At this time, Queen Shokuhou became very interested in Nangong and wanted to explore his innermost feelings more and more. The identities of "Wall Facer" and "Wall Breaker" are constantly changing, and they only want to completely dominate one side.

[Psychological Mastery] Love brain battle.

Shokuhou muttered inwardly: Humph, is Misaka-san popular because she is a manga heroine? I also want to be a heroine for once!

"Shouhou, my brothers and sisters will come visit you next time. Don't worry, you will hear everyone's voices soon☆"

The blonde girl put aside her distracting thoughts and touched Loli's little head. I always feel like it's calling me, weird.

"Okay... see you Queen sister!"

After the two left, [Exterior Brain]'s inner space fell into darkness again. Shokuhou was feeling lonely when an "angel" appeared in front of her.

This is a long, black, straight little lolita, like a newborn baby. She sat down on the ground and raised her stupid hair.

"I have a new friend." Shokuhou rubbed his eyes, "What's your name?"

"Me? My name seems to be... Feng Zhan Binghua."

Chapter 064 Seize, vector operation!

It was night, two simple girls listened to singing and looked up at the stars.

"Early spring, have you heard of the Imaginary School District? Outside of the twenty-three school districts of Academy City, there is a mirage city composed entirely of the AIM diffusion field of espers. It is said that when the first esper in history released The AIM force field and the imaginary math area have been born.”

The girl with long, straight black hair showed a longing expression.

Mr. Lei didn't know it yet, but he had inadvertently obtained the "script". As we all know, urban legends are true.

"Perhaps Zero is going to enter the Imaginary Math District?" Saten couldn't help but think wildly, "I wonder if there are really residents in the other Academy City."

"Is there a corresponding concept between real numbers and imaginary numbers?"

This time, Uiharu Shiri didn't take it as nonsense and thought about it seriously. If you think about it carefully, it is actually the correspondence between reality and virtuality.

"This feeling now is the same as when I was saved by senior." Saten pressed his chest, "The negative emotions in my heart disappeared all of a sudden. As long as the negative energy in the entire city is eliminated, there will be no [Fantasy Tamer] All kinds of crimes."

It turns out that Zero is Kira who wants to eliminate all evil.

"Listen, the lamentation of the powerless."

Only people without talent can use magic. The two magicians under the night felt some kind of suppression.

"We entered Academy City with the permission of the Five Elements Agency..."

"Aleister Crowley, what are you planning?"

This is a beautiful woman with long hair and a single ponytail that reaches her waist. She is tall and has fair skin. A pair of trouser legs were cut off from women's jeans, revealing their long and beautiful legs, which were full of lust.

The companion beside him is a two-meter-tall red-haired man with barcode-like tattoos on his face and a cigarette in his mouth.

It was Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl Magnus, magicians from the English Puritan Church of Necessary Evil.

Affected by the incomplete "Artificial Heaven" spell, they felt a tightness in their chests and helplessly let go of the silver-haired nun - Index.

"Is it some kind of mind-tampering technique?"

At the same moment, Index, who was being hunted, was also attracted by the singing that echoed over the city. She looked into the distance and prayed devoutly with her hands together.

"Even in a city where science is prosperous, the nature of hymns is almost the same."

On the battlefield, the brown-haired girl heard the familiar voices of her classmates.

"My classmates after marriage, my classmates in Wan Nei, my classmates in Paofu..."

Shokuhou Misaki took advantage of the back door left by Nangong's Geass to form the "Tokiwadai Choir", but she also asked more classmates. Not directly [psychological control], but conveying his consciousness to them.

"This song is to help Misaka-san."

"Then there's no other way. Let's see my photon's musical abilities after marriage!"

"Thank you, everyone..."

Misaka Mikoto burst into tears. Only then did she realize that many people were helping her.

The city isn't that dark yet. If so, it was also lit up by that man.

School District 10, a VIP cell like a luxury hotel.

Mushan Chunsheng couldn't sleep at night. When she could hear the [Fantasy Controller] covering the entire Academy City, she couldn't help but smile.

"Have my ambitions and plans really failed?"

Boy, you are the man I expected. That's right, only you are my masterpiece. Together with our tragic wish... subvert this city!

The final "fantasy" is complete.

The technique unfolds!


When Nangong Xuan opened his eyes again, his left eye turned blood red.

This is exactly the symbol of [Fantasy Master], and it is also the characteristic of consciousness being upgraded with the help of the entangled AIM diffusion field. The same goes for Teacher Mushan’s access to the Internet. It's just that Nangong has been using her brain, and she has to bear the side effects.

This time, it's me who will bear everything, teacher.

Of course, there is also Queen Shokuhou's [Exterior Brain]. With its own BGM, it seems to be the protagonist carrying the sound on the stage.

As long as the negative emotions of human beings are eliminated, the darkness of the city can be eliminated to a certain extent. No matter how crazy the scientist is, he will be transformed into a good person. This is an unexpected effect.

Human completion plan?

No, I just want to take over the entire city's superpowers.

Nangong Xuan could see countless red lines rising in the sky. They extended from the heads of every ability user, and finally merged into the talent room in the second school district, connecting to the huge [external brain], and at the same time connected to his brain.

Not only could he see electromagnetic waves with his naked eyes, but he also witnessed the brain waves of mind control.

"Now, the AIM diffusion force field of nearly 2.3 million people entangled together has all converged on Nangong. It's like a lens, constantly magnifying his ability."

