Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2664

Jiang Caixiu's mood is very unstable now.

He was very sure that he could get the title, so he didn't even pay attention to the county magistrate and the adults in the capital. He thought that he could do it himself.

I didn't expect that.

Reality slapped him hard.

He is anxious to come back, not for other things, but for Yan Danqiu.

The exam will take three years.

He can't wait.

If he can deal with Yan Danqiu, and then she goes to deal with the adults in the capital, he may quickly take a shortcut. First he has an official position, then he has a reputation, or he doesn't want a reputation. As long as there are people, he believes that he can seize the opportunity and go further and further.

So, he came back.

"What about that?" Jiang Caixiu's mother is also very anxious, more helpless, that helpless.

"Ask Yan Danqiu to help me. Niang, I've thought about it. When I come back this time, I'll seriously marry her. I'll be the main room instead of the side room. As long as she helps me, I won't think about it any more. " Jiang Caixiu said firmly.

Jiang Caixiu's mother sighed.

I feel some pity and helplessness.

Just show such a person, worth having better, now can only commit to Yan Danqiu.

But there is no way, just like Cai Xiu said, can't wait.

That's all we can do now.

It's just that she was so wronged.

When you marry her, you have to give her the best. That's OK.

"Caixiu, since you have made a decision, my mother will support you." Jiang Caixiu's mother said reluctantly.

Jiang Caixiu nodded.

I'm going to have a good rest, and then I'll tidy myself up and come to the door tomorrow.

The whole Jiang family revolves around Jiang Caixiu. It's clear to everyone that the Jiang family, no matter how good Jiang Caixiu is, depends on Jiang Caixiu. No one else in the Jiang family is outstanding.

Jiang Caixiu didn't read and went to sleep.

The next day, early in the morning, he took what he had bought in the city and planned to find Yan Danqiu.

In the past, the Yan family was startled.

In such a short time, the Yan family has changed a lot.

Yan's family is building a wall. It seems that they want to enclose her land.

And she seems to have bought more land.

I think it seems that I want to plant more herbs, because I have something to do with Lin's pharmacy.

Jiang Caixiu probably has an idea.

Go on to Yan's house.

His luck is very good, just walk past, then see Yan Danqiu come out, he ran up quickly: "Danqiu."

Gu Chaoyan frowned at the sound.

Jiang Caixiu had seen him once, but she still remembered his voice, because few people were more disgusting than him.

It's not that he didn't get any fame. How could he dare to run out and not be afraid of others laughing at him?

She didn't want to see her at all. As a result, she was already in front of her.

"What's the matter." Gu Chaoyan asked coldly. By the way, he separated a little distance from Jiang Caixiu. Obviously, he didn't want to be too close to him.

Jiang Caixiu didn't seem to be aware of it at all. He moved forward again.

"I brought you some presents from the city. Take them." Jiang Caixiu handed it to her.

Gu Chaoyan didn't even mean to stretch out his hand. He walked away a little: "no, I'm not familiar."

"Danqiu." Jiang Caixiu's voice a burst of grievance: "even you look down on me, think I have no fame, want to stay away from me."

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