Gu opened his mouth.

Originally, I wanted to say something, but later I thought about it.

He has suffered a lot in Jiayuguan these years. He just came back to see a servant girl. He was so reluctant. Since he can't get by, he wants to get it for him in the future.

Now the young master of Gu family can play.

Gu didn't say anything. He arranged Gu Yunhe's clothes: "OK, let's go."

Gu Yunhe nodded.

So I went to work.



After Zhou huailing came out of the palace, he wanted to go back to the palace. On the way, he thought of the words of emperor Shengming. If you want to get the world, in addition to the fate, you also need people. Only someone can fight for it.

There is a lot of military power in general Liu's place. It's best to get it. Otherwise, it will not only be helpful, but also hinder in the future.

Before it becomes a hindrance, you can still put some effort into helping.

If it's a woman who has already married back, just spend some energy. Sooner or later, she will go back.

Zhou huailing thought about it.

What my father said is reasonable.

It happened that Ruxue was in Gufu these two days, so he spent some time persuading people to come back.

Now that he is popular with the people, General Liu naturally wants to give him some small noodles.

Thinking about these, he took Xie Yan to Liufu.

"I want to see Qingqing." Zhou huailing a face naturally said.

The guard of the porter was stunned at first.

Hesitated for a while, just remembered that Qingqing was their maiden name. After getting married, it was Princess Ling. Few people called her by her maiden name again. Even the general never called her that way. That's why I couldn't think of it for a moment.

The general didn't tell him to come back. The guard of the porter informed him.

The general is not in the house.

The lady said to let Lord Ling in.

The guard of the porter told the truth.

When Zhou huailing heard the news of letting him in, his face was full of proud smile. What if it was just before? But I haven't been here for a few days, so I'm waiting to pick up myself?

Zhou huailing laughed sarcastically.

If General Liu didn't hold military power in his hand, he wouldn't even come here today. If he saw the people of the Liu family again, it would be the people of the Liu family who begged to come to him.

Now that he has married fengnv, the people who should stand in line are almost in line.

The same is true of Liufu.

He went in with a proud face.

Liu Qingqing's boudoir was there, but he knew it. He directly scolded Liu's servants and asked them to retreat. He took Xie Yan to Liu Qingqing's boudoir.

Now he has directly called Liu Qingqing, because the position of the princess has already been taken.

She is either Liu Qingqing or Liu Bianfei.

Before he did not promise to be a side concubine, it was Liu Qingqing.

Liu Qingqing's yard is very clean and simple. It's not like the place where her daughter lives, but like the place where men live. There are also some weapons in the yard, which are used to practice martial arts every day.

Zhou huailing frowned.

He didn't like that.

The daughter's family should have the appearance of the daughter's family, what it looks like to fight and kill.

She didn't dare to do that in Wang's house, but she did it again in Liu's house.

After sure to talk about her!

"Qingqing." Zhou huailing called.

Shao'er is coming out to stop people.

Zhou huailing directly pushed her in: "Liu Qingqing."

Liu Qingqing glared at her displeasantly.

After Zhou huailing came in, he felt that something was wrong. The smell of the room was familiar, but not Liu Qingqing's.

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