Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 13 - 13: Tournament

Soren got up and began to walk towards the group and after Soren released a bit of power one of the guys began to shake a bit after seeing Soren's level.

[H-how c-can he have a Level so high!?]: cannon fodder

When the guy said that the others were confused about what the man was talking about and decided to check for themselves and when they saw Soren's Level they began to regret coming over to him.

[L-Level T-thirty T-two!?... Were sorry sir, please just forget we ever came here]: cannon fodder leader

Soren then watched as the leader began to try to leave with his friends, but he didn't plan to let anyone leave after bothering him and just as quick as the group came they were knocked out with a single chop to the neck and considered disqualified. Soren then gave another sigh and began to walk around the ring while some of the crowd that were watching the situation with Soren play out began to cheer for him after seeing him take out the group with just a simple looking chop.

'I wonder how Mori is holding up, he should be fighting with that big Level 12 brute who wears a straight jacket': soren

Soren began walking towards the center of the arena and found Mori holding an elegantly crafted wooden sword in his mouth while pulling the pants of a tall man with a Blue and White striped jacket that had the arms sewn to the front pockets making it so his arms are not able to be used. Soren then watched the battle between Mori and the brute known as Manseok Gang, and as Soren watched the battle he began to remember the exact moves he uses as it was similar to Renewal Taekwondo but more deadly, the style was called Northern Style ITF Taekwondo.

'Misha, can you somehome save a recording of the fight for me to reflect on later and fix the weaknesses in Renewal Taekwondo?': soren

{I can do that for you Soren, but you must note that if you try to fix any weakness it may cause weakness elsewhere that is more devastating than the one you fix… Everything in this world must have balance, you can't have a Martial Arts that has no imperfection as it goes against the laws of not only the Universe, but your body as well. Imagine trying to defend against something the exact opposite of where your entire attention must be kept, your body and it's joints cannot handle that kind of flexibility}

'I see… And even if I were to pull it off, would my attack still have the same amount of power behind it to get a proper hit in… Then I will extensively look over the footage, but for now I'll just sit back and watch': soren

Mori had been kicked into the wall by Manseok while Mori still held the wooden sword in his mouth, but as Soren could see exactly what happened it was more than just being kicked into a wall, Mori had used his elbow and knee to attack Manseok in his ankle breaking it.

[Wow… I was saved by the sword there… Hehe]: mori

Just as Manseok saw Mori was barely injured from his kick, he began to laugh while looking at Mori as if he was slightly better than what he appeared, and with this new realization he spoke.

[Your good… What's your name]: manseok

[I'll tell you after I knock you down]: mori

After saying that Mori then put the wooden sword back into his mouth and both Mori and Manseok began to charge at each other while jumping into the air while preparing to use their legs to attack each other once more, but right at the last second the voice of a demon was heard.

[B.a.r.e Hand Style No. 1… M.A.D W.A.R.R.I.O.R F.A.U.C.E.T!]: girl?

Manseok had thought it was going to be his win, but was stunned watching a woman who looked to be a Demon gripping Mori's head and twisting before jumping away with her sword in her hands and wiping off the drool while Manseok had landed his attack making a 2 hit combo on Mori sending him back into the stage with foam running out of his mouth, but still conscious.

'What a beast… If I remember correctly, her name is Mira Yoo… She seems like she could give Hawkeye a run for his money with her Sword Styles… If only she could use Haki': soren

{Actually Soren, Mira Yoo can use Haki, as well as a few others in this tournament, but the level is so low that it's just considered a Martial Arts}

'What!?... So Mira can use Haki?': soren

{Yes, she uses the very basic level of Armament Haki where it strengthens things to a level just below iron while still being invisible, and the next stage would be coating in a shiny Black substance… As for other participants, that man in the Red tracksuit with the metal bat can use Observation Haki}

Soren was stunned and decided he would take some time to learn Haki later, but first he would fight in this tournament, and while he was coming up with a future plan the announcer came back and spoke.

[The preliminaries are now over, there are a total of 32 participants moving to the next stage… Finals will be conducted through 1v1's in a bracket system… Please go home and rest up as tomorrow we will start the tournament for the Strongest God of Highschool]: announcer

People began to exit the arena while all the eliminated participants were taken to the medical unit to get a complete heal as well as have their Nanotech removed from their bodies. Soren then watched as Mori followed 2 others out of the arena and began to follow after them to try and make friends with them, Soren had planned to befriend Mori and Mira as he wanted to learn some techniques from Mira, while having someone to help improve his Renewal Taekwondo, but the other guy had an interesting Martial Arts, but it's nothing special as all he does is move his Ki, or what Soren found people in Korea call it Chi and channel it to one point in his body and punch out creating a Kiai.

[Hey Mori wait up!]: soren

Soren had run up to the group of 3 only to see Mori hiding behind the guy he knew was Daewi Han also the future Jade Emperor and when the group of 3 heard Soren they turned around to see him running up and had slowed down to match their speed.

[Who are you?]: daewi

[Me?... I'm Soren, I met with Mori a week ago and fought with him to a tie, so I wanted to be friends with him]: soren

[So what do you want Soren?... If it's a fight it will have to wait, I need someone to pay my medical bills here]: mori

Mori had spoken with a bit of an annoyed tone while looking towards Mira and holding his hand out towards her to which she ran over and spit in his hands and shouted.

