A hot tear splashed blood.

"Liar! As long as I cry, the hero will come to save me... I have already won in the end, don't die!" Mikoto burst into tears.

Why can't anyone save you, the one I love, at this time!

For Nangong, the time traveler is lonely, and everything can only be done by himself. However, I have so many harems accompanying me without knowing it.

If I attack Aiwass angrily, they will be buried with me.

"Correction, it's a hero."

Nangong Xuan supported himself on the ground with one hand, clenched his teeth, and used so much force that his knuckles turned white. He stood up abruptly like a [telekinetic cannonball], and [vector operation] controlled the blood flow, just like Sogiita Gunba and Suzuko Yuriko did.

It turned out that I have become part of the famous scene in the second dimension.

Looking at the man who looked like the devil of the sixth heaven, the girls said in a daze: "Nangong..."

As long as the brain is not dead, this program called "Geass" will continue to run. The second to last time, release [reply] to your whole body.


Evans noticed his abnormality and said condescendingly: "Give up, mortal. The gap between you and me is simply unbeatable."

What kind of bird language is this?

"No way to win? I don't understand, angel."

Nangong's face was stained with blood, and his pupils that turned back into mortals revealed his determination to die.

So far, I have recovered my memories and feelings, and I am not influenced by any force to stay or go. No longer relying on external things, only relying on my pure self, I found a glimmer of possibility from countless impossibilities in this cruel world of magic.

"Let's stop the boring memories... Hey, I haven't opened enough harems. They, I will protect them!"

On this day, the Demon King of [Reply] awakened.

Chapter 069 The Ghostly Aesthetics of the Rogue Hero

When Nangong Xuan was hit by the sudden arrival of Aiwas, the platinum wings also injected unknown energy into his body.

This is the great opportunity for upgrading.

The impression is the experience of [Accelerator] after opening the wings.

For the first time, I understood the concept of phase - it should be a professional term in electricity, describing the scale of a wave at a certain point.

The same is true for the phase superimposed on the world like a curtain or filter paper, and the power of supernatural power is generated in this way. Aleister wants to return the magic forbidden plane to the pure laws of physics, eliminate all magic, including supernatural powers.

To put it bluntly, it is the earth in the previous life that the traverser is most familiar with.

If the high-level martial arts plane is reset to zero, wouldn’t it be a waste of time to travel?

In this scientific religious worldview, supernatural powers believe in themselves - personal reality.

Today, Nangong Xuan has recovered all the supernatural powers of the Academy City, which means that their "reality" has come to an end. Only the imagination of the traverser is not bound by any plane.

"If you are an angel manifested in the collective of 2.3 million AIM diffusion fields, then... I am the 'beast' born from this fantasy."

Nangong Xuan opened his eyes again, a blood red. Ominous lines appeared on his face, spreading to his whole body like a circuit diagram.

Geass has always meant contract in German, but the current body can be called Code - principle, or code.

[Fantasy Hand] is reconnected, and the highly condensed AIM diffusion field has not dissipated.

[Accelerator] can control the AIM force field with [Vector Operation]. After Takitsubo Riko reaches Level 5, [Ability Tracking] will also have flexible control over the AIM force field.

[Hatsuharu_Awakening] digitizes the world formed by the AIM diffusion field in the awakening state, and uses the ability of [Super Hacker] to modify and redefine reality at the microscopic level.

The great way is simple, and different paths lead to the same destination.

The three are to interfere with personal reality from the perspectives of energy, force field and numerical value. If you think about it carefully, the three major destinations of superpowers have been taken into your pocket, and it only takes one opportunity to complete the transformation.

When Nangong Xuan quantized with [Atomic Disintegration], he had already touched the essence of the microscopic world.

Since the human brain is a quantum computer, the personal reality of the superpower is to magnify the microscopic world to the macroscopic world in a way that violates "Schrödinger's cat", so it is feasible to rewrite reality through the digitization of the brain.

Quantum consciousness rises to the height of the superposition phase.

At this moment, Nangong Xuan saw the AIM force field mass that constitutes Aiwass through [Ability Tracking].

Just by imagination, you can use the AIM force field to hack into the physical world. I will create a matrix like "The Matrix" to reverse the unfavorable situation and reshape reality!

Marble Phantasm!

The whole world was transformed into binary 0 and 1. The halo that appeared above Nangong's head was clearly "0", and countless wings composed of feathers symbolizing "1" were spread out in the visible data.

Matrixization, digital angel!

It turned out that Aiwass's attack had the effect of eating angel dragon blood.

"Zero, that is the number 0. This is... Nangong_Awakening!"

Misaka 8920's eyes became smart and a smile appeared on her face.

The "will" of the Misaka network borrowed the body of her sister to speak. She is a third kind of existence among the creations of science, different from angels and Aiwas.

"[Overall consciousness] has come out." Edwards exclaimed, "Interesting. A rogue hero who only follows the aesthetics of ghosts and beasts. A foreigner can actually use the AIM force field to this extent."

In the original work, this guy gave the comment of "hero" to the three main characters of Magic Index.

"You seem to like to evaluate others. You high-ranking guy, do you think... you will always be the one in charge?"

Since crossing over, Nangong Xuan has faced the hidden danger of being wiped out by the demon god. In the Academy City, there are also threats from Aleister and Edwards, and he is oppressed to the point of being unable to breathe.

The more you know, the more you fear.

At this moment, the Chinese crossover has no scruples, only pure fighting spirit.

