Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2398

But the facial features are much more delicate than others, with big eyes and angular chin.

He was wearing a skirt of animal skin to cover the lower part of his body. He also had a very simple garment made of animal skin, which was hung on his body. This was not available to ordinary people, only to the head of Leihuo clan.

There's no place to cover. His body is full of muscles. His legs are long and good-looking.

If you dress up a little, it must be good-looking.

It's no wonder that the original patriarch of the five element clan would like the patriarch of the thunder fire clan. Her appearance is really good-looking. It has to be said that this patriarch has evolved a lot more than other people in the world. Other people's eyes are only survival, and she has paid attention to appearance.

Gu Chaoyan didn't know how to say it.

Today, the head of Leihuo clan comes here to make good use of the head of Wuxing clan.

Gu Chaoyan's psychology has almost understood some things.

And Adams, just came in, saw that the matriarch of the five elements had been staring at him.

He doesn't know what it's about.

Shelley has always been obsessed with him.

It's not the obsession with the care of thunder fire clan, but the obsession with him.

In Adams's opinion, this is a brain problem.

They are wandering around like this, so they want to destroy the clan.

It's good.

She has a problem in her head, so the thunder fire people can feel better.

Adams didn't mind her staring at herself.

See a position, then domineering sat down.

Then he motioned to his people to bring things up: "it's going to be winter. I think the dried meat is what your people need now, so I brought it here."

Adams said to the five elements like giving something.

After all, in his opinion, it is a matter of gratitude for the people of the five elements to eat dried meat.

Gu Chaoyan took a serious look at the dried meat.

Leihuo people are not very generous. They just bring two pieces of dried meat, which is just a small part of the prey of today's five elements.

And what they want, compared with the dried meat they send, is insincere.

Gu Chaoyan did not open his mouth, so the people of the five elements did not come forward to collect.

The people of thunder fire clan are holding the dried meat in their hands, and the smile on their faces is gradually disappearing.

At last, with Adams's sign, he reluctantly put it on the table.

No one of the five elements cares about this.

This surprised Adams and the thunder fire people.

This is meat.

It's something they rarely see.

Of course, they don't know that there are still a lot of prey that the five elements haven't dealt with. They can see the meat there.

"Don't mention it. We don't need meat for the time being. In the winter, the thunder fire people also need to store grain. It's a serious business for you to take them back to them. The Leihuo clan leader said that there was something to discuss. What was it? " Gu Chaoyan finally said a word, but obviously don't want to accept such a little thing, out of the favor to return.

Adams was a little upset.

What do you want to say.

After thinking about it, meat is not an important thing, so I don't want to spend time arguing about the two pieces of meat.

"There is something to discuss."


"I see that the bamboo houses you built are not bad, and the weapons of your people are also very good."

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