[There! Is that good!?... Now leave me alone]: mira

Mori just looked at the spit in his hands with a bit of disgust before shaking his hands and running up to grab hold of her shoulder before turning her around and speaking.

[Wait!... If it was that precious to you, you shouldn't have let him take it in the first place… But why did-]: mori

[I didn't want to say this, but… I have horrible eyesight, if I had my glasses then I wouldn't have let him take my sword!... And guess what! You are the one who broke my glasses!... So it's your fault!]: mira

Mira began to shake Mori back and forth while shouting in his face while spit began to fly out of her mouth, and when Soren saw this something deep inside of him was shouting at him to conquer this woman and show her his dominance.

'On no… My Saiyan instincts are kicking in… And it doesn't help that she is quite attractive': soren

Daewi and Soren had just sat back and watched on as Mira began to beat up Mori for still requesting Medical fees while he was completely fine, and had been treated for free back at the arena.

Daewi said while pointing towards Mori who was still being beaten while still demanding to have his medical bills paid, but now Mira was demanding for Mori to pay for her glasses, but Mori said to have the thief pay for the glasses, and Mira told Mori to have Manseok pay for his medical bills.

[Fine!... I will ask him tomorrow]: mori

Just as the argument ended, the 4 of them began to walk home, but soon a group of lights flashed into the eyes of all 4 of them, and after everyone got used to the light they saw a group of bikers.

[Who are they?]: mori

[Hahaha, we finally found you!... You may not remember us, but you are the ones who harmed my younger brother… Now we are here to avenge him and show you the terror of us bikers!]: gang leader

Soren then watched as Mori, Daewi, and Mira attacked the small group of bikers sending them flying off their bikes, but as they were flying back, the leader took out a lighter and lit it before throwing it towards one of the bikes that had been leaking gas.

Soren saw this and knew what was going to happen next and before he could act it hit the ground and set off an explosion to which Mori pushed Mira out of the way and was hit with the explosion. Soren then ran over to the two of them only to see Mira push Mori off of her and try to jump the bridge to get her wooden katana, but before she could jump Mori caught her and pulled her back, but Soren didn't let this happen and jumped over the edge shocking all 3 of them.

[Soren!]: mori

Mori rushed over the edge only to see Soren standing with a smile while holding the wooden sword. Soren could have flown back up, but he didn't want to show too much of his prowess so early so he just walked back up to the bride and saw Mira lunge towards him and snatch her sword from Soren's hands while turning to leave, but before she left she spoke in a soft voice that Soren caught due to his enhanced hearing.

Soren, Mori, and Daewi then watched as Mira ran off while clutching her sword to her c.h.e.s.t. Soren then began walking home with Mori and Daewi while talking about the preliminaries, and Soren began talking about how boring they were, while Mori had the same thought, but the one that stuck out to him was Manseok.

[Then I hope we don't have to fight each other too early tomorrow]: soren

[Same]: mori, daewi

Soren found that sleeping in the air was one of the most comfortable ways to sleep as there was no position that would make you uncomfortable, but the only problems that came with sleeping in the air outside was the chance of being caught, along with the weather, and his concentration on manipulating his Ki, but Soren didn't need to worry about the 3rd problem. Soon, the sun rose and Soren was woken by the bright light, and after taking a bath in the nearest river in the mountains Soren created new clothes with his Creation Magic and flew off towards the Arena and began waiting for the tournament to officially start.

[Welcome contestants, and audience as well as those watching from home, today we will have our G.O.H Tournament, and here there are 32 people participating and will move up the brackets all the way to the finals where 2 people remain… To make this go by faster there will be 2 separate brackets, Group-A, and Group-B… Good luck contestants! Let the fighting start!]: announcer

Mira was first up and finished her match in a single attack that almost went unnoticed to slower people who weren't used to speed, but Soren was able to see every single hit Mira used before her opponent fell. Daewi was next from Group-B while Mira was in Group-A, his opponent was also knocked out in a single attack, and after a couple boring matches, Mori had come up and beat his opponent with his left hand leaving others confused seeing that Mori's style is Taekwondo, but he only used his left hand to beat his opponent. Soon a few more matches came up and then it was Soren's turn.

[Let's get this over with]: soren

Soren went into the ring with his arms folded across his c.h.e.s.t, and seeing his opponent he felt cheated as it was just some nobody who thinks that they are the best just because they made it this far. Soren didn't even move after the announcer started the fight, he just scoffed and turned around with his eyes closed and began walking, but before he left the ring Soren released a Kiai and blasted his opponent who thought Soren was going to give up after seeing his power, but it was the opposite, Soren felt he wasn't worth using his fists. Soren then left the stage and watched the next coming fights while specifically paying attention towards Manseok as he wanted to learn Northern ITF Taekwondo, and after a few minutes of Manseok torturing his opponent Soren watched Mori jump into the ring and fought Manseok. Mori had punched Manseok in the face sending him stumbling back while the other opponent was released and left the ring, Manseok then tried to kick Mori to which Mori used his leg in return and sent Manseok spinning in the air before using his other leg to send Manseok flying into the wall.

[Well I guess the fun is now gone, I don't need to stay]: soren

Soren then watched as Mori was surrounded by Agents in Black suits, and they all had their hands pointed towards Mori's neck and seeing his chance Soren disappeared from his seat and appeared next to an Agent.

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