Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2394

These thunder fire clan's people are inconceivable to stand in the same place, some don't believe that they are so rejected.

In the past, the patriarch just sent two people casually. The patriarchs of the five elements can't wait to give them all the things in the whole clan, for fear that there will be something missing.

This time.

Because the things of the five elements are really good, they arranged a few more people.

Instead of being ungrateful, she asked them to go back?

The thunder fire people will be angry immediately.

But Gary, with his bow and arrow in his hand, was beside him. It seemed that if they had a little movement, they would move. And the head of the five elements had already left.

They're not stupid, either.

This weapon is extremely powerful. They don't want to explain it here.

Someone pulled others and whispered, "go back and report to the patriarch first."

These thunder fire clan people just left.

Gary was relieved.

It's not only for the thunder fire clan, but also for the clan leader.

"The patriarch really seems to have changed." Some people excitedly said that what they fear most about the thunder fire clan is that the clan leader is like before, and let the five elements continue to have nothing.


The patriarch didn't, not at all.

I'm at ease.

It's like a patriarch.

Gary's face also showed some joy. Although he was relieved, he didn't completely relax.

What he is worried about now is that if the thunder fire clan really moves their clan leader, will the clan leader still have the present insistence? In case of being persuaded, even if they don't completely send out the materials of the five elements, teach them to build bamboo houses and give them bows and arrows, it's not a good thing.

This is the world.

Even today, there will be friendly contacts among some ethnic groups.

But in the end, there is total unity between the races.

If they have a chance, they may attack the weaker ones.

Of course, there are also completely kind people.

Thunder fire is not.

There is no such possibility at all.

Can't give a little material to thunder fire clan!

Gary thinks so.

So I'm still preoccupied.

Others are happy.

And a few thunder fire people who were turned away.

I don't have a good face.

They are members of the thunder fire clan. They are used to domineering in front of the people of the five elements. This is the first time that they have been rejected.

There will be good temper.

"You say, that girl's brain is smoked, unexpectedly still put up spectrum."

"The five elements are all good things. I'm afraid she knows how good these things are, so she's looking forward to using them to attract our clan leader. It's just a woman with a bad brain. I don't care about her. Just go back and report it to the patriarch. It's just a matter of spending more energy. Sooner or later, those things will be ours. " Thunder fire clan's person opens mouth to say.

"That's right. That's the way she is. If we ask the clan leader to come out, we will not only need some materials, but also all the things of the five elements Another person arrogantly said.

"Well, it's all ours. It's just a matter of time."

A few people smile and go to thunder fire clan.

A few hours later, they went back.

Go straight to the tent of the thunder fire clan leader Adams.

"What about the things?" Asked Adams.

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