Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2421

Gu Chaoyan's face is not pretty.

But it's impossible to just say no to Gary and not to prepare.

She can be sure.

If you drive the wizard away, the people of the five elements will drive her away first.

Can only reluctantly smile.

Gary had almost no time at all to prepare the rest place.

Welcome the wizard immediately.

Since Gary is so active in the placement of this wizard like a magic wand, let Gary do these things. She is not interested in them. She would rather see how ayna is progressing.

So Gu Chaoyan has planned to go away directly.

At this time, the wizard realized her intention and stopped: "patriarch, come with me. I have something to tell you."

Gu Chaoyan's plan to go away failed completely.

Some are not happy to look at the wizard.

Then he followed slowly.

Gary didn't fool the wizard at all. The bamboo house she vacated was bigger than the bamboo house of her patriarch. The people who originally lived in the bamboo house happily lived in the original animal skin tent.

If the wizard has something to say to the patriarch, Gary will no longer follow him.

It stops here.

Let the two of them in.

The wizard went into the bamboo house, looked at the situation inside, and nodded with satisfaction: "although your family's strength is relatively general, it's really more intelligent than many families. This kind of house is much better than the animal skin tent. You can stand and move freely here. You can keep out the cold in winter, and you can't even get the sun in summer. "


"very good, you are a very good patriarch."

The wizard said with praise.

But Gu Chaoyan didn't think so.

It's not because of anything else, but in her opinion, she doesn't need the praise of this so-called wizard.

The wizard boasted and found that Gu Chaoyan didn't care at all. He didn't understand.

Then he laughed: "you are not the head of the five elements, are you?"


"or, you don't belong in this world."

When he said this, Gu Chaoyan took a fierce look at the wizard.

What did he see?

Or, what does he know?

Is he really not a god stick, but someone who can work out something?

This made Gu Chaoyan in a state of shock.

No wonder people like Gary put the so-called wizard in such a sacred position.

"What did the wizard say? I'm not the head of the five elements. How can I be here? I don't belong to this world. How can I be in this world. I'm afraid the wizard is tired. " Gu Chaoyan denied it directly.

I don't want to talk to this wizard any more.

The wizard laughed.

How many think Gu Chaoyan is some self deception.

"You have developed this clan well, and you have no intention to hurt anyone. I don't know about it. If you have bad intentions in the future, I will naturally exercise my right as a wizard." Said the wizard.


"go out, I'll have a rest." He didn't want to say anything more.

Gu Chaoyan took a step, then hesitated and looked back at him.

Then he went out in a hurry.

After going out, Gary was not far away.

See her come out, face is full of simple smile welcome out.

Gu Chaoyan has a headache.


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