"When we talked about cooperation with Prince Muyi, the national teacher was there. He was escorted back to Yusang kingdom. In such a long time, he may have met the emperor of Yusang kingdom with some slander. The emperor of Yusang Kingdom believed it and questioned Prince Muyi. " Gu Dynasty face color dignified say.

Prince Muyi is more gentle.

As a prince, he could dispose of what he had done by himself.

Now let him go back.

He did, but the emperor of Yusang believed it.

"After a while, I want to go to Yusang." Gu Chaoyan said.

"Well?" Zhou Huaijin was surprised.

Gu Chaoyan took Zhou Huaijin's hand and explained: "what's the doubt between the emperor of Yusang Kingdom and Prince Muyi? These are not my business. But the national master stole our yellow crane tower behind my back. He took it to Yusang kingdom to start business and earned money. I can't bear it, so I have to deal with it myself."

Zhou Huaijin also finished reading Prince Muyi's letter.

After reading these, it's really irritating.

I didn't expect that the national teacher could do so many things. The emperor Gao was so far away that they couldn't control Yusang?

"I'll go with you in person." Zhou Huaijin said that she obviously supported Gu Chaoyan in that way.

Gu Chaoyan nodded.

Going to Yusang still needs a long-term consideration, so there is still time to prepare.

Gu Chaoyan's face was full of seriousness.

Zhou Huaijin pinched her face.

"By the way:" today Gu came to make trouble

"It's noisy. It's the secret to have a baby." Gu Chaoyan said helplessly.

Zhou Huaijin went through this matter in her mind.

It soon came to me.

"Gu is so old. With Gu Ruxue and Gu Yunhe under her knees, she doesn't need to have children any more. Is this prescription for Gu Ruxue? " Zhou Huaijin said faintly: "speaking up, there are princess Ling and side concubine in front of my fourth brother, and Gu Ruxue behind. It's been many years since we got married. It's true that we have no children. A few days ago, my father gave his elder brother and Zhou Huaiyu a concubine. He must be worried that he would be robbed. "

That's all.

Zhou Huaijin suddenly realized that Chaoyan was a little girl who had not married yet.

He was bored to talk about it with her.

Quickly stretched out his hand to cover her ears: "do not listen to these things, you have not yet out of the cabinet of the girl, asked you to have a son secret how to return a responsibility."

Zhou Huaijin is very unhappy.

Gu Chaoyan shrugged, feeling helpless and funny.

"The meal is ready, miss." The sword reminded me in a low voice.

Gu Chaoyan thought about having a meal with Zhou Huaijin first.


in the Qianqing palace.

Delphi is also preparing the meals for the emperor.

The meals on the side of Saint Hades have been reduced, but they are still full and full.

Defoe was directing the maids to set the table.

He himself was busy.

It was fine.

Defu accidentally beat a pot of vegetables. His whole face turned pale and he knelt down immediately: "the emperor atones."

The Holy Ghost emperor looked at De Fu with a puzzled face.

Defoe has not been with him for a day or two.

How did he feel that these two days were especially wrong? He was so scared. It was a trivial matter. He scared himself.

"Defoe, what's the matter with you?! Did you do something wrong? " The Holy Ghost emperor asked with a serious face.

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