Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2429

"So I'm willing to give up some places and gather people of these ethnic groups to resist together."


"the patriarch of the five element clan also arranges people to go to the Huang clan. Although what the patriarch said is to see if you are willing to go, if you are willing to go, if you are not willing to go, the consequences are very serious." This Huang people's persuasion.

Later, just like Gu Chaoyan, they went on to inform the Leihuo tribe.

Gu Chaoyan saw them off.

A little tangled.

I'm afraid it's the same reason that the Huang people calculated and the wizard calculated.

Such a situation.

They have to make a choice, either go to the Huang nationality or choose their own position.

This is not the case.

Gu Chaoyan doesn't want to make his own decision.

So he arranged for Gary: "Gary, you can arrange for the people to come here and move there, and let them choose for themselves."

Gary nodded solemnly to inform the tribe.

When the tribe got together, Gary told them.

Almost without hesitation, they chose to take refuge in Huang nationality.

This matter, Gu Chaoyan is also able to understand.

The five element clan is a small clan. The people of the small clan are persecuted a lot. There are wild animals outside, and they are often bullied by people of other nationalities.

Subconsciously, they will want to rely on the Han nationality, which is the existence of the Huang nationality.

When they are in danger, they think it is safest to rely on the Huang people.

Since they think so, Gu Chaoyan will follow them.

Just after the selection of the five elements, the wizard came out. The wizard looked at Gu Chaoyan and hung up his trademark smile.

"The wizard is going to leave?" Gu Chaoyan immediately asked with a smile.

"I heard what you said just now. Are you going to the Huang nationality? If that's the case, I'm on my way. I'm going to the Huang people, too. I've just passed by. " The wizard said with a smile.

Gu Chaoyan had a smile, but now his face was stiff.

He's going, too?

Finally get rid of this person, now tell her, still not get rid of?

"Next, we have to trouble the patriarch of the five elements to take care of it." Said the wizard of course.

Gary was glad to hear that: "that's not the dry food."

The wizard nodded.

Gu Chaoyan couldn't laugh completely. He didn't want to take care of the wizard, so he left.

Gary quickly catch up, to persuade said: "patriarch! Now in troubled times, there are witches following us to the Huang nationality. When we get to the Huang nationality, the head of the Huang nationality will take care of us for the sake of our witches, and it's safer along the way. "


"this is a good thing. How can you be unhappy, patriarch?"


"with witches on the way, there are a lot less things to do. We all go to the Huang nationality. There may be some friction on the way. There are few people in our family, so we are doomed to be bullied. We have so many quilts. If we meet other people on the way, how can we keep them, but we can't have witches on the way."

"I see, Gary. When did you get so garrulous?" Gu Chaoyan asked.

When he comes across the wizard's business, Gary will be nagging. It's really annoying.

Gary laughs and goes down.

As soon as the matter of migration was ready, the five element clan set out.

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