
No 5-139 King's Tomb, eight levels.

- One...

Enter the Tomb of the Unnamed King with Type 14. Come on, it's from eight levels today.

"The potato bug adventurer...... and are you one of them?

Take the words of the soldier and bow gracefully as the 14th type grabbed the hem of the skirt. Hey, soldier, it's type 14. So, type 14, well, you can bow with such a vicious hand. Are you telling me this is a made-to-measure move? It's a trick for you.

'Can I come through?

"Oh, you should come through"

Soldiers avoid me on the side. So do you want to go?

Keep going back. Come on, it's a one-tier pedestal. So the circle hasn't glowed yet. Is it just a matter of time before someone forwards it? I can't help it, I guess I'll try to imitate what Byrne was doing.

I'll put the status plate (gold) over the pedestal.


But nothing happened. Um, nothing's going to happen. After all, it has to be a black status plate? Or is there some special way? Whatever it is, we have to wait.

Type 14, the circle began to glow as the three of us waited quietly. Yes, you're charged. So do you want to forward it?

Touch the Knight Armor crest painted on the pedestal. Then three images emerged. Well, that's eight levels to go. Selecting eight hierarchies as they were, the light rose from the circle drawn around the pedestal.

And when the surrounding landscape changed and the light went out, we were being transferred to eight levels. Yes, on arrival. Come on, do you want to attack the eight tiers? - I said, wait a minute.

There was a treasure chest on the seventh floor right back from here, wasn't there? Could it be he's back? That's right, the chest was revived every time the first tier came in. This is an amazing discovery, isn't it?

Return to the stairs to the seven levels and continue up. And, as always, it's tight to go up the stairs. And you didn't see me move like that, type 14 lifts my body. And keep going up the stairs. No, I'm sorry about something. No, well, it's easy, but this is a condition that people don't want to see very much. I mean, if I could do something like this, I would have liked it to be done at the time of the world's walls.

Up to seven levels. Yeah, it's in a circular tall cabin. I can also see the rope going up tight.

- "Floating..."

Use the Floating skill and go upstairs in the cabin.


There was nothing there. Heh? Nothing really. Without the empty crate that was supposed to have happened yesterday, there was no corpse of the rotten giant I defeated. What is it, here? I feel like I'm stuck with a fox...

Um, I've been expecting you not to, but maybe the labyrinth is making warcraft and crates out of this colored fog? I don't get an answer, but I guess I just do. And then I, too, was made from this magic vegetable? Ugh, um, you don't want to think about it. You know, my consciousness transferred to those warcraft, no, no, but then you don't really know how a star beast works.

As it were, well, if we attack these eight great labyrinths, we might get an answer, huh?

- Two...

Return to eight levels. Come on, I don't know which way to go. Somehow, this place is the same as the six tiers, it's a lot wider. If I hadn't been lucky enough to find a pedestal, I'd be lost and freaked out.... Well, go straight down the stairs without difficulty.

Proceed further through the pedestal to the cemetery. Here, really, it's a tomb marker. Stone tablets on swords, spears, and various weapons...... I'm afraid this weapon will disappear if you pull it out. We're getting a ton of weapons, I don't know.

As we walked, our hands appeared in front of one tablet. What, what?

From the hard ground, as if a person were to be born, a hand, a head, a body, a leg. Hey, Warcraft?

A born stone strikes this way. Let your hand be like a whip, and I'll slap you. Shit, what do we do, what do we do?

Fourteen moves faster than I do. Take your opponent's whip-like hand with your right hand and slap your left hand straight into it. Two vicious fangs slide into your hand to match the motion of type 14. Fangs make an explosion and smash the man-shaped stone statue in front of you. Shattered, splashing stone shards. Fleur, what the hell did you make? When the idiot power of type 14 uses it, it's going to be so vicious.


Yes, something.


No, but I don't see a line called Warcraft. I have this, so if you're surrounded, you'll know in one shot... What's this?

A stone tablet around, a stone man is born from before the weapon. All of a sudden, lines are born in my sight, all around me, that I have said are countless warcraft. The born stone man holds the stabbed weapon and pulls it through. Was this stabbing weapon your weapon, not a grave mark? No, more than that. Why did you notice Type 14? No, no, I don't think so. How many are there? It can't be ten or twenty. Uh, already.

"Type 14"

I receive a true silver spear from Type 14.

- [Ice Weapon] -

True silver spears are covered in ice.

I set up an ice-covered, true silver spear that had Side Arm Amara hold the crimson queen.

"We're gonna break through."

Type 14 nods in my heavenly revelation.

I have the Queen Crimson today.

I'm the strongest today!

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