He has a sense of justice and thinks that as a king, he should do things for the people.

But he didn't think much about the consequences. Now it's on the water. Many things are so easy to solve. If they can be solved, the imperial court won't let these pirates go. This is not the capital after all.

There have been arrangements to fight these pirates before, but they are too familiar with the water and the water is so large that they can't help but suffer losses.

There are just a few people right now.

To deal with the people in the opposite boat, there are many women on board.

No trace looked at Zhou Huaiyu, with a resentful expression on his face.

He and Prince Yu have not encountered any thorny things since they were away for so many years. Just one day on the surface of the water, they met each other directly.

Zhou Huaiyu quickly advised: "old eight, this matter to discuss."

Zhou Huaijin did not listen to these, but looked at the opposite Yang Wu Yang Wei people, voice just asked a: "you back is not back?"

The people on the opposite ship heard this as if they had heard a joke.

"He told us to go back?" Lao Jin said with a smile to the people beside him: "it's the first time that we've been on the water for more than ten years that someone asked us to withdraw. It's interesting. It's another dandy in Beijing. It seems that it's the first time I've been away. If I don't know anything, we have a lot of money. I'll give you another chance. Will you give me the silver or not? "

Zhou Huaiyu came forward and wanted to answer: Here you are.

He was stopped directly by Zhou Huaijin.

No trace in the side some complain of say: "eight ye, you don't willful harm everyone."

Zhou Huaijin just stares at traceless.

Ignore them.

He reached out and gave the order.

His orders came out.

Fubao, mobing and Fengyue move to another boat with their lightness skills in a neat and uniform way, holding a sharp sword in their hands, so fast. In addition to these three people, the ship also flew out of the dark guards in black from all over the place, and went directly to the other ship with the fastest speed. The people on the other ship were all flustered in the face of the sudden attack. Those who could get on quickly got on, and some tried to come to Zhou Huaijin's ship, trying to hijack the people who didn't have hands on the ship.

These water bandits are also used to seeing big scenes. Although the dark guards are powerful, they know very well that the dark guards don't mean the master is powerful. As long as they hold people, they have nothing to fear.

Since they are water bandits, there are also capable people in them.

Many people flew over, but unfortunately, most of them were beaten back by Mo Bing. Zhou Huaijin didn't even move her hand. For a moment, the struggle was especially fierce.

But Zhou Huaijin and Zhou Huaiyu have no trace. It's completely safe here.

Zhou Huaiyu has been scared.

He didn't even know that there were these inexplicable men in black on the ship.

No trace is blushing now.

He just thought that Lord Huai was just in a moment's mood. He knew that he had come prepared, and his face hurt for a moment.

There are a lot of water bandits who are good at Kung Fu and many people.

Even if there are dark guards, the two sides are deadlocked.

In particular, Zhou Huaijin had ordered him to come out with him. No matter what happened, he would not take life.

And in the room of Gu Chaoyan, also heard the voice of two sides fighting outside.

I didn't think so.

Suddenly I heard a very light footstep.

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