"Ghost seems to be immune to the mental system, and I can't help her get her memory back☆" Shokuhou shook his head.

In Pokemon, it is true that the ghost type restrains the super type.

"Let me try it."

Under the gaze of [Ability Tracking], Nangong Xuan touched the ghost girl and released a faint green light from his hand.

Not even "female ghosts" are spared.

Reply (Heal)!

Yuri's expression changed, and he said in a daze: "I remembered! Xiaorun, Xiaomi ant... and the little Shokuhou who robbed my Xiaorun!"


Shokuhou Misaki's smile froze.

Nangong calmed down and said: "It's a pity that she doesn't have a body, it just allowed her to get her memory back. She can only live in the form of an AIM life form."

Copy, [Ghost Body Reunion]!

I accepted the ghost's ability.

Even [Fantasy Controller] didn't work on her, so she couldn't collect this super power. The few AIM systems may be able to play unexpected roles with the support of [Personal City], and Nangong Xuan will naturally not miss it.

There is actually a hidden character in the talent workshop, so this trip was not in vain.

"Xiaorun's body is very warm."

Yuri Qianye still prefers to stay with Fanfeng, and he burst out with powerful momentum at the moment of [possession].


Fanfeng Junzi opened her eyes wide and said, "This feeling is..."

"She helped you overcome the side effects of [Tian Yi Sui]." Nangong said happily, "You have also reached Level 5, apprentice."

The curly-haired girl said excitedly: "That's great, Master. Let's come and compete!"

"Now is not the time to fight. Take Qingmei with you, we should go to the next stop."

Nangong Xuan activated [Coordinate Movement] and collectively teleported to another research institute. The brown-haired little loli in the life support device opened her eyes.

"Brother, sister, sister..."

"This is the first time we have met in reality, [The Final Work]." Nangong smiled lightly, "From now on, your name will be Misaka Mirai."

It is also a name that is not in the original work.


Misaka 20001, which exists as a command tower, was liberated from the nutrition cabin and was also promoted to Level 5. She was also wrapped in a white shirt, her face was flushed, and a stupid hair was raised on her head.


Not to mention Mikoto, even Shokuhou was conquered by the young Pao-san.

"Okay, so many sisters... Misaka Misaka will be shy."

The first time she was watched by people, Misaka was timid. She looked at Dolly in the crowd, big eyes and small eyes.

"Little one?"

"Sister Changmao!"

This is how the [First Work] and the [Last Work] met.

Nangong said to himself: "Next are the Sisters who have died so far."

"Young man, you are here."

Fangchuan Platycodon has been waiting here for a long time. The person in charge of the "Absolute Ability User Evolution Plan" is still under the control of Geass. But she acted with her own will in order to atone for her past self.

"They have all been collected together and have not had time to destroy them. You follow me."

Nangong and his group walked underground and came to the deepest darkness of Academy City. What comes into view is a huge mass grave. The corpses of clones piled up like mountains, and the black blood had long solidified.

Due to strict sterilization, the Misaka sisters have not completely rotted away.

"This is……"

The girls couldn't help but cover their mouths, feeling violently nauseated.

Me who died 8911 times?

Misaka Mikoto shed tears of grief as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

It turns out that being dragged into hell by the dead sisters was not an illusion. Maybe it was the electrical signal they left in the world before they died. Before their hearts stopped beating, they were still asking for help from their elder sister.

"Do you know why the institute didn't completely destroy them?" Nangong said calmly, "Originally, they were going to refine corpse oil to generate electricity. They also wanted to remove the cloned human organs and sell them..."

"Stop talking!"

The youngest Misaka Mirai and Tori had their eyes covered. Behind Fanfeng, the ghostly Yuri also covered her eyes.

How greedy can humans be?

"Testing, it's human testing again. Such a city is really... too dark."

Yuri Qianye, who has long since lost his body, can empathize with it.

Nangong Xuan teleported and entered the corpse field alone. Oblivious to the suffocating rich smell of blood, he closed his eyes and felt the super high school level despair.

Even after defeating [Accelerator], the negative energy in the entire Academy City was eliminated. This does not make the city any less sinful.

"Then leave it to the recovery warlock."

When Nangong opened his eyes again, they were already blood red. He connected to the [Fantasy Master] for the last time, with a white halo above his head, ominous lines on his face, and white wings spread out behind him.

Matrix angelization!

Through the window, a group of girls looked at the majestic black-haired young man who looked like a god, and were extremely shocked.

"Master in this form..."

Junko Hokaze can feel that even if she becomes stronger after being possessed by a ghost, there is still a huge gap.

