Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2396

The so-called gift.

That is, some materials.

The most important thing in the clan is some animal skins, which are mainly used for tents to avoid rain and freezing in snowy days. Secondly, some food.

Besides wild vegetables, the food is the meat of some wild animals.

The meat is easy to get bad, so apart from what we ate at that time, the rest will be dried. After being dried, they can be better preserved. These will be well preserved. In winter, when there is ice and snow everywhere, there are no wild vegetables, and we can't hunt, they will be used to satisfy our hunger and survive the winter.

What Adams asked his people to prepare is some dried meat, not much, just a few pieces. It's almost OK to treat the five elements. That's what Adams thought.

Because the patriarch of the five elements has no brain.

A little coaxing, everything out.

A few pieces of dried meat, in the eyes of Adams and thunder fire clan, has given face.

It's going to be dark soon, and Adams doesn't rush to go. Instead, he plans to wait until the next day, when it's dawn, and then go to the five elements.

The thunder fire people are very happy.

Because they know that they will have new materials soon.

Just as the sky turned white, they got up.

Women are ready to do some trivia in the clan, while men are going to work, that is hunting, with their assigned tools.

Adams took several people with him and started from the family and walked to the five elements.

I brought a little dry food along the way.

Once and for all, it's almost a day. You can't survive without food.

There is no means of transportation, where to go is on one leg.

Fortunately, there is no dangerous place on the road.

Walking is common for them.

After more than an hour, I finally arrived at the place of the five elements.

Adams looked at the place of the five elements from a distance. The original five elements were poor and shabby. There were only three tents in one family. One of them was the patriarch, and the rest was not enough for the injured or the old people.

On weekdays, let alone eat meat, there is no chance to eat meat at all.

Just eat some wild vegetables.


What kind of shelter did the five elements build?

And it looks better than the tent.

From a distance, you can see that the young men of the five elements are armed and energetic, and some of them are still holding some prey.

When did the five elements become like this?

Fortunately, they are here today, otherwise they will not be able to do so.

Adam was very lucky.

At the same time, also very happy, dark face is a hearty smile.

After seeing Adams, these men of the five element clan immediately changed their faces. Obviously, they didn't welcome a few uninvited guests.

Yesterday, only the Leihuo clan came. Today, their clan leader came in person, and I don't know how to cajole their clan leader.

They want to keep everything of the five elements by themselves. They don't want to give it away!

The people of the five elements are full of vigilance, while the people of the thunder fire are careless: "our clan leader has come by himself. Go and tell your clan leader that I, Adams, have something to discuss with your clan leader."

When Gary heard this, he motioned to them to guard the thunder and fire people here, and he told them in person.

The look on Gary's face was still complicated.

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