Nangong Xuan raised his hand, [Telekinetic Cannonball] created a power that did not exist originally, and [Vector Operation] visualized the AIM diffusion force field.

Wave-particle duality is the quantum superposition state. Everything in the world is stripped of electrons due to [atomic collapse], just like tiny transistors, which make up each quantum bit and exist as the smallest computing unit.

[Constant temperature preservation] seems to be the weakest ability. The essence of temperature is the thermal motion of particles, and it stops all this motion, so it can use the AIM force field to create a stable computer.

The super quantum computer called "Personal Reality" was born from the entangled quantum consciousness of 2.3 million people with the AIM diffusion field as the operating system.

The real constant temperature death god!

This is the combination of all superpowers - [Imagination Manifestation] - in fact, it is the ability of the second dimension that has been played out, and it is the result of being controlled by [Super Hacker].

I am only their guardian (Gatekeeper).

Nangong said lightly: "AIM diffusion field, decompose!"

In the world known only by God, the angel of physical laws was violently cracked.

"Boom -"

Edwards looked back suddenly and found that his platinum wings were gone. Even if Takitsubo Rikou tried her best to use [Ability Tracking], it would not be possible to interfere with her AIM force field, but Nangong Xuan, who had awakened, could do it easily.

Using the weakest human, he launched a counterattack against the strongest angel!

"Sorry, my brain has been given to a queen, so I can't give it to you." Nangong said.

The brain is overclocking.

Aiwass frowned slightly and said, "Mortal wisdom. Even so, the abilities you have taken so far can't even let me temporarily eliminate them..."

That's right.

The party in the black wing form will only be killed by Aiwas. Takitsubo's [Ability Tracking] has not awakened yet. I just completed the awakening form of Hatsuharu Mirai in advance.

After enduring the death memory of Sisters nearly 10,000 times, the spirit is extremely exhausted. In a short period of time, only the last [Recovery] can be used.

"AIM diffusion force field, reconstruct!"

Nangong has a halo on his head and the materialized wings spread behind him. Returning from the digital matrix to the real physical world, he automatically turns on the angel. The difference is that the desperate [Black Wing] transformed into [White Wing].

I found a heart of protection myself, and I no longer need Suzuko Yuriko.

Even if the White Wing is opened, awakening in the way of fantasy invading reality is still several levels away from Aiwas.


Courage is not reliable at all, only complete madness is meaningful!

Nangong Xuan clenched his fist and approached in an instant. With a faint green light, he swung a mortal punch with all his strength, poured in the last [Recovery], and hit the angel's face.


Recovery (Heal)!

Aiwas finally opened his eyes wide and showed a shocked expression for the first time. A circle of ripples centered on the two of them, and the originally calm face was distorted.

"Just seeing [Fantasy Killer] once, you simulated his essence? No, this is not an ordinary time reversal at all. Your [Recovery]..."

It's simply invading the realm of God and resisting the power of all things!

In the past, it could only heal living things.

After becoming an angel, Nangong Xuan touched another inorganic world. Aiwass is a mysterious existence between life and death.

If [Fantasy Hand] is the benchmark to return to the physical world and destroy all supernatural powers. I will define what is the benchmark of [Recovery].

Even angels have to be slapped in the face.

"... Get back to your 'phase'!"

The mass formed by the condensation of the AIM diffusion field was instantly blown up.

Aiwass tried to control the transformation of the platinum wings. The incomplete safety system could not defend it. However, a triangular prism-shaped object suddenly appeared in the pierced head, just like the core of [Fantasy Beast].

"Is Zeus Wind Slash not mature enough? So that's why. Aleister has always hoped for your growth. One day, your [Recovery]..."


The angel named "Aiwass" shattered like glass and dissipated with the core.

Another [Fantasy Killer], the Recovering Fist!

This is my personal reality. As long as I touch something, even God will [Recover] it for me!

The black-haired young man looked at his hands, unable to calm down for a long time.

Unfortunately, I failed to [imitate] Edwards.

Even now, I am still very weak. The full power under the blessing of [Fantasy Hand] is about the same as Level 5.3. I just relied on the bug-like [Reply] to force this guy back.

It is because Aiwas is an angel in the world of pure physical laws, and is just made up of AIM force field clusters. The digital matrix is ​​easy to understand and analyze her composition, but it is not so easy to crack if it is replaced by a magic-side angel who knows nothing.

However, I won.


The girls were stunned and speechless.

It was too strange.

After [Angelization], Nangong Xuan activated the awakening form of [Matrixization], unified superpowers with [Fantasy Manifestation], and could also interfere with reality through the digitization of AIM force field.

[Reply], in fact, is similar to restarting the computer called "reality".

One day, maybe I can become a digital demon and create a matrix phase that belongs only to me, but now I haven't even stepped into it.

Nangong Xuan suddenly looked back, took a feather from his forehead, and his scarlet eyes became gentle. He returned to the harem and smiled with ease.

"I'm back."


The girls smiled with tears in their eyes and relieved.

"What's up with that weird angel-like guy? You suddenly changed again..."

Although he's handsome.

Misaka Mikoto wiped away her tears embarrassedly, only to find that her hands were covered with blood, because she had just pressed his wound. Nangong just took Mikoto's hand and activated [Recovery] again.


The blood disappeared.

After breaking through the organic limit, [Recovery] can return everything to a perfect state, and even mental pressure can't be felt. In the brief moment that passed, Nangong Xuan's consciousness rose to the height of a great god, abandoning the pain of being born as a human.

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