"Good night."

After saying that, Nangong Xuan gave Index a "materialistic iron fist" and directly hit [his own secretary] back. When the silver-haired little nun woke up, her face was swollen.

"What's going on? I was sleeping soundly. Did the big brother hit me? That's too much!"

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

"It's that simple, solved?"

Alesta was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth and said, "What an interesting man, Nangong Xuan."

From beginning to end, no magic from [the original] was used. Kanzaki and Stiyl couldn't understand it either, and they just thought it was a heretic with profound magical attainments.

"No, I'm here to retrieve [Index]'s memory."

Nangong smiled slightly, and a red bird appeared in his eyes. Although it threatened Index's brain, the [automatic secretary] that had exhausted its magic power was no longer able to stop it.

Memory replay!

One of the three thousand spiritual abilities that Queen Shokuhou possesses, it can even read the memory of objects, and naturally it can also help people who have lost their memories to recover.

Nangong Xuan's spiritual system has already reached the pinnacle, even if Kamijou really loses his memory, there will be no bug of forgetting again and again.

Kanzaki suddenly remembered that the god he just worshipped was said to be able to [restore] everything in the universe.

At this moment, Index saw the memory of the past.

In the fields of Europe, a woman with long blond hair held her little hand until she knelt in St. George's Cathedral in England and prayed devoutly.

"From now on, you are Index."

The boring memories of childhood, always reading. The innate [complete memory] is used to record all the [original texts] in the world, becoming a mobile magic library.

Three years ago, the companion was the secret recorder of the Roman Orthodox Church-Oreos. Two years ago, it was Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl, and recently met Xiaomeng and Kamijou.

"Everyone is very nice to me. So, you are not the bad guys who are chasing me."

Index turned her head and showed a gentle smile. Her temperament changed. She was no longer a stupid foodie, but a holy little nun.

"I miss you. Sister Kanzaki, brother Stiyl..."

At this moment, the girl with a single ponytail burst into tears. She put down the [Seven Days and Seven Swords] and just hugged the petite girl silently. She was like a sister to her.

Several years ago, when she was first abducted to the Church of Necessary Evil, the young Kanzaki was still not used to it. She left Amakusa Shiki and went to the foreign country of the British Isles, where she couldn't even speak the language. But only this girl took the initiative to accept her.

"Hey, sister Kanzaki. I will teach you English, and you teach me Japanese."


"There are many delicious foods in Japan. I want to go and see it one day. I heard that there is a heretical city called Academy City. It's incredible."

Young Index has been locked up in the library, reading repeatedly. In the prison-like cage, she looked at the distant east, and had a glimmer of expectation.

Kamiya said distressedly: "When the time comes, I will take you back to my hometown."


A year ago, Index had all her memories about them erased, and "strangely" escaped from Britain. Kamiya and Stiyl received an order to bring her back, but they couldn't bear to watch the girl's memories being erased year after year, and they were letting her go all the way.

"Index, you are finally free."

We, in fact, just want to watch her grow up day by day.

Someone who can never be saved, someone who can never be abandoned...

At this moment, Kamiya Kaori held her hand tightly. Although she could do nothing, someone settled everything like a miracle.

"In this way, the little nun will not forget the teacher, you still owe me half a month's food? And, you made our family like this."

Tsukuyomi Xiaomeng's eyes were red, and she hugged the silver-haired girl.

"Welcome home..."

"Yes, Teacher Xiaomeng is the best!" Index smiled brightly.

Nangong thought: Fortunately, Xiaomeng's nickname is not "Xiao Indy".

"Well, I think I can still be saved..."

At this time, Kamijou Touma was lying on the ground with multiple fractures all over his body. If he was sent to the hospital, how could he explain that he was hit by a feather like this?

Nangong Xuan laughed dumbly and helped him [reply].

"Your right hand can't be helped, just rest for a while."

"Fuguoda (unfortunate)——"

The ceiling was empty, and the wailing of the hedgehog head echoed in the night wind.

"Our little Nangong is an amazing 'healing hero', but now you have to help the injured people bear the pain, right? It's a good thing to be so brave, but the teacher will also feel distressed." Xiaomeng scolded Nangong with tears in her eyes.

The truth of recovery magic is actually like this...

Kanzaki Kaori looked at the black-haired young man with a complicated look.

I am a so-called "saint", but I am just bearing the mark of the suffering of the Son of God, and he... my master, is the reincarnated saint!

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all."

It smells good.

Nangong Xuan didn't know why, he had been "robbing" all the time, but he got countless good guy cards by accident.

Chapter 096 Feeding, Magic Buns

After Nangong Xuan seized the [Saint's Physique], he felt the surge of vitality. This also means that the CD of replenishing magic has been shortened again.

Not only that, the recovery warlock inherited the [One Hundred Three Thousand Magic Books] and understood the essence of magic in this plane.

It turns out that one of the ways to generate magic power is to convert it from the magician's life force, just like crude oil is refined into various chemical raw materials. In addition, there are naturally existing energies, such as ley lines, which have the same effect as superpowers capturing the kinetic energy of the earth's rotation.

The same goes for the magic power of "Restoration Warlock".

