Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2418

Along the way, I also tried to learn from Gary, such as what I need to pay attention to and observe.

Think about what she said with Aina yesterday, she completely heard in her heart, otherwise she would not do so well today. As long as Aina can do these things well, Gu Chaoyan will be in a good mood.

From time to time along the way, I gave some advice to myself.

"Ayna, what Gary said is right. Even if we need to find and find some fresh food slowly, we can't act rashly. We can determine whether it is poisonous by tasting everything."


"if it is really toxic, the loss will be great. Remember, don't do anything rashly." Gu Chaoyan looked at eager to try a Yina with a bit of scolding said.

Since listening to her words yesterday, Aina is very excited and always wants to do something.

That's what I said to Gary today.

She can't listen, so she corrects Aina.

"Everything is good. Life is the most important thing." Gu Chaoyan's voice was much louder when he said this, not only for ayina, but also for other people.

Let them know the truth.

More than a day.

They finally got to the place of cotton.

This time, Gu Chaoyan did not want to transport cotton trees back to planting.

Cotton trees and tomatoes have different requirements for soil.

When the five elements chose the place where they were stationed, they chose the place close to the small river because it was convenient for them to eat.

It's a cotton tree. It's a place that needs to be dried again.

In this position is very good, there is no need to transport back to their own kind.

"You pick them as I do, and take them all back!" Gu Chaoyan shouts.


Almost half of the five element people, about 50 people, took a day to pick them off, each carrying a bag of drums.

When it was dark, Gu Chaoyan asked them to choose a suitable place to rest nearby.

Early in the morning, they will take things back. Almost at night, they will be able to go to the five elements, so that they don't have to stay outside for another day.

There are only half of the people in the family. Gu Chaoyan is not very relieved.

The main reason is that there are thunder fire people who are covetous. They are afraid that they will take advantage of others' danger.

Along the way, Aina often thought of looking around, as if to find something to use.

Because she knew that the cotton was discovered by Gary, she subconsciously wanted to surpass Gary and became so positive.

However, she was not as lucky as Gary. It was something that had a great effect. Along the way, what happened to her was something that could not be eaten or used, and a few were poisonous.

Ayna never gave up.

When it comes to the five elements, if she doesn't give up, she can only give up.

Gu Chao Yan couldn't help laughing at her: "don't lose heart, there are plenty of opportunities in the future, and when you make these cotton, you can still perform well."


"you made the fur in my room? Well done. "


"you have to think about how to make these things."

"Like the fur of a beast?" Aina inquired that there was already a thinking expression on her face.


"Patriarch, Aina, come and find a way." Ayna just like received the mission said.

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