Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2412

Knowing that tomatoes are really sweet and can be eaten, Gu Chaoyan is also very happy.

There are too few materials in this world.

In addition to some wild animals, others are some very bad wild vegetables, which are edible and nontoxic. The taste is relatively good, but there is still some meat in these wild vegetables. Where is enough?

With tomatoes, there are also things that can supplement vitamins.

How can Gu Chaoyan not be excited.

Gary's eyes were wide open, and he looked at her without blinking, for fear that she would die of poisoning because of eating the red fruit.

As a result, Gu Chaoyan had nothing to do for a while.

She is still lively, and quite happy to finish the rest.

Then she said, "if you don't worry about these red fruits, don't eat them. I've eaten them now. If I have nothing to do tomorrow, they will be non-toxic. Let's take them and continue to look for other things."

Now the patriarch has eaten it, and the best way is this.

The clan people all agree and worry that their clan leader is really poisoned. In this way, they can't explain.

"Patriarch, if there is any fruit you need to try, let's eat it first. If it's non-toxic, you can take it back. You are the patriarch. You should not do these things. We people should be in front of you. " The people of the five elements said specially.

Gu Chaoyan shook his head slightly: "it's OK."


"well, you can get some food to eat."


The ethnic group began to cook and eat.

Gu Chaoyan is in this nearby again to sway for a while, anyway still can see.

She found that in addition to the small area where she first saw a lot of tomatoes, not far away scattered, there are also a lot of tomatoes.

So many tomatoes, even if they make a wheel car to transport back, they can only eat for two or three days. After two or three days, even if they don't finish eating, it will almost be bad.

It's not worthwhile for them to work so hard.

If so.

If you take the tomato and its tree back with you, it must be good to plant it near the five elements.

I can even eat it, and I don't have to work so hard.

I think so.

Gu Chaoyan began to look for things suitable for making wheeled cars.

It is almost impossible to be more advanced and similar to a carriage under such conditions.

Now we can only do the simple version.

Use the right tree trunk to make small wheels, and then put up the shelf, so that these tomatoes can be tied to the shelf, and they are pulled back.

Although it won't be too convenient, it's labor-saving.

I won't let them work so hard.

Gu Chaoyan found a suitable tree trunk. The tree trunk had been cut down long ago, so it was dry. Before she came here, she made a simple thing that could saw the tree trunk with some tools from her family, and began to work on the wheels.

"Patriarch, what are you doing?" Gary asked curiously.

"Then you will know." Gu Chaoyan let him just look at it, and he continued to do it.

It's very rough.

But it's up to her expectations.

It's almost done. It's completely dark.

I can't see it. I can only talk about it tomorrow.

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