Emperor Shengming didn't feel Zhou huailing's mood change. Naturally, he nodded and said, "you are still young. I'm afraid you will find it difficult to do a lot of things. Yesterday, I asked Defu to go back first and let Defu follow you. If you have anything, you can ask him. In this way, it won't be so troublesome."

The words fell.

Zhou huailing's face changed. At first, she was stunned, and then there was a trace of complex emotion in her eyes.

His father let him prison, but he did not have a trace of trust. First of all, he agreed that he would come to the villa every day to report things to him. Zhou huailing thought that it was the end. Unexpectedly, his father asked Defu to supervise him. Did he trust a eunuch and not trust him so much?

He had always thought that he would be the prince in his father's mind and even the candidate for the throne in the future. I didn't expect that my father should be so defensive to him.

In that case.

Then it's not his fault that he's planning his own things.

Zhou huailing thought of hate in his heart.

Face is still respectful should be a: "yes."

Emperor Shengming thought about things in his heart, so he didn't pay so much attention to Zhou huailing. Seeing that he answered, he knew that he was obedient.

That's enough.

Although there must be candidates for the crown prince and the throne.

But now he is still young, and he can still be in this position. What he wants is not a prince who is capable of handling state affairs, but a prince who is obedient.

For now.

Ling Er is really the most suitable one.

He didn't read Jing Guifei wrong, nor Ling Er wrong.

Patted Zhou huailing's shoulder, nodded with satisfaction, and was ready to go back to see the situation of empress Jiang.

As soon as the emperor is gone.

Zhou huailing's face immediately pulled down.

"Go back." Zhou huailing said angrily and left in a hurry.

He thought it was a happy thing.

After a long time, it's just testing him.

But he didn't know that.

At this moment, I was worried and went back to Queen Jiang.

Zhao Yiqiu has come out, standing outside the room without expression, Gu Chaoyan is talking to him.

When Emperor Shengming saw Zhao Yiqiu coming out, he knew that his diagnosis and treatment was over. He quickly went forward and asked, "how's the queen? How are you doing? "

At this moment, he did not hear any more coughing, and he was relieved, so he planned to go into the room to have a look.

Zhao Yiqiu just learned from Aunt Nan what just happened inside that would be like this. He would be willing to let emperor Shengming go in again. He stopped him directly: "lady needs a quiet environment. Don't go in. Just now the empress has been coughing up blood, the whole person is very painful, is knock her fainted, just a little better, she can have a rest. If you go in and disturb her, everything will be wasted. "

The emperor of the nether world was worried.

Some doubts asked: "how can it be so serious?"

It's reasonable to say that others are coming too. Jiang Shuang should be in a good mood and his condition will be better.

Why does he sound worse than Defoe described before.

When Zhao Yiqiu heard what he asked, he was no longer willing to pay attention to him, but he was guarding the door of the room, and no one wanted to go in.

"Zhao Yiqiu, tell me, what is the situation of the queen now?"

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