Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2366

Mammy soon understood.

Put down the sandalwood comb in the hand, said without emotion outside: "third prince, miss is resting."

The third prince subconsciously looked inside. He still had some thoughts that he didn't want to leave. Seeing that Mammy was directly standing at the door, there was no way to let him in, so he gave up and retreated.

"I don't know what's good." Mammy closed the door and said with emotion.

If the three princes knew the right way, it would be good for them in the future. Unfortunately, he didn't know. Some things can only come to the present.

Gu Chaoyan no longer talks.

Obviously not willing to waste a little time on the third prince.

"The king of Bai Zhou has arranged for people to go to Jinwei. I want to see what's going on in Jinwei today. Before long, Bai Zhou's situation should be as expected by miss. Bai Zhou is poor, but he can still live in peace with Jin Wei. The king of Bai Zhou is also extremely clever. " Said mammy with a smile.

"Well." Gu Chaoyan answered, and after that, she knew very well that her task was basically completed. When she went back to Jinwei, she could leave and go to the chaotic time and space to refine and reach the cultivation of the supreme martial god.

Although the surface is calm, but Gu Chaoyan himself is very clear, her heart is extremely excited.

She's getting closer to revenge.

"What's the matter, miss?" Mammy looked at her with some worry, because she saw her hand pulling more and more tightly.

"Nothing." Gu Chaoyan light smile to show that he is really nothing.

Mammy was relieved.

One night's time passed.

The next day.

It's the Palace Banquet.

Gu Chaoyan got up early, and mammy dressed her.

After finishing dressing, it was time to go out of the room. The third prince and the envoy were waiting there. The third prince was very happy and reasonable, and the envoy's face was a little ugly. He didn't like Xu xunnan, but he didn't treat Xu xunnan. He was led by her nose all the time, and he was happy Come on.

But there is no way to be unhappy.

Bai Zhou people didn't give him face at all, so they gave Xu xunnan face.

If he doesn't follow, he will lose face and be ugly.

The third prince saw her coming out and welcomed her with a smile. Gu Chaoyan directly turned away. Mammy also stopped the third prince with herself at this time.

The third prince's original plan failed. He laughed awkwardly, but he was still trying his best to please: "today, Miss Xu is very good-looking. She is bound to be the princesses of Bai Zhou."

"Third prince, I'm here as an emissary, representing the women of Jin Wei. Yan pressure is just skin." Gu Chaoyan did not politely said.

The emissary was a little bit happy, and felt that the three princes were no better than him.

After that, Gu Chaoyan was not willing to say anything.

The third prince was still happy.

Mammy looked at the three princes, only to see a rare fool.

They were the envoys of Jin Wei. They usually came to the banquet late.


When they arrive.

The attendance rate of the Palace Banquet is almost full, and it is also very busy at this time.

I haven't felt such a lively atmosphere for a long time.

Gu Chaoyan is also in a good mood.

At this time..


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