After running for a while, suddenly Huo Wei was a little bit in front of Gu Chaoyan, always blocking Gu Chaoyan's way.

Just want to disturb Gu Chaoyan, let her have no way to rush forward.

It's not very important for a family like Huo Wei to enter Shengde college. The most important thing is whether she can hold the legs of Anxi county leader and Princess Chang. Therefore, she does not hesitate to sacrifice her achievements to stop herself. Strictly speaking, even if she did, she had no place to redress the injustice.


She is Gu Chaoyan, not others. Since she wants to get in the way, she wants to see if Huo Wei has so much courage.

Instead of slowing down, Gu Chaoyan threw the whip and ran faster.

Huo Wei was startled when he heard the sound of the horse's hooves coming from behind. In a panic, he hurried to the side, but Gu Chaoyan was slightly biased and galloped away from Huo Wei.

Huo Wei was so scared that he kept the horse steady for a long time.

She wanted to catch up with Gu Chaoyan and found that she could not see any more. It's really frightening. She thought it would be very easy. Gu Chaoyan didn't know that she had been spoiled since she was a child. She lived in the most shabby yard where she could ride horses. What she learned now is how she could ride well! How dare she rush up so boldly that she will not be afraid of suffering herself.

Huo Wei was frightened.

And the front of Gu Chaoyan run very fast, Gu Ruxue see her, also surprised. Huo Wei's equestrian skill is known by her. She is one of the best people she knows. It's enough to deal with Gu Chaoyan. How can she not stop it?

Huo Wei, did you take it lightly?

Gu rushue thinks like this, but she runs to Gu Chaoyan. Gu Chaoyan doesn't even let her go. Gu rushue has to change her direction in some distance. She doesn't want to take her own life because of a small competition.

Seeing that it is not far from the end, she and Anxi are almost the same distance.

Anxi county leader frowned and looked at Gu Chaoyan next to her. She didn't know why. She just felt that this woman was in the way of eyes. She took out her dagger and threw it directly on Gu Chaoyan's horse. Suddenly, the horse was stabbed, roared and ran forward.

Gu Chaoyan tries her best to control the horse under her. She didn't expect that Anxi county leader would use such a mean trick.

But at this time, she had no choice but to try her best to make the horse in the right direction.

Her horse is a relatively small one. It can't run faster than the horse of Anxi county leader. However, because of the stimulation, the horse can run very fast. It can surpass Anxi county leader and run straight to the end.

Anxi County Master in the back of the gas eyes are green!

The horse injured by her should run and throw at random at this moment, and throw people down. In the racecourse, any accident will happen.

How could she!

How could you control that horse!

Damn it!

Why should she.

Gu Chaoyan wearing a red dress to the end, Zhou Huaijin smile to meet her, but Gu Chaoyan did not get off the horse to the end, but has been struggling to grasp the reins on the horse.

Zhou Huaijin wanted to celebrate.

As soon as you look at it, you can see what's wrong.

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