
8-71, we're off to double helix.

- One...

- [Aquapound] -

It is today and today that we will do the king's work. Because this will be the drinking water for commerce and the hot spring for recovery that is going to be the highlight of my country, and it will eventually come back to me!

Hey, that's an important role.

Well, for sure, the visibility of my country is as good as that of a country with a Noalgie Chamber of Commerce, and in the Reich, is there such a country - to that extent now? He enjoyed the hot springs of recovery, because Axfever faces and skinhead and Mohican old men will advertise it, and more people will be coming into the country from now on for sightseeing or something! Because this is definitely my job!

Yeah, let's do it, let's do it.

"Master, there was a sign you were calling me."

And type 14 has spoken to me thinking about it. As always, I don't feel any signs. I hear you from behind.

I didn't call you, but, uh, but anyway, do you want me to give you the mysterious parts?

"Type 14, take this."

I take the mysterious parts out of the magic backpack and hand them to Type 14.

"This is..."

It's a mysterious part. Really, it's a mystery.

"And I'm going to try the eight major labyrinths, the double helix, in the near future, and I'm going to need your help with the 14."

Copy that, sir.

Type 14 bows gracefully. Mr. 14, really, you asked for it!

"Well, let's just, now, strengthen it"

Model 14 swallows mysterious parts. Oh, I knew you'd swallow it. Why, swallow it and strengthen it, really, it's a mystery.

"Ko, is this......!? Master, excuse me."

Type 14 lifts me up. What, what? I can't move because I'm being held captive with great force.

As it is, Type 14 rushes out with horrible momentum.

Run all the way through to the backyard, which is turning into Pong's field. And then, just for a moment, I put in between, built up my strength, and jumped.

My vision changes dramatically. High, high. How far are you going to jump?

Type 14 flew until the ice palace was small enough that it was supposed to be cold resistant enough for me to feel cold, and then the fall began.

On the way down, Type 14 kicks in space with nothing and flies. Leaps and falls while spinning with the circle. This guy's got a bunk jump. - No, more than that, my eyes, my eyes turn.

In the sight around the circle, the earth looms with terrible momentum.

Type 14, now, creates a mass of wind using magic in the air and flies with its explosive power. Uh, this, I've been doing this before, and I'm the one who makes the crap out of it.

The Model 14 then spins gracefully and gracefully one turn, as it spins, and lands on the ground fluttering. Uh, I'm glad Pong's field didn't crumble - not, you know!

"Type 14, what's that...?

My heavenly fourteen slowly lowers me down and bows down to me as if dealing with something important.

"We have revealed an increased number of new capabilities"

Oh, really?

Mysterious parts, and you can do that now, that's amazing. Ha, really, that's awesome. But...

"Why did you leave yourself lifted?

"Even the master of potato-like memory actually had me experience so that I could remember my powers deeply."

Oh, really? Sure, if you go through this, don't forget, yeah, don't forget! I thought you were gonna die! Well, I'm used to "metastasis" skills, but still, it's not my skills, I don't have any information, and suddenly I'm surprised I did it!

Uh, I think I know a little how people feel about the "Transfer" skills...

Even so, a new ability? Is that what it's like to be able to jump up, to be able to do bunk jumps?

I wonder if the mysterious part feels like a 14 type feature extension.

- Two...

"Type 14, where's the food?

Type 14 bows down to my heaven.

"Yes, master. I let the pong make it, and I prepared it for a week."

Lunch box, for a week? I can make as much water as I want, so worst of all, that's all I can handle for a few days, and this much will be enough for me to prepare. Well, you don't know what's gonna happen, and you have as much to prepare as you can and there's nothing to lose.

"Emilio, it's up to you this time. Please. '


The feather cat answers with his forelegs up. Really, please.

"There's nothing wrong with this one."

Type 14 grabs the skirt and bows gracefully. Well, the purpose of this one is to get to an island with the eight great labyrinths, the double helix. After that, you can go back and get ready with as much of your "Transfer" skills as you want, and worst of all, you can come back to this ice palace using a compact that's ready to be used again.

Yeah, you'll be fine.

So, you're off!

- "Metastasis" -

First, fly to Cara Harbor using the Transfer skill.

There's nobody here. We're landing on the beach.

Come on, it's Emilio's turn from here.



The feather cat shines and changes its appearance dramatically.


Emilio turns into a god beast with big feathers. She squeaks her chin all the time telling her to get on her back fast. Yes, yes, I won't hesitate to let you ride.

On its back, I ride, and type 14 rides. When type 14 rides, Emilio looked a little nasty. Uh, Mr. Fourteen, it's just the machine, it's a little heavy.


Emilio squeals, flashing his big wings, and flies off.

Come on, let's go for the eight great labyrinths, the double helix!

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