"No one is coming to my house today, so it's okay." Saten hesitated, "You seem to have a smell... Take a bath at my house."

The blonde doll was shy.

It turned out that she had smelled it a long time ago.

Willing to lend a hand to a strange girl, what a warm-hearted person. For myself who has experienced the cruel life of the Anbu, can I really get close to such a pure person?

The next second, Saten Ruizi controlled the invisible airflow to blow away the odor on the blonde girl.

"Wow... so amazing! So, are you a high-level [Aerodynamicist]?"

"It was Level 0 not long ago, and now it's only Level 2." Saten was modest.

"As for me, I just upgraded to Level 1."

At this time, the two girls who were talking happily did not know that the same man upgraded them.

On the way home, the blonde doll kept asking, "How do you cook canned mackerel? It turns out that it tastes good no matter how you cook it!"

"Let me think about it, let's cook it with curry."

Saten Ruiko originally prepared a super spicy dish for her senior.

"That's dark cuisine!"

"How rude." Saten said dissatisfiedly, "I can't accept that. My cuisine can conquer men's stomachs."

Finally, the blonde girl remembered something and smiled and stretched out her hand.

"My name is Flanda Severon."

"Saten Ruiko."

The black straight girl smiled helplessly and shook hands with this lively and cheerful girl. I have a feeling that they will become good friends.

As if it was destined to meet, the two girls formed a "canned mackerel" friendship.

"Ah, my hands have just been soaked in black tea."

Chapter 081 Resurrection of Dolly, remote upgrade

In the plot of "A Certain Scientific Railgun", the friendship between girls is very touching.

Nangong Xuan was fully prepared to fulfill his promise with Queen Shokuhou to save another girl.

An unknown past was revealed on this day.

Dolly - the first sister born from Misaka Mikoto's DNA map, Misaka No. 0. As the first clone, she was only used to verify the feasibility of the technology, and the brain wave network for sharing intelligence had not yet been constructed.

At that time, the top management of Academy City had not yet planned to mass-produce 20,000 Sisters in the future, so there were only single-digit numbers. She and the later Misaka No. 00000 - the [extra individual] strengthened by Nangong - were not the same person.

The name came from the first cloned sheep in history, Dolly.

As far as Nangong knew, Dolly had been experimented in the Clone Dolly and conducted research on learning devices.

This secret research institute located in the second school district carried out multiple projects at the same time, including the development of Shokuhou Misaki's [external brain] and Keisaku Kanto's [liquid human figure].

The third research room of the Talents Workshop, Internal Evolution (Ideal). It aims to train and cultivate girls to create superpowers. Level 5 [Psychological Mastery] was born here.

The question is, why only girls are trained?

"Legend has it that the Imaginary Number District, the Five Elements Agency, the first research institution in Academy City, has the DNA of saints from all over the world, and can create geniuses with just one button."

"In fact, the Imaginary Number District is not a research institution, but the 'Genius Factory' does exist."

With Xiaoqi's consent, Nangong Xuan led a group of people into the Talents Workshop, like visiting the queen's hive.

Misaka Mikoto thought of the urban legends mentioned by Saten. Are they all true?

"It turns out that this city still hides such a place."

Mikoto was stunned and didn't know what to say. She had lived in the sun since she was a child, and she thought that as long as she was passionate, hard work and friendship, she could overcome all difficulties.

When she didn't know, the first clone was born in the dark, and she never saw her "sister" until she died.

Shokuhou smiled calmly: "Misaka-san, that's why people can't help but want to take everything from you☆"

"When Misaka-chan entered Tokiwadai, she always cared about Misaka after seeing her, right? Because she has Dolly's genes." Nangong exposed her lie.

The two young ladies of Tokiwadai have been happy enemies from the beginning, and they had already formed a bad relationship before they met.

"Urusai! Don't say it, Xiaoxuan☆"

Shokuhou Misaka was touched to the deepest softness of her heart and became shy.

"Hey, is that so?"

The brown-haired girl glanced at Shokuhou quickly and looked away at the same time.

Invited by Nangong to visit her first sister. Misaka didn't expect that the Shokuhou faction would also accompany her. They didn't get along well in the first place, and they were quite uncomfortable.

"Once again, back here."

"We are also children who evolved from the 'internal'."

Queen Shokuhou's right-hand men, Hokaze Junko and Mitsuari Ayu, also came to the ancestral room with Nangong.

Revisiting the old place, feeling a lot of emotion.

At that time, the girls lived a completely closed life, developing their abilities independently, and most of them didn't know each other.

Here, Shokuhou Misaki first saw Junko who was in pain because of the runaway ability of [Heavenly Clothing], and out of kindness, she used [Psychological Control] to help her relieve the pain.

At the same time, Mitsuari Ayu became the big sister of the internal evolution plan, taking care of many children.

Hojo Shizuo, who later joined a certain hospital, was a researcher at that time. Injured in an accident that evolved internally, he stitched his body up.

What makes Mianyi painful is that he was abandoned by Academy City's senior officials due to [Quality Judgment]. They chose to invest their research resources into Shokuhou and create the first spiritual Level 5.

Later, the honey ant Aiyu was so desperate that she wanted to commit suicide, but by chance, she was saved by Shokuhou who was about to delete her gray memory. The two girls, who were originally hostile, became lifelong friends and experienced a series of events together.

For some reason, the protagonist Kamijou Touma is missing and it has become a Girls Help Girls story.

Miyi murmured: "Teacher Yuanfeng, Yuri... our teacher friends are all gone."

The police officer was not a subject in the same period as them, so they didn't have much in common.

He was captured by Gensei Kihara. He thought he would face prison again, but he didn't expect to be brought to see Dori together.

