It was the Minister of rites who asked.

His own heart was also very uneasy. After all, the matter was a little complicated. At the moment, the emperor's eyes were only on the funeral of the empress, and there was no mention of the crown prince's canonization ceremony. Although this is the emperor's decision, if there is no explanation about the prince's affairs, it is inevitable that he will be angry with the Ministry of rites in the future. The prince can't be angry with the emperor.

The etiquette Department has always been the best place to handle affairs. I didn't expect that I would encounter such a dilemma one day.

Today, in the imperial study, there are only the Minister of rites and one of his servants, and the others are the officials of the smaller Ministry of rites. He can only ask about this. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and the whole person was nervous.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Who knows what the emperor is thinking? It's ok if you ask right. If you don't ask right, it means that something may happen.

The Minister of rites bowed his head, waiting for the emperor's reply.

Emperor Shengming was a little confused when he heard the question from the Minister of rites.

There seems to be a memory in my mind, prince? Oh, by the way, I've just conferred the title of prince to King Ling. The ceremony of conferring the title of Prince has not been held yet.

How did these two things get together.

The saint Hades' brain is more confused, so what should we do.

Why is that.

Hades shook his head.

After a long time, in the voice of De Fu to remind him, he just a little sober, his eyes a little clear, nodded, as if to determine his own idea, said: "first do the Queen's things, the Queen's things are not easy these years, young left, I'm sorry for her, this funeral and sacrifice should be well done. The prince... We'll talk about the Prince later... "

the emperor of Hades has made a decision now.

The people in the Ministry of rites looked at each other. Although they thought it was not good, it was the emperor's intention. The Ministry of rites also fought for it. In the future, they would explain it to the prince.

A few people are ready to take orders.

Suddenly a powerful voice outside rang out: "emperor!"

Several officials of the etiquette Department looked at each other, bowed their heads and stopped talking.

When the Empress Dowager comes, I'm afraid there will be another change in this matter.

The best way for them to fight is to keep silent.

The Empress Dowager looked at the cowardly officials of the Ministry of rites and said, "go out first. I have something to say to the emperor."

The Ministry of rites is responsible for these ceremonies and sacrifices.

They should have their own rules.

Now look at these officials of the Ministry of rites. They look like officials of the Ministry of rites. What should they do? They don't talk to the emperor in detail. They are afraid of death. They just listen to the emperor.

The emperor is now sad, where is the choice between the two things fair and just?

The significance of the existence of officials is to remind the emperor that they are good and can't do it at all.

The Empress Dowager glared angrily at the officials of the Ministry of rites. Then she turned to the emperor and said, "the emperor, the AI family doesn't agree with you to do that. The empress Hong really wants to do it, but we can't just aggrieve the prince. The prince has just received the imperial edict, so the grand ceremony can't be conducted according to the rules. "

"There are still rules among the people, wedding and funerals come first."

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