others.

I can be happy there.

But there was no way to complain. Their voices were soon annihilated in these women's voices.

The joy of Jin Wei's whole country is more than these complaints.

Gu Chaoyan looks at Jin Wei's situation.

She's like teaching people to fish.

Give them the right to practice.

In the future, as long as they are willing to work hard, there will be no problem.

And her task, here, is also completed.

The pagoda is guarded by Mammy and Miss Lin.

The existence of this pagoda is like being able to clamp down on the emperor.

If they want to take back their life, they have to be afraid.

Put everything in order.

Chaos time and space also came out: "the task is completed very quickly. Do you mind continuing another task in this time and space? If the task is completed, the reward is much more attractive. It can help you refine the cultivation of the supreme martial god in the chaotic time and space. "

Hearing the supreme martial god, Gu Chaoyan's eyes were completely bright.

No wonder it's a good thing. It's true.

I didn't expect that she would be able to achieve the cultivation of the supreme martial god so soon.

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