
12-2 raid, and became a battle

- One...

Let's just eat.


So grasp the status quo.

There's magic, there's giant leaves stabbed with spears, and you're looking like a giant potato worm.


What do you mean...?

Could it be a potato-shaped monster, not a potato bug?

I don't care what you think, you're not an intelligent race, you're on the hunting side, right? I'm me, so maybe this is how I can think, but I can't even talk, and this isn't good, is it? I don't know what I can do. Spit the yarn, it's about making magical hardships and flying. The minute I get down to people like this, I'm done being hunted.

We need to be more powerful......


Why, I, of course, assumed there was a crowd, and I thought I'd go down there even further?


No, well, then, even if you live as a warcraft like this, you're just going to be hunted as a demon king. Because it's better to fight with people, isn't it?


What am I thinking? What am I thinking?


Like, well, let's eat the leaves of the world tree without thinking about the hard stuff.



Let's start by measuring the size of the leaves at your feet. Slowly, crawl and walk. Oh, it's late. Oh, yeah, let's throw up yarn and fly and move around. Fortunately, the yarn spits fast in itself, and I can fly far away.

What I found out by moving in thread spitting. This leaf size is based on my size now, about a meter, for eight people on the side and ten on the vertical side? It's about the size of a little school classroom, isn't it?

And there's a spear stabbing around the tip portion of that leaf.

I approach the spear again. I have bad eyes, I'm not sure if you're close.

I wonder what.

It may be strange to think of these things against spears, even though they are not lavishly decorated, but as a king who frightens the beholder - I feel majesty as a queen.

And to me, I missed that so much.

I reach for the spear. I don't know if I can hold this whole thing, but I still reach for it.

The spear was limp and cold, as if it was losing power.

And there's no response.

Or I can't pull it out.

This one, it's just stuck in a leaf, isn't it? Why can't I get out of here?

Whether I weigh in and push, wrap the thread around it and pull it, it doesn't work at all.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Let's just eat the leaves.

Shabby shabby shabby.

I keep practicing magic with spears.


Around, there are countless leaves just like here, and a bunch of potato worms just like me. But the only thing with a spear stung was my - this leaf. Well, the other potato worms are green, because I'm blue. The race is different, maybe. I don't think the conversation is going to make sense either.

I'll practice magic.

Shabby shabby shabby.

I keep practicing magic as the spear watches over me.

Hours, days, years.

I kept doing the same thing so much that I couldn't figure out the concept of date. Because that's all I could do.

Shaggy shaggy shaggy shaggy.

And then one day, a change came.

People were walking through tree branches. Three people. Bad eyes, the distance between me and people, all I know is what it looks like, but that's definitely a person. At the beginning, a woman wearing a light leather armor walking vigilantly around her, then someone wrapped in metal armor that doesn't know her gender but looks heavy, the last man to wear a robe.

Bandits, warriors, wizards - it's like a game.

A female bandit is pointing this way and saying something. Strange, I'm fortunate to know the sound even though I shouldn't have ears, but I don't understand what they're saying. It's a language I don't know.

The women bandits are approaching me. No, is this the spear they're after!?

A female bandit seems to have finally realized who I am, clapping her shoulders. And the warrior who was behind it moved, slaughtered without question. The movement was so fast that I didn't think it was wrapped in metal armor. I skip the thread and move, dodging.

The female bandits are talking about something. I want to, so I don't know.

Maybe you feel like a treasure trophy and a boss monster before you do? Right, I'm in front of the spear, and I feel like a monster protecting the treasure.

I float a chunk of ice. It's restraint for now.

Then a wizard man floated a fireball against me. At that moment, the wizard man was eating chops at female bandits. Does that mean fire is dangerous? Somehow, unexpectedly, a female bandit sounds like a leader.

A female bandit floats a purple fireball. Is that it? Don't use fire earlier, didn't you? So, what was it? Even so, I'm not going to fight for me. But from the other side, I guess it just looks like a keeper monster protecting treasure.

I have no choice.

I don't know how far my powers go, but will you be quiet!

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