Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2355

After allowing women to practice, Jin Wei's national strength will only become stronger and stronger, and the country will only become more and more rich. In Gu Chaoyan's view, within three years, Jin Wei and Bai Zhou will have a greater difference. If Bai Zhou is always like this, I'm afraid that in a few years, he will be directly annexed by Jin Wei.

When she came to Baizhou, her task was to let Baizhou people know the power and fear of women. As long as she did this, she didn't have to fight for anything for Baizhou women.

In fact, she does not have to do anything, with Jinwei as a start, many things will slowly change.

Gu Chaoyan thought about these things.

And at this moment, also slowly to the white Zhou palace.

In Bai Zhou's palace, many imperial guards and eunuchs were shocked to see that there were women in Jin Wei's envoys. After the shock, they were more dissatisfied.

Gu Chao Yan is still open to the palace, not affected by these eyes.

If she could be slightly influenced by these little things, she would not be able to do the things before.

Jin Wei's emperor and envoys looked down on him.

He thought that if he brought her to Baizhou, Baizhou people would be able to meet her.

It's very childish.

King Baizhou received Jinwei's envoys. In Jinluan Hall of Baizhou, only king Baizhou paid attention to Jinwei.

Jin Wei's national strength is higher than that of Bai Zhou.

Therefore, Bai Zhou was somewhat flattering in front of Jin Wei, and he was extremely polite to Jin Wei's envoys, not to mention the prince who came with him this time.

The third prince, in Jinwei, is not valued at all and has no position at all.

In Baizhou, I'm afraid it's his most beautiful time.

The third prince's face was finally a little arrogant.

"Jinwei's Prince and envoys have come. Sit down, and you've been ready for a long time..." the king of Bai Zhou said with a bright smile. Before he finished his words, at this moment, the king of Bai Zhou's eyes saw Gu Chaoyan and several girls accompanying him, and his face became gloomy immediately.

Jin Wei is willing to arrange for the prince and envoys to come to the banquet, which is to give him the face of Bai Zhou and the king of Bai Zhou. Naturally, he is extremely happy.


What's going on?

Bring some women here to insult Bai Zhou?

Although Bai Zhou's national strength is not as good as Jin Wei's, it can't be insulted by everyone!!

"Emperor Jinwei looks down on US Bai Zhou." King Bai Zhou's face was ugly, his voice was gloomy, and he seemed to want to leave the lives of these envoys.

It's obviously a taboo of Bai Zhou.

Jin Wei's envoys had planned to watch a good play. They saw how the king of Bai Zhou humiliated these women. Obviously, when they looked at the king of Bai Zhou, they felt that something was wrong. They were angry. Although Bai Zhou's national strength was not good, he angered the king of Bai Zhou and told them that it was possible to vent their anger here.

He came here to get rich, but he didn't want to die here.

Thank you very much!

Jinwei's envoys were so scared that they quickly said, "King Baizhou misunderstood."


"our emperor arranged for these women to come here, not because he despised Bai Zhou, but because he valued Bai Zhou."

"Value?" The white Zhou King's face was more ugly, as if he was being played with the same expression: "arrange a few unlucky women to come, this can call attention?"

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