Precisely because of that girl's existence, the fate of Shokuhou Misaki had long been intertwined.

Shokuhou and the police officer exchanged a lot about their childhood friends.

The police officer was Dolly's first friend, and he was called "Kanjiangkanji". One day by chance, she bumped into the cold life support device on Dolly's body, and only then did she know what terrible experiments were being conducted in this place.

"At that time, I stole the information and found out that Dolly was a clone. I was going to use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the research institution to stop using her medicine. However, the person who led the experiment was the highest level of Academy City - the Director. Council, there is no way I can fight that darkness on my own.”

The girl with purple hair and twin tails showed a bitter smile.

"It doesn't matter even if Dolly is a clone. Only when I'm with her, I don't just smile, but feel happy from the bottom of my heart..."

Later, the policeman was arrested and has been in the juvenile reformatory until now. It was precisely because he was familiar with the prison environment that he was selected by Kihara Gensheng to become a tool man.

"She just mistook me for you. No, to be precise, Dolly's mental state became worse after losing you. Under the guidance of the researcher, she made me...'disguise' as you☆"

At first, Shokuhou Misaki's ability was not enough to tamper with memories.

"At that time, she was holding a transparent jar filled with liquid metal, and she kept asking me to turn into a whale and show it to her. It turned out to be your [Liquefied Figure], Jingce-kun☆"

The purple-haired twin-tailed man laughed at himself: "My abilities are of no use at all..."

"But the kid liked it very much. Since I didn't break up with Dolly because I saw the ugly side, I should have told her before she died. Dolly already knew that I was an impostor because she smelled a different hair fragrance. She will never forget you until her death☆"

"So that's what it is...I can't help it."

This misunderstanding can lead to lifelong regret. However, the police failed to rescue Dolly and was imprisoned. I didn't get to see my friend for the last time.

It was her last act of impotent rage to try to blow up a windowless building.

"We... all miss her."

As they spoke, Shokuhou and Jingze's eyes turned red.

Misaka Mikoto couldn't interrupt and just listened quietly to their memories. Learned a lot about the story of the first sister. Each cloned "Misaka" has its own life experience.

They are human beings too.

Why didn’t we know until now? If I could have helped them back then...it was my sister who was too incompetent.

"You're not looking down on me, are you?"

The familiar voice still echoed in Shokuhou's mind, making her unable to sleep in pain every night.

In the memory, at the last moment of her life, the girl with long brown hair smiled weakly.

"Now, tell me...your real name."

For the first time, she felt guilty for cheating, even though it was not her intention. The young blonde girl moved her pale lips.

"Shokuhou Misaki."

"Thank you, Xiaoqi. I'm sorry for letting you stay with me for so long, but in the end... I said goodbye forever."

Dolly's little hand slipped heavily and she stopped breathing. Shokuhou could no longer feel her warmth, and his heart became cold.

Who is to blame?

Misaka Mikoto who failed to protect her DNA, or the adults who cloned humans without authorization and conducted various inhuman experiments on this girl?

Or, this cold and cruel world?

In order to prevent [psychological control], every researcher around them put on heavy metal hoods, thinking that they could block all mental abilities.

These guys still want to get rid of her after the [Exterior Brain] is completed.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Queen Shokuhou's ability has already become so powerful that it can break through all shielding devices. But in the end, she couldn't even save a little girl...

Clone Dolly.

Just saying the English phrase made Shokuhou feel sad.

"Academy City is really a place full of scum. I will take control of this talent workshop... and bury Dolly with her!"

In the end, Shokuhou Misaki recovered her "brain", secretly controlled all the researchers, ended the "internal evolution", and also had an affair with a woman who was one of the twelve directors who led the project and was also a director of Tokiwadai. Negotiations completed.

The mastermind behind the scenes is now controlled by Nangong Xuan's Geass, a small character who was not noticed when he entered the council alone.

Only girls are given the ability to develop, because behind all this is the funding of the Tokiwadai chaebol. The aristocratic girls' school is not as glamorous as it looks.

Later, the girls enrolled in Tokiwadai one after another, and they still couldn't forget this sad past.

Nangong said: "Xiaoqi, this is the deal we agreed on. I will 'revive' Dolly."

Both Shokuho and Keisaku were attracted.

"But, can this really be done?"

"What you don't know is that the first clones were a pair of sisters. Dolly also has a spare sister, who has never been activated. Just transplant her memory uploaded to the learning device." Nangong smiled slightly, "I have found her and transferred it."

Fortunately, I still remember this plot.

When Nangong and his group came to the depths of the human room, they saw a life support device. The girl with long brown hair was soaking in the nutrient solution, with her eyes closed, like a sleeping beauty in a fairy tale.

In fact, every Misaka sister is born as a long-haired cannon sister after growing up for fourteen days.

Misaka Mikoto felt a little uncomfortable when the boy she liked saw "her" naked body. But she couldn't care about that at the moment, she just wanted to see the sister in the story.

"Is this child Dolly?"

Yes, it's her!

Shokuhou and Keisaku couldn't help but lean on the glass and called the girl's name.

"Dolly! Wake up..."

All the people coming and going were female researchers, one of whom was Futsuki Toshinori, who initially participated in the "Mass Production Ability Plan" and allowed Misaka No. 8912 to see the outside world for the first time.

"We are all ready, Nangong Senior."

The dead fish-eyed girl stared at this incredible man.

On the day they first met, he took away her sister who was "out for training", and then dominated all the laboratories and researchers, and finally defeated [Accelerator] and saved the Sisters.

Now, he even wants to "resurrect" the original Misaka sister.

"Let's start."

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