This scene made Takitsubo Riko feel incredible.

Just like the discomfort caused by the birth of [Fantasy Beast] during the day, just being close would disturb her consciousness by the AIM force field of countless people.

In the original work, the later Misaka Mikoto was calculated by Kihara Gensei and entered the "Zombie Cannon" mode at the Daiba Star Festival, and almost forced to evolve to Level 6.

Nangong Xuan wanted to evolve actively and feel the improvement of his realm step by step with his mortal body.

According to the original plan, Mr. Kiyama should now control the brains of 100,000 people, but now he has reached a terrifying number of millions. If you can use the [Emerald Eye] to look at your panel, you can see the skyrocketing values.

Current computing power: 100,000, 200,000...

In just a few seconds, it surpassed [Accelerator], crushing with several times the computing power, and it is still growing wildly. For the original stone-like Nangong Xuan, computing power is not useless, it is directly converted into damage multiplier.

"What's going on with this guy?"

Suzuko Yuriko was surprised and looked at the man floating in the sky. The moment he opened his eyes, [Vector Operation] felt an inexplicable pressure.

"As you can see, I carry the personal reality of 2.3 million people." Nangong said lightly, "The sins of this city have been wiped out by me."

Yifang sneered: "Zero, do you want to become the god of the new world?"

"It's not 'want', but I'm already on the way."

"With a mortal body, I can hear the heavens" - Nangong Xuan tried to understand the secrets of Level 6 and completely defeat [Accelerator]'s strongest dream with the power of an absolute ability person.

"Level 5.01." Nangong coldly spat out a number.

It has only evolved to 1% so far, which can be understood as the maximum output beyond Level 5.

It is no longer the power of human muscles, but the power of superpowers.

The white-haired girl felt a strong sense of crisis. She heard the singing coming from the wind and became more and more irritated.

"Noisy! You are all weaklings who moan without illness. Look at me controlling the wind that transmits sound waves and completely crushing your voices!"

[Accelerator] opened his arms and raised a gust of wind, which was highly compressed above her head, and then formed a hot air mass, emitting dazzling light.

With her powerful computing power, she can calculate the complex vectors in the atmosphere, and then be easily ionized by [Vector Operation].

"I am the No. 1 top student in Academy City, and I can easily do even this kind of thing. Can you fight against the gusts of the entire Academy City?"

The white-haired girl laughed wildly, rubbing her plasma body with her hands, and the power was far above the "Plasma Power Fist" of Sogiita Junha.


Misaka sister held her sister's hand and shouted out worriedly. She could feel the horror of plasma, which could not even interfere with her own electromagnetic field.

Any creature that was hit by this move would be wiped out, right?


[Accelerator] threw the plasma with all his strength. In her opinion, as long as the particles in the air around Nangong were disturbed, even the calculation of the space system would be disturbed to a certain extent.

Large-scale AOE, no escape!

I borrowed the power of 2.3 million people-the so-called "personal reality". Let them fall into "Infinite Moon Reading", but this guy is still better at throwing "spirit bombs".

Nangong Xuan did not dodge or evade, but only raised one hand.


Under the gaze of everyone, he used one finger to press against the hot air balloon-like plasma, spinning it at high speed on his fingertips, just like playing with a basketball.

The girls were all stunned.

Attack Crash!

"Is this your strongest attack? [Accelerator], you are too weak."

Nangong Xuan couldn't help but shook his head and crushed the huge plasma with his backhand.


The air mass with a diameter of tens of meters burst like a water ball, and the violent wind blew to every corner of the Academy City. Even the haze in the sky was disturbed, and the ionized airflow induced thunderstorm clouds.

Ichi was shocked and said: "How is it possible..."

"The last superpower is courage. As long as there is the courage of 2.3 million people, it can be done easily."

Capacity Down!

Nangong's eyes condensed, and the invisible pupil power burst out. The white-haired girl was suppressed in an instant, and felt that [Vector Operation] had dropped a level.

What kind of move is this... [Reflection], weakened?

Takitsubo Riko opened her eyes wide and felt the suppression of the same superior ability.

"This is derived from my [Ability Tracking], and it can actually directly weaken the ability user? No, Nangong's calculation ability also completely crushed the first place, and he violently cracked the calculation formula of [Vector Operation]!"

Is this [God·Zero]?

The first among the superpower users, just being glared at, actually lost a level!

"Now, you are no longer the strongest person in Academy City, not even Level 5."

Yifang gritted his teeth and said: "Even if I become weaker, it does not mean that you become stronger! As long as I am not exposed to that kind of physical skill, my [reflex] cannot be broken..."

Give me a little more calculation time, and I can crack this ability interference even if I drop to Level 4!


Nangong looked down and clenched his fists again. He could feel a huge invisible force coming up, ten times more powerful than [Telekinetic Cannonball]!

Fantasy Controller (Level Upper)!

"Can you withstand the 'weakest' punch from two million and three million people?"

Just like that, Nangong Xuan threw his third punch so far.

The first form is telekinetic divine fist, the second form is reflex divine fist, and the third form... is just absolute power.

One force can overcome all odds!


A terrifying fist blast hit the white-haired girl on the ground, instantly creating a huge crater. [Accelerator] If he was hit hard, his whole body was deeply embedded in the earth.


Suzuko Yuriko vomited blood and felt that her whole body had lost consciousness. His whole body suffered comminuted fractures, and his brain was short-circuited in an instant.


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