Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2384

Hearing this, others didn't have much emotion at all.

Come back, come back, what's the use?

What else can she do besides make trouble?

I don't know what's wrong with Gary.

So trust her.

Gu Chaoyan looked at the people in a group.

I don't care what these people are going to do.

"Gary, come and have a try." Gu Chaoyan's voice is calm, just like talking about a tiny thing.

But Gary's eyes were burning. He knew that the bow and arrow must have succeeded!

That's a weapon!

A real weapon.

Gary put down what he was holding and came over excited.

Gu Chaoyan handed him the bow and arrow: "you try my bow and arrow power."

Gary got it and started to try.

The use of bow and arrow, the patriarch said to him yesterday, he is simply backward, so he knows how to use.

Gary took it in his hand, pointed it at the trees not far away, and pulled up his bow and arrow.

Other people's eyes are on the bow and arrow.

Let the arrow go.

The arrow is steady on the tree. Someone can't pull it out.

Gary looked at Gu Chaoyan excitedly: "patriarch! It's a success

"Well, now it's just a simple version. For the time being, use it first, and then if there are more suitable bows and arrows, bows and arrows will have greater power. In this way, we don't have to be afraid of fighting with others. " Gu Chaoyan said with a faint smile.

For a moment, people in the clan were looking at Gary's bow and arrow.

It's a great weapon.

There is no man in the clan who doesn't like it. Even women want to try it in their hands.

Their previous fight with the Moko people was because they didn't have any weapons, so they were injured so seriously. Now it's different. With this thing, the Moko people are not their opponents.


The clan leader actually worked for them.

Besides, it's so powerful.

For a moment, everyone looked at Gary enviously.

Because Gary can have this, and they don't have it.

Oliver and Warren were also envious and asked, "Gary, can you give us a try?"

Their eyes were full of longing, and they felt that they would have no regrets if they could only try.

Gu Chaoyan looked at them.

He handed them the bow and arrow he had made for them: "I've made it for you too. You don't have to try Gary's. when the bamboo house is built, you can try this bow and arrow again."

Oliver and Warren were so excited that they were about to jump.

They have something as powerful as that.

The rest of the clan can only watch.

Giles wanted it, too, but he didn't dare ask for it.

He just said something that he shouldn't have said. Now, how nice.

"Bows and arrows are made for our people not to be bullied. Everyone can have them, but the most important thing now is to build a bamboo house, and then teach you how to make bows and arrows. Is that ok?"

"Good!" People in the clan said excitedly.

They can all have this.

Isn't that...

the people who just spoke no longer doubt it, and they are in a good mood. In this way, the patriarch really wants to be the patriarch!

Everyone came to help build the bamboo house.

Only Giles, who is still standing there, is stubborn and has his own dignity. He just said so much. Now he is embarrassed to go. He can only be here in such an embarrassing way.

Gu Chaoyan came towards him.

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