After Nangong fully masters magic, even this energy can be [vector manipulated]. The total amount of magic power produced by the saint's physique is extremely exaggerated, far exceeding that of ordinary magicians, and it can also obtain vector increases.

What if we use greater magic power to [reply]?

Not to the extent of healing a person or repairing a knife, but a much broader area.

Seeing that her home was gone, Xiaomeng said gloomily: "Xiao Nangong, where should we spend the night tonight?"

"My closet is still standing." Ya Niang said proudly, "If that doesn't work, go live in a windowless building for a while."

Miss Mina is quite tempting, but it would be too bad to be stared at by a wife-accused hanging man.

"It's okay, I'm here."

When Nangong had a thought, a mysterious magic circuit appeared on his face, and magic light emerged crazily. God mode is far more oppressive than [Automatic Secretary]. He just stamped his foot lightly, and a green light spread in all directions, stretching for hundreds of meters.


Reply (Heal)!

Like time flowing backwards, everything around us is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The streets that were burned by fire, Xiaomeng's house that suffered a huge disaster, and the ceiling that was blown away... were restored one by one.

Kanzaki Kaori and Steele were shocked.

"This level of recovery magic..."

It’s simply a forbidden spell that manipulates time!

After understanding the angelic transformation, Nangong Xuan was able to [restore] dead objects, and now he is even more sophisticated. The magic power of the saint is used in the healing magic of another world, and they complement each other and are integrated.

Now, resurrecting ten thousand sisters is just a thought.

This is like an act of God.

"This kind of magic that makes wishes come true...could it be Golden Dayan Technique, or alchemy like gold refining?" Index was confused.

Alesta murmured: "If I continue to grow, I think I will be able to achieve even the magic power of my [Impact Staff] that increases the power of magic tenfold."

A dilapidated apartment in immaculate condition. Nangong Xuan walked to the door, and the neighbors all poked their heads out to look at the man shrouded in light.

"...Wife, come out and see God." Someone said blankly.

There was a fire in School District No. 7, and the fire trucks that put out the fire all night were out of work.

Crowds were gathering, and the streets were empty for a while.


The people of Academy City worshiped in front of a scene that looked like a miracle. Even in this scientifically prosperous city, superstition has not been eradicated.

Nangong Xuan had a strange feeling. He could feel that people's beliefs would turn into an unknown energy, a power close to the essence of [Telekinetic Cannonball].

The power of faith?

As long as I also become an "idolatry" religious leader, my unique magic including [Reply] will be greatly improved. It turns out that this is the [Fantasy Controller] on the magic side.

Nowadays, Nangong Xuan cares about the universe and no longer looks down on low-level methods such as bewitching all mankind. Compared with the energy of black holes and white holes, the earth is too small.

Red birds appeared in Nangong's eyes, and he said lightly: "Nothing happened tonight, let's break up."


The memories of all witnesses were erased, as if [idler dispersal] was triggered, and the area was quickly cleared.

The world is quiet.

“It is indeed God’s will.”

This is how Kanzaki Kaori understands [Psychological Mastery]. They believed in Academy City's number one [Light of Judgment], so they obeyed.

"It's a superpower." Kamijou said helplessly.

Through "Fantasy Controller", the seeds of mind control were planted on 2.3 million people in Academy City. In a way similar to a computer backdoor, it is also called "preset" by Queen Shokuhou.

There are currently no bad people in this city. The evil thoughts of the ability users were all killed, and the "Human Completion Plan" was completed.

Kanzaki finally understood that this was a huge ritual venue.

The only remaining villains in the future are magicians. They would also invade Academy City and cause chaos.

"Now that Index's memories have been recovered, we can atone for our sins." Steele was relieved, "As for this child..."

Nangong said calmly: "Let her decide whether to stay or go. No one can lock Index anymore. It doesn't matter whether it's the British Puritan Church, the Russian Adult Church, or the Roman Orthodox Church."

Because she is already Xiaomeng's good friend.

What a domineering statement.

Kanzaki Kaori and Steele were amazed and looked at it.

"Thank you, big brother for your reply."

Index raised her head and looked at the black-haired young man playfully. Nangong Xuan reached out and touched her little head. She has long silver hair that is like a waterfall and feels soft to the touch, similar to Alesita's.

"Little nun, have you thought about it?"

"This is Kanzaki-san's hometown, right? I just met a lot of new friends, and I don't want to be taken back so soon..." Index mustered up the courage to say, "I want to stay."

She doesn't need anyone to accompany her to hell, this man can bring her back from the end of hell.

"I will report the specific matters to the Supreme Bishop and leave it to her and your chairman to decide."

Steele lit another cigarette, showing a complicated expression. The innocent Index met many good people in her life. She is also kind to everyone and will not be overly dependent.

This love of mine is ultimately fruitless.

Alesta said with a smile: "I decided for them."

The next second, the red-haired priest's cigarette was put out by Yue Yong Xiaomeng. After obtaining [Physical Change], Teacher Xiaomeng also gained superhuman strength.

"Hey, smoking is prohibited in my house, and there are children."

"...I'm so sorry!"

Steele, who was addicted to cigarettes - mainly because of a broken love - found an excuse and wanted to run away. Kanzaki Kaori hesitated.

"I want to... stay with Index for a while."

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