Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 23 - 23: Rating Game

Soren watched as the blood pool began to decrease in size slowly, and after it all disappeared the coffin began to shake a bit as the cold presence began to seep out of the coffin and into the room while surrounding Soren's body. Soon, the top of the coffin began to open, after the cold aura began to be suppressed by Soren, he could now see a man with pale White skin, and long shoulder length Black hair. The man had deep Red eyes that looked as if they looked down upon everything in this world, or as if they have seen everything in this world and nothing sparks enjoyment anymore. The man had a White suit that matched the coffin he came from, and wore a light Blue button up shirt under the White blazer with a White tie.

'Raizel… The most powerful of the Noble clan, he also sealed himself in this casket when he went into hiding… At least, that's what the original story was, but this world has been changed, and many things might have taken a detour': soren

[...]: raizel

Raizel had looked towards Soren with his glowing Red eyes in silence, and as Soren looked him in the eye, Raizel noticed that Soren held not a single hint of fear towards him.

[Human… No, not Human… Your blood has awoken me, but it tastes like neither Human nor Devil, and it isn't Yokai blood… Tell me, what are you?]: raizel

Soren didn't know how to answer Raizel's question as he didn't believe that Raizel would believe he was from a race known as Saiyan's who do not reside on Earth, but he decided to try and explain it as best as he could while still making it believable.

[My parents had told me I am from a race known as the Saiyan's, I was born here in Japan and grew up here, so other than the name of my race, I don't know anything else]: soren

[... Saiyan?... Never heard of it, but I can tell that your blood is special… Almost as if by having it, one will grow in power quickly]: raizel

Soren was shocked to hear Raizel talk about his power to infinitely grow stronger through battle, but Raizel didn't seem to want to monopolize Soren's blood, so Soren didn't mind sticking around to talk with Raizel.

[Yes… After the Great War, many races went into hiding to recuperate their troops… But I had been hunted by the masses, even my own people began to hunt me down, so I had no choice but to step out of the spotlight and let everything calm down]: raizel

[Well it worked… The entire Underworld has moved on to a new period of wanting peace because all sides have almost fought themselves to extinction]: soren

[Peace huh?... Something that was always thought to be impossible has begun to blossom during my slumber… Tell me, how long has it been since I have gone into my slumber, and how has the world changed since then]: raizel

[How long?... Umm, maybe 1,000 years as it has been around 1,000 years since the Great War… As for how the world has changed, many know the existence of supernaturals known as Ghouls, but they still have yet to find out about Devils, Angels, and Gods]: soren

[Ghouls?... What are they?]: raizel

[They are beings with an enhanced regeneration factor, they also have Red pupils and Black sclera… One of the things that make them terrifying is the ability to use something called a Kagune, and each Ghoul has their own type of Kagune that varies in each person, and what makes them even more dangerous that people fear them is their appetite of Human flesh and blood, otherwise they can't eat anything else]: soren

Raizel heard Soren's description and something flashed in his mind as he began to unconsciously speak out loud letting Soren hear what he was thinking.

[So that's what they were working on… Hmm… Just a broken Vampire]: raizel

[Broken Vampire?... What do you mean Raizel?]: soren

[Not to my knowledge, but they can reproduce with each other, and they can also reproduce with Humans if they can hold back the d.e.s.i.r.e to eat them… And one of my friends had been transplanted with the organs of one of these Ghouls and he became half Ghoul]: soren

[Hmm… So they have these kinds of traits… Interesting… What's your name? I want you to take me to the Human world]: raizel

[Name?... Call me Soren, as for taking you to the Human world, I can do that, but not right now… I need to support my wife in her Rating Game in a week]: soren

[Rating Game?... You must tell me about this]: raizel

Raizel and Soren then left the room, and went back to the greeting room and noticed Frankenstein standing there with an angered look on his face, but it soon disappeared when Raizel looked at him, and with his eyes said "Calm down" making Frankenstein's anger subside.

[Lord Rai!... I hope you had a nice sleep]: frankenstein

Frankenstein spoke while bowing towards Raizel, and after seeing both Soren and Raizel sit down opposite from each other and begin talking about all the changes that happened over the last 1,000 years, and Frankenstein was happy to interject when a question that Soren didn't know appeared making the knowledge of the present more complete.

[I see… Frankenstein, I will be going out with Soren to explore the Human Realm, he said that some Failed Vampires have escaped to the Human Realm and have been causing a mess]: raizel

[Yes My Lord… They have begun to call themselves Ghouls, and have repopulated to an exorbitant amount over the past 1,000 years]: frankenstein

Soren then left with Raizel and Frankenstein as he went back to Gremory Castle. It would have just been Soren and Raizel, but Frankenstein refused to let Raizel leave with some unknown person, and this led to the 3 of them staying with the Gremory's for the next week while Soren watched over his wife and her peerage as they trained for the upcoming Rating Game. A week later, Soren had woken up and noticed the sun begin to rise, and looking to his left side, Soren noticed Rias sleeping while completely n.a.k.e.d, and then the memories of last night hit him. Soren had told Rias that if she could finish the training he would have s.e.x with her, and Rias really wanted to have s.e.x, but since Soren knew that it would effect her training, he didn't have s.e.x with her, but now that the training was complete, Soren made due with his promise, and since the Rating Game would be held later that day, letting Rias sleep in for now was the best idea.

