Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2692

The man above looked at Gu Chaoyan with a proud face.

Now he is guarding the city, and his people are waiting for his orders. If he wants them to come in, they can come in. If he doesn't want them, they can only fight with them outside until they die in the battle.

In his hand, he controls their life and death.

You're welcome. It's his business, not those below.

So, he has every right to be so arrogant.

He looked at the people below with a sarcastic look on his face.

Gu Chaoyan frowned. Then she got up and went up to the top of the city. She pulled the man off and left him outside the city gate. Gu Chaoyan, however, was on the top of the city gate. She opened the city gate and let her people in, but did not let the general in.

Leave him alone outside the city gate.

Gu Chaoyan looked at him sarcastically: "now let you also feel this taste."

"Dare, let me in!" The man's eyes because of anger has been staring out, so dead looking at Gu Chaoyan, and then staring at his own people to see.

And Gu Chaoyan is on it. No one else dares to do it.

They are very afraid that if they are not careful, they will be thrown down. Now they are dead.

Sure enough, the enemy troops arrived soon. They made an example of the people outside and cut them directly without leaving any room.

Then they clamored to attack the city.

Gu Chaoyan uses the quickest time to make a decision and let the people in the city cooperate with her.

Their original general has died. Now Gu Chaoyan is the only biggest general. It's understandable to obey his orders. These soldiers are very obedient. According to Gu Chaoyan's idea, they began to defend the city. They were always at a disadvantage. At this time, they gradually gained an advantage. As time goes by, the enemy can no longer afford to spend time with them Hou planned to withdraw to the previous city, but Gu Chaoyan didn't give them a chance at all and surrounded them directly.

Taking advantage of the victory, she chased back all the way and took back several cities.

She was admired by all the soldiers.

At the same time, when she won, her mission was completed and she returned to chaos.

"Three days have passed." Chaos space opens to remind us.


Gu Chaoyan didn't expect that time had gone so long. He got up in a hurry, and then went out into chaotic space.

After coming out of the chaotic space, Gu Chaoyan's accomplishments soared.

It's just that when you reach the cultivation of the creator, your spiritual power will soar, and you won't reach other realms at will. It's just that the more powerful your skills are, the more powerful your cultivation is.

Lin Xue also felt her change.

She was a little surprised at the speed of her cultivation.

It's a gifted person who has such cultivation speed. In principle, she should not be a disciple of the sect. At least, she will be liked by other masters. What's the matter with her?

Lin Xue was slightly surprised.

Just about to ask.

Gu Chaoyan a face surprised looking not far away: "look here."

Lin Xue looked at it with great interest. It was just a fruit tree bearing fruit. She was so happy.

Lin Xue is helpless.

Follow the past.

It's time to eat and drink again.

At the same time.

Soon it was the day of Tianzong banquet.

He didn't show up in the meantime.

Lin Xue is somewhat worried and anxious.

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