Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 25 - 25: Problem Solved

Soren had flown to Tokyo with Rai and Hisashi being strapped by a special vest that Soren could hold them by, and after a 10 minute flight Soren, Rai, and Hisashi made it to Tokyo. Soren then sensed out for a specific presence, and after feeling out where Kaneki was, Soren flew towards him, and soon after Soren came across a small coffee shop that was just about to close.

[Looks like I made it just in time]: soren

Soren landed just a ways away from the front of the shop as to keep out of sight from the leaving customers, and when he landed both Rai and Hisashi took off the vests and all 3 of them began walking towards the closing coffee shop. Rai walked up to the door just as a woman with Purple hair was trying to lock the door, and when the woman saw Rai she was a little surprised to see his dashing appearance, but that's not what made her curious, as Rai's blood Red eyes seemed to have a glow in them as he looked towards her, and then she spoke.

[Sorry sir, but we are closed for the night… If you would like to come back, do it tomorrow morning at 6]: ???

Soren saw the girl as she began to close the door and lock it, but Rai still stood there refusing to leave, and this just creeped the girl out making her leave off to the back.

'She should be Touka… I think Rai scared her': soren

Rai then turned around and came back to Soren and Hisashi and began to speak with the same cold and distant tone as always.

[She is one of those failed experiments… But I can't feel any blood l.u.s.t from her]: rai

[That's because she along with many others who run that shop have found a way to cooperate with humanity without using them as live stock]: soren

[But how?... They should feel the need to eat Human flesh no?]: hisashi

[Yes, they do indeed eat Human flesh, but not from live humans… They go to this place used for suicide and collect fresh bodies and use them as food source… And since the ones how they eat have already died, and from their own choice, they aren't forced to feel guilty]: soren

Both Hisashi and Rai pondered about Soren's words and felt it was a bit unsettling, but after thinking about it, it was indeed the only way to live while keeping the graveyards a bit more open.

[Anyway, it looks like my friend is here… Just watch me]: soren

Soren the stepped forward as he watched both Kaneki, andTouka came from the side ally next to the shop, and when they came from the ally and saw Soren, Rai, and Hisashi, Touka began to grab Kaneki's arm as she wondered why she felt a sense of fear just looking at Rai.

[Who are you?... Why are you standing outside our shop?]: kaneki

Kaneki couldn't recognise Soren due to it being dark, and it had also been a while since the last time they saw each other, and when Kaneki saw how Touka acted upon seeing them, he realized they it wasn't just some regular thug trying to abduct a helpless girl when she leaves work.

[Kaneki… Have you truly forgotten about me?]: soren

When Kaneki heard Soren's voice it made a few things click in his brain as he had a smile grow on his face as his attitude completely changed and he spoke.

[Soren!?... You're back!... How have you been, also, who are your friends?]: kaneki

When Touka heard Kaneki's words she was surprised to see that he knew one of the 3 people who gave her a feeling of dread, as she knew if she were to fight them, she would die before she even knew what hit her.

[Kaneki, you know them?]: touka

[Yes, well… I only know one of them, the other two are new… Don't worry Touka, they won't harm us]: kaneki

Touka had nodded and went back to staring at Soren and his group as Kaneki began talking once again.

[So, why have you come back to Tokyo?... Another school field trip?]: kaneki

[Haha, not this time… I came here because of my friends here… You see, they are what you would call the progenitor of all Ghouls, as all of the Ghouls originated from my friend Rai's cells]: soren

[Wait… Are you saying he created the Ghouls that everyone hates?... If so, he's not welcome here]: kaneki

[No, he didn't create them… In fact, he is here to see why you all are considered failed experiments from the group that had created you… Rai, would you like to take over from here]: soren

Rai then stood forwards and looked at Soren with a nod before he looked towards Kaneki and began speaking.

[I am a Vampire… A pure breed of a race that is thousands upon thousands of years old… I had met my friend Hisashi from one of the labs that I had found doing experiments on the Humans with the cells of my people, and after their successful discovery, I had destroyed it all and took Hisashi with me to my home… I had then gone to sleep a few hundred years after, and then just woke up from a thousand year slumber to find out that the same organization has begun doing experiments once again, and this resulted in what you call a Ghoul… You are failed experiments who only embody some traits of a Vampire, while missing some of the more important traits such as control, but you appear to have mutated and formed the things you call Kagune… Any questions?]: rai

When Kaneki and Touka heard what Rai said they began thinking about it and felt that they were quite similar to Vampires in a way, but most just called them monsters because they can't act like Humans due to their diet of being Human flesh, then Kaneki spoke.

[So do you all eat Human flesh too?]: kaneki

[No… We can drink blood to replenish our strength, but otherwise I can eat food just like any normal person, and as for the stories about us being allergic to garlic, it's false, a wooden stake won't kill me, and I am quite fond of the sun]: rai

Soren was surprised how open Rai was about such things, but then he remembered it was just his character from centuries of being the strongest making him and willing to expose his secrets.

[S-so Vampires are immortal?... That means you really can't die]: kaneki

[No… We can die, but all those rumors about our weaknesses are false rumors… Maybe they are true for the low ranking Vampires, but for a purebred Noble such as myself, it will take a lot to kill me for good, my brother was technically killed as he was sent into an eternal slumber that he will never be able