[I guess I'll start my morning exercise]: soren

Just as Soren moved to get off the bed he noticed a body on the floor fast asleep, and taking a closer look Soren could tell it was Akeno, and she was completely n.a.k.e.d while her hand was caught between her t.h.i.g.hs as she still had her fingers inside her p.u.s.s.y.

'What the f.u.c.k?... When did Akeno get in here? And why had she fallen asleep touching herself?': soren

Soren didn't make it a habit to continue looking at the vulnerable Akeno as he snapped his fingers, and using his Ki made a blanket that fell over Akeno's n.a.k.e.d body before he left the room to do his morning training. While Soren was running, he remembered that he still had never used his Lottery tickets that he had been saving up, and seeing that he was completely alone, now was a better time than any as he opened his System and spoke to Misha.

'Misha, can you use all my lottery tickets into one big spin, or would I need to use them individually?': soren

{You can indeed use all of them at once, but it won't give you more items, but 1 singular item with higher graded items}

'Can you explain the item grades?': soren

{Sure Soren… The Grades go, Common > Uncommon > Rare > Epic > Legendary > Mythical > Godly > Universal > ???... With how many Lottery Tickets you have saved up, along with this being your first time using the Lottery Function, you will have a chance to get an Item between Epic to Mythical, but don't expect getting a Mythical as its a super low chance… Will you use all Tickets?}

Soren was surprised to see the rankings, and hearing that the lowest item on the list was an Epic item, he couldn't complain and decided to use all these tickets.

{Thank you for your purchase!... Rolling… Rolling… Rolling….. Ding! Congratulations on winning a Legendary Item… Item: (Reader's Choice)}

When Soren saw the item he couldn't help but smile as he now felt that his luck was quite good as even though he didn't get a Mythical Grade item, it was still Legendary, but right now wasn't the time to use it, and Soren decided to use it later when he could check it out completely. Soren then went back to the castle and began preparing breakfast for everyone in the house as he was just too happy right now, and as the smell drifted through the castle, may had woken up and ran to the kitchen, while Grayfia had already been there and began to watch Soren as he started cooking prepared to take over at any moment, but it was unneeded.

[Soren-nii!~... What is this amazing smell!~]: issei

When Soren heard Issei call him "Soren-nii" while putting such a tone to it that made it sound like he was trying to seduce Soren, it made chills run down his back, and looking back to Issei, he noticed that he was shirtless, and only a towel was wrapped around his lower body as his wet hair still had yet to dry.

[What the f.u.c.k!... Issei, go get your f.u.c.k.i.n.g clothes on before I kick your ass!]: soren

[Hmph!~... You're just jealous becuase I'm gay]: issei

Issei said these words before scampering out of the kitchen while flailing his arms around like a girl leaving Soren to just brood about the idea that Issei was ever straight.

'I wonder what Issei was truly after hanging around the other two members of the perverted trio… Maybe he just liked staring at the two's shaking asses as they tried to share the peep hole to the Girls locker room': soren

Soren didn't know how right he was, as the very first day he felt Issei's aura at school it was due to Issei holding himself back from grabbing Matsuda's a.s.s and taking what he thought to be his. Soren never thought about the whole new character that is Issei, and only summed it down to that God who created this parallel world made it so that Soren could get any girl he wanted without the need to NTR somebody. Soon, everyone was sitting in the dining room as Soren set down the food with help from Grayfia, and before anyone could start eating Soren gave them all a speech to motivate them in the upcoming Rating Game.

[I have put my best in making this food, so I don't want to watch any of you half a.s.s it out there in the competition… Make sure to win for me or else I will never cook for you all ever again hehe]: soren

When Soren said the words "Never cook again" this gave the group a new meaning in life and Soren could see a new fire flare up inside the group of ragtag misfits. Soren then was notified of the start of the Rating Game as he followed Grayfia to teleport to the VIP booth while Rias and her peerage was teleported to the waiting room, waiting to be called.

[Soren!... Welcome to the party! Are you here to cheer on Rias in the Rating Game?]: sirzechs

Soren saw Sirzechs sitting down not too far away from where Grayfia teleported them, and seeing the big smile on his face Soren sat next to him while keeping the conversation going.

[I have indeed come to cheer Rias and her Peerage on… But I might not be able to stay for the whole thing as I need to head back to the Human Realm soon]: soren

[Oh?... So who do you think will win?]: sirzechs

[Rias obviously… They not only have motivation, but I had trained them for this past week so why wouldn't they win?]: soren

Sirzechs only smiled towards Soren's comment while inwardly thanking him for training Rias as he didn't fully trust the training of Azazel, and after saying thanks to Soren, Azazel who wasn't sitting too far shouted.

[Hey!... I trained them as well! All you did was give them a list of exercises to practice, and taking a look at them, they aren't too tough]: azazel

[They may not be tough to someone who is used to training like that, but think about what it will do to those who don't practice like that]: soren

Just as Soren said that Azazel thought about the weaknesses of Rias and her Peerage, and aside from Kiba and Xenovia, everyone else lacked the physical side of power, and remembering what Kiba and Xenovia were training from Soren, he noticed that Soren had an idea of what Rias and her Peerage needed to work on, and after thinning about it Azazel just stayed silent and waited for the Rating Game to start.

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