Mikoto said in a daze: "No matter how many times I see it, it will always feel like a miracle."

"This is the first time I've seen Xiaoxuan like this☆" Shokuhou showed a complicated expression.

At the highest point of the corpse mountain, a certain Misaka sister still stretched out a pale hand, cold and stiff, as if silently shouting: "Save us..."

"I'm here."

Nangong Xuan flew over and held her hand.

Reply (Heal)!

Accompanied by a faint green light, Nangong recalled the girl's death experience. After [Angelization], he touched another inorganic world.

Just as [Atom Collapse] can be infinitely divided, it can also [Reply] to produce a replica. Even if there is only one hand or one cell left... it can be regenerated!

The most important thing for cloning is genetic material, which is the DNA map from Misaka Mikoto. As long as the DNA is not completely destroyed, Nangong Xuan can regenerate the target's body, which is different from the case of the ghost girl.

In the context of the scientific side, this is the ultimate interpretation of the destiny of the universe - the principle of entropy increase!

Entropy is a physical quantity that describes the chaotic state of things.

Human beings, as a low-entropy life, are highly ordered and have a highly complex life system. The essence of [Reply] is to return a thing to its original "entropy", which is closely related to the direction of the arrow of time.

[Improvement] is to make the target evolve towards a specific entropy, and [Copy] is to copy the exact same information entropy.

As long as the entropy of all things in the world is read, even resurrection can be done.

One of the four great beasts in physics, Maxwell's demon, which violates the laws of thermodynamics, was born.

If we return to the framework of the magic side, the so-called "fate", cause and effect, existence... of human beings... are all reversed.

This is to invade the realm of God and resist the power of all things!

"I, witnessed your existence."

Nangong pulled the living Misaka sister out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood with one force.


The white body returned to its original state, but still had no consciousness.

The dissipated soul can't come back. Or, the brain has been dead for too long and caused irreversible damage to memory.

Interestingly, Queen Bee can even read the "memories" of things. After all, her [Psychological Mastery] can differentiate more than 3,000 effects, so it's not surprising that she has hidden abilities.

Nangong Xuan doesn't plan to recall them one by one.

"【Overall consciousness】, I know you are watching." Nangong suddenly said, "It's time to work."

The dull-looking Misaka sister suddenly smiled and said, "I know, brother. /Remake."

There is no such key on the computer keyboard.

As the 【Overall consciousness】 of the Misaka network, she is like a cloud similar to a network disk, recording every bit of experience of each numbered sister.

"Misaka 8art!"

"Misaka No. 8910..."

The sister at the top of the mass grave is the one who died recently. The lower you go, the smaller the number.

Life restarts, and the "soul" is recovered from the underworld.

After each Misaka sister is resurrected, she is teleported outside by Nangong Xuan using 【Coordinate Movement】 and falls into Mikoto's arms.

"Has the experiment started? Do, Misaka 8911 raised a question."

Then, the voice of Misaka Network rang in her mind: "No, it's over. Misaka 8912 patiently answered."

The younger sister who first met Nangong and the first individual of the elder sister she met shed tears of joy for the first time.

"All sisters, welcome here."

This boy really did it. Xiao Meng, Huang Quanchuan... He really accepted an extraordinary student.

Yoshikawa Kikyo's eyes were red and she couldn't help laughing.

"It's just right, the 20,000 blue and white strips I purchased can finally come in handy."

Every clone who was raised as a daughter has returned.

"No, so what we want is Gua Tai Panci..."

"The elder sister's safety pants are also fine!"

Hearing the younger sisters' muttering, Misaka Mikoto shyly pressed down her skirt.

"What are you all thinking about!"

But it's good to be back.

The brown-haired girl hugged her naked sisters one after another, and behind her were [First Work] and [Last Work].

No need to go to the end of hell anymore.

"Welcome home!"

We are in heaven.

The girls looked at the black-haired young man who was like a god descending from heaven, and gradually became dazed.

"This is too slow."

Nangong Xuan's eyes were indifferent. He could operate his AIM diffusion field in the [White Wing] form, and immediately thought of the new ability he had just acquired.


Astral Buddy!

Countless clones flew out with Nangong as the center, which was different from the fighting Flanders. His "ghost" had no independent consciousness, but just split his personal will out.

The defect was invisible and had no entity?

Vector Change!

AIM force field, materialized.

Just like the transformation from the clone technique to the shadow clone in Naruto, Nangong Xuan controlled countless physical clones and could feel the dispersed power. Just like [Liquified Silhouette], there is no limit on distance and manipulation distance.

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