Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2403

"I'm the one who wants bacon." Ayna made a reservation in advance.

Gu Chaoyan couldn't help laughing.

Aina, the girl, is very cheerful and cheerful all day.

It's very good.

And she trusted herself.

"Well, we Aina want to eat bacon. In winter, we will eat bacon with me. I'll make delicious food for you." Gu Chao Yan said with a smile.

"Patriarch!" Ayna was full of excitement.

She thought, it's good to be like this now.

The clan leader no longer faces the thunder fire clan all day, but also spends a lot of energy preparing for their winter days.

If only the five elements could always be like this.

I'm sure they'll have a good life.

I'm happy to think about ayna.

The people who are in charge of cooking meat are also cooking now. The smell of meat is everywhere. No matter what kind of people they are, they can smell the smell of meat.

Cooking meat!

Then they can eat meat when they rest.

They haven't eaten such meat in a long time.

When the old patriarch was there, there was little chance.

Everyone was so excited.

Today, the clan leader also ridiculed the people of Leihuo clan, which is also a happy thing.

It's a celebration at the moment.

And Adams and several members of the thunder fire clan, who were driven out of the thunder fire clan, went back now with an ugly face.

Now Adams, the head of the thunder fire clan, has come forward in person. Unexpectedly, the people of the five elements still refuse to give them any face, and they are not willing to share their bamboo houses and weapons with the thunder fire clan.

What can we do.

The thunder fire clan's head is so angry for the first time, but they have never been looked down upon and bullied by the people of the five elements. What can they say in their heart.

What's the attitude of the patriarchs of the five elements before? Let's look at the present.

"Patriarch, if I want to speak, I should take our people directly to rob them and drive them away. These things naturally belong to us, and we need to swallow them like this. You are willing to wrongly marry the woman of the five elements. She is shameless and says that we insulted her. "


"I don't want to see what they are."

"No way." Adams directly denied his words.

He is the head of the clan. In the future, he is going to lead these clansmen to a better life. It is absolutely impossible for him to take risks with them because he is angry for a moment.

If you can't beat the five elements, what kind of trauma will thunder fire suffer?

What kind of life will the clansmen lead? They have not seen the five elements before. How can they not know.

Adams' responsibility did not allow him to do so.

"Now the people of the five elements have weapons and bamboo houses to protect their old people and children. We thunder fire clan are indeed many times more people than them, and we have more materials than them. But do you see that the weapons of the five elements clan can reach us from a distance, and our weapons must be close to them. If we force ourselves to snatch, we will only lose more. Even if we are forced to win the five elements, what will happen in the end, don't you know? "


"haven't we ever taken risks before? And the end result? " Asked Adams.

"Patriarch, what should we do?"

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