Gu Chaoyan heard it.

He frowned.

What did the emperor call her into the palace for?

Is it because of the patient she treated herself? If so, I just want to ask about the treatment.

Gu Chaoyan nodded, simply combed, and went out of the outer room. Xia yinghan is sitting in the outer room reading a book. The books are the miscellaneous books given to Gu Chaoyan by old lady Jiang when she moved out of Jiang's house. They are usually stories about the world and local chronicles.

Seeing Gu Chaoyan come out, Xia yinghan can't help but smile: "unexpectedly, miss Chaoyan usually reads these books, but it's interesting."

"Just to pass the time." Gu Chaoyan said.

She likes to read local chronicles besides the stories of the rivers and lakes. If she has time in the future, she really wants to go around.

It's just that these are the things she can't do at present, so naturally she is not willing to say them.

Time to talk.

Jianyi is ready for breakfast.

One dish after another put on the table: "Dr. Ying Han is here, so I specially asked the kitchen to prepare two. I don't know if it suits your taste."

"Well, I don't choose." Summer should be cold and kind.

They had breakfast together.

After having breakfast, go to the palace together.

Xia yinghan often needed her to come to see a doctor because of the maidens in the palace. Later, the emperor simply gave her a token of freedom to go in and out, so she was almost unimpeded in the palace. Gu Chaoyan followed her, also has been very smooth into the palace.

After Gu Chaoyan entered the palace, his expression was dignified.

Xia yinghan thought she was very nervous when she saw her, so she specially said, "if you want to enter the palace, you should just ask the patient's specific situation. Don't be nervous. The emperor is still very kind."

Gu Chaoyan smiles gratefully.

She was not nervous. She didn't expect that doctor Ying Han was so concerned about her, which made her feel warm.

This time.

The emperor was the one who met directly in the imperial study.

The dean is already in the imperial study. Xia yinghan and Gu Chaoyan are kneeling in front of the emperor.

The Emperor didn't embarrass them, he said directly: "flat body."

Xia yinghan and Gu Chaoyan both got up and stood in the same place with their heads slightly lowered.

"Do you heal people?" The emperor asked.


"Your medical skill is quite good. You have healed the young Marquis before, but now you are the one who has healed him." The emperor spoke with some appreciation.

After all, it's rare to see such medical skills at a young age.

"I will give you the reward together." The emperor said casually, "it's the Empress Dowager who wants to see you. You can go there."

Empress Dowager?

The president and Xia yinghan are surprised. They don't know about it.

Even if Gu Chaoyan didn't want to see him, he couldn't say no.

Only nodded, should be a: "yes."

"Emperor, miss Chaoyan is not familiar with the palace. I'll go with her." Xia yinghan quickly stood up and said.

The emperor nodded, waved his hand, and agreed to this matter.

Instead of looking at them again, he said to the Dean, "what you said yesterday..."

went out of the imperial study.

Xia yinghan's face is a little worried: "the Empress Dowager's there, you have to bear with it, what she said, just bear with some, there is no big deal."

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