Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2368

"In the face of you being the prince, I didn't do it to you, but don't deceive people too much, otherwise I will do it directly." Gu Chaoyan narrowed his eyes and looked unhappy. "I'm Jinwei. I came to Baizhou only when I sent you to Baizhou. I didn't come here to be bullied by you. You're Jinwei and nobody, and I'm insulting you. "


" if I were someone else, I would have done it directly, not just splashing tea. "


" if you make any more noise, I'll be rude. " Gu Chaoyan said.

"What are we doing? You are a woman The fourth prince opened his mouth. Before he finished, Gu Chaoyan took a palm and beat him down.

The fourth Prince's face was the same as the color of pig liver.

He is also a man of accomplishments.

How can he have a good face now that he has been slapped like this.

When he fell down, there was no one to help him for a long time, because now his own people were knocked down, and they were rubbing the wound.

"I don't mean to have a dispute with one of your princes, but don't blame me for being rude. I'm Jinwei's envoy. I'm here. If someone doesn't agree with me, just come up. " Gu Chaoyan looked around for a week, and no one spoke.

The fourth Prince's appearance now, they all look in the eye.

The cultivation of the fourth Prince has reached the cultivation of the samurai. In the future, those who can touch the cultivation of the king of Wu have been beaten so miserably. They have the same result, so they don't do it at all.

"The cultivation of the warrior qichongtian is not as good as that of the people in my hands. I don't know what you're doing here?" Gu Chaoyan said with disdain.

"What?" The fourth prince was full of shock.

Even the people in her hands are inferior, that is to say, the women behind her?

No way.

At this time, Mammy released her authority.

Her authority was the authority of King Wu's cultivation and the authority of the fourth prince who could be in front of him.

They're not.

Cultivation is so high.

And a woman?


Women have been useless since ancient times. Why.

Before, he could hardly understand his father's way of doing things. He felt that his father did not have to let a Jinwei woman fool around for his magnanimity. Now, even if he did not understand, he understood.

Father, this is, there is no way to take them?

On the one hand, it is due to Jin Wei.

One is their cultivation.

How could that be?

The fourth prince was shocked and couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, the king of Bai Zhou finally came out and made the decision: "Miss Xu, I'm young and I don't know much about them. Please don't worry about them. After the Palace Banquet, I ask them to apologize to you personally. "

Colleague, the king of white Zhou glared at the fourth prince. He was very dissatisfied and said, "nonsense!"

"My son knows his mistake." The fourth Prince no longer struggled, but obediently said, and then continued to fall into his own completely shocked world.

The king of Bai Zhou politely welcomed them in.

This year's Palace Banquet, for Bai Zhou, is totally different from the previous Palace Banquet. They are all talking and shaking.

The fourth Prince's face was ugly and he sat back.

But it's always in silence.

Jinwei's envoy's face is not good again.

He thought it was.

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