How come these young ladies are like gangsters?

Japanese girls are ashamed to ask for money in person. They have to wrap up the money in an envelope or handkerchief when borrowing money. It is really arrogant to wrap the money in an expensive handbag.

Nangong raised his eyelids and said, "I am not so easily bribed by money."

"This is the consultation fee for Dr. Nangong. Think about it carefully, I lost my temper. Dr. Nangong injured Fanfeng, but you cured her regardless of the past. Even this near-death experience is... sorry☆"

Shokuhou Misaki put her hands together and lowered her proud head rarely. For the sake of her own faction, she can abandon unnecessary reserve.

Fanfeng said with emotion: "Queen, for me..."

"This is not the real reason for your change of attitude, but you have something to ask of me, right?"

Nangong smiled calmly and pointed to his head.

"The pain remains in the brain."

It turns out that Fanfeng Junzi's [Heavenly Clothing] will cause a great burden on the body and mind. The pain of accelerating cell division through electric stimulation will cause severe headaches, which in turn affects one's own output. It was relieved after she encountered [Psychological Mastery].

The healing magician who does not know pain can easily be immune to this side effect.

"I promised to cure the doctor's 'painlessness', which is also an agreement. My ability can also make you feel pain or no pain at the right time☆"

"No need, that kind of thing is just a false illusion." Nangong shook his head.

God knows how much mental pressure this man has endured when [recovering], his perception is completely confused.

"Your body has no pain, but your mind is still aware of it... Should it hurt?"

The blonde girl showed a complicated look. She knew how much pain it would bring to Runzi to lift the restrictions with all her strength, and she took all the pain by beating the dying enemy with her own hands.

Double the pain!

"Just like Fanfeng's ability is a double-edged sword, only those who are prepared to be killed are qualified to shoot." Nangong smiled slightly, "It's just... mild pain."

[Underworld Chasing Soul] gives a pain level of 0~10. Only when [Reply] reads other people's brains can you empathize a little.


Hokaze Runko knew that she had had headaches so much that she couldn't sleep for countless nights.

At that time, the queen gently hugged her head and healed her spiritually.

According to the young lady's naive idea, giving birth is just this painful. In the end, it was just "slightly painful" in the mouth of this man.

Is it really too fragile?

The purple-haired girl suddenly lost her temper.

At this time, Nangong Xuan quietly opened the [Emerald Eye]. After copying [Ghost Chaser], he could already see the patient's defects and DeBuffs with his naked eyes.

Real name: Hokaze Runko

Symptoms: Periodic headaches caused by the load of [Heavenly Clothing], which intensified with the forced control of cell division, causing the patient to be unable to concentrate on calculations, and the unconscious defensive instinct prevented her from exerting her original abilities.

Level cap: Level5→Level4

The secret in the memory of the ghost chasing in the underworld - quality judgment (Parameter List), one of the top secrets of the Academy City.

Contrary to the propaganda that "anyone can become a superpower as long as they work hard", every student is destined to reach the upper limit through ability development.

However, after the "brave" job is integrated into the world view of Magical Index, there is no limit. [Improvement] can continuously improve the upper limit of oneself and others, and there is even a means to increase the level upper limit by injecting body fluids.

I don't know if it works for people with abilities.

My eyes are [Quality Judgment]!

Nangong calmed down and said: "So, I advise Fanfeng not to abuse his ability anymore. The number of times human cells divide in a lifetime is limited. If you continue like this, you will accelerate your aging and even death."

[Heavenly Clothing] This ability actually consumes lifespan, which is also the ultimate limit of life in telomere theory!

Mitsuari Ayuki thought for a moment and said, "So, the originally smooth skin will become wrinkled and ugly, right? I will leave a set of designer gel for Hokaze."

"Mitsuari-san!" Shokuho said angrily.

Hokaze said firmly, "It doesn't matter if unnecessary youth and beauty are discarded. Just use this power to protect the queen... and our happy daily life."


The blonde girl was stunned and called out the intimate name. This time she didn't use honorifics.

"No, Hokaze-senpai!"

The girls of the Shokuho faction had tears in their eyes.

"When I was cured just now, my headache was gone. If it were you, there would be a way."

Hokke Junko posed in the highest etiquette of the Japanese - the dogeza. The gymnastics suit worn by the young lady had holes in it due to the fierce battle, and her heavy breasts were pressed on her knees, which made people tremble with fear when they saw it.

"Master Nangong, please allow me to become your disciple!"

In the past, I could learn physical skills just by reading books, and I could easily defeat the masters my father found. I have long wanted to find a master who can really teach me.

Now, the hermit master from the Celestial Empire is right in front of me.

"I really can't do anything to you." Nangong smiled helplessly, "My ability should be able to [restore] even cells. As for whether you can break through the limit, it depends on your strong heart."


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the black-haired young man held down Miss Fanfeng's head, and a faint green light emerged from his hand.

Reply (Heal), every cell in the body!


A gorgeous princess curl, once praised by the queen and cherished, is now handed over to a man.

The immortal touches my head, and I will be immortal!

"It's done." Nangong stopped.

The curly-haired girl felt her body become lighter, and the long-standing pain disappeared without a trace, shocking beyond words.

It's incredible, could it be the "top-crowned transfer" in the martial arts novels of the Celestial Empire!

"Senior Fanfeng, it seems... the whole person has become younger."

"That's great☆~"

Shokuhou Misaki hugged her friend, overjoyed.

"It's spread outside that Dr. Nangong seems to be a gynecological expert specially invited by the queen. Just a touch can end the period, and get super high scores in the physical examination!"

"It turns out that it can also beautify the skin?"

No woman can resist the temptation of eternal youth.

In a sense, the "superpower" that can make cells [restore] to the state before division is equivalent to immortality, but Nangong Xuan has not yet fully developed it.


"Lord Nangong, can you help me with the treatment too!"

The young ladies who had previously criticized "stinky men" had a 360-degree change in their attitude. What's more, they enthusiastically hugged Nangong's hand and pressed it on their chest.

Nangong secretly thought: The beauty trap doesn't work on me.

This superpower is really great... No, this gymnastics suit is really white.

Young ladies, just offer your abilities like lambs to be slaughtered.

Nangong slowly raised his head, and the elf eye had seen through the physiological conditions of every girl. There was no need to be misunderstood by Misaka Mikoto.

In a sense, even the ovulation period was rewritten by [restore].

[Hidden ovulation] and [continuous estrus] are the innate skills that every woman has evolved naturally. In the long-term game between females and males, they are the necessary means to tie men.

Therefore, humans often don't know when their partners will get pregnant, and they are also rare animals in nature that do not have estrus, or they are in estrus 24 hours a day.

The number of eggs discharged by human women in their lifetime is limited, which is also related to the aging of the body and the decline of reproductive function.

[Reply] can really create a girl who is always 17 years old.

I will always like Teacher Xiao Meng.

Mitsuya Aiyu compared the difference between her and the Queen of Bees, showing an eager expression, and doubted whether [Reply] would lead to the side effect of stagnation of development.

Fanfeng said gratefully: "Master, I really don't know how to repay you..."

Although Nangong did not accept this female apprentice, the eldest lady with curly hair obviously took it seriously. The Chinese traverser who was obsessed with Misaka Mikoto came up with a bold plan.

"Speaking of which, there is something that only you can do, and I need something from you."

Fanfeng said respectfully: "Master, just speak up. In addition to the queen, you are my second loyal object!"

"Qua Tai."


Fanfeng Junzi subconsciously covered her shorts with a shy expression. The gymnastics uniforms of Tokiwadai are paired with boxer shorts, which are more suitable for reserved young ladies than briefs that expose thighs and buttocks.

But why can Nangong see the secret that even the elder sister doesn't know... Is this the vision of the strong!

"Runzi, what happened suddenly?"

Shokuho and Mitsuari were confused.

After all, with their psychic abilities, they would not be bored enough to peek at what their female friends are wearing today.

The master's orders cannot be disobeyed, which seems to be the "father" of the father in the context of the Celestial Empire. This must be a test from the master, right?

"I understand, everyone help me block it." Miss Fanfeng finally made a difficult decision.


The girls of Tokiwadai were like they were facing a great enemy, holding hands to form an impenetrable human wall.

Nangong Xuan had just cured the girl with dysmenorrhea sitting in front of him, and he felt strange when he looked up.

I just want a limited edition Quata, what are they doing?

Second Sight!

Hofeng Runzi gritted her teeth and took off her favorite collection of underwear, and then presented it to the master respectfully.

It was completely against the young lady's sense of shame, but our queen seemed to like to be empty...

So, it doesn't matter.

When Hofeng came out again, her legs were shaking under her gymnastics pants. She mustered up the courage to hand over her beliefs and said seriously: "There are no bad people who like Guatai. Master, please accept it!"

So that's how it is. It's easy to capture beautiful girls without Geass - the reason behind it is heartwarming.

"Guatai" was shyly crumpled into a ball by the young lady and stuffed into Dr. Nangong's hands. It was sweating profusely. It looked like a perverted frog face soaked with the girl's fragrant sweat, leaving residual warmth.

One can't help but wonder, can this thing really trap Misaka Mikoto? Even she wouldn't be interested in the "collector's edition" worn by other girls.

"Where did you come from, stupid female apprentice? Put your clothes back on!"

"Hey hey hey! My master has disliked me..."

There are pictures here, which can be viewed after the updated version

Chapter 015 Hunting for the Misaki, invading the brain!

"You ungrateful black guy, just left me like that. Next time I see that guy, I will definitely teach him a lesson!"

The brown-haired girl walked angrily down the corridor of Tokiwadai.

The precious summer vacation hasn't even started yet, and I've already been punished by the terrible housemaster to clean the swimming pool for a month.

The girls I met on the road said hello cordially: "Gui'an, Misaka-san."

"Ah, hello!"

Misaka Mikoto quickly forced out a polite fake smile in response to her junior's expectations.

Even if she doesn't admit it, Mikoto knows that the girls in this school regard her as the second "onee-sama" - someone other than someone who manipulates people's hearts - and they are fanatically pursuing the Railgun.

Therefore, one should not have any unrealistic illusions about girls' schools from the beginning.

"Hey, the legendary '100% curable man' is here for a consultation at our school. As long as he treats you, your abilities will improve."

"Hey, does the Fantasy Controller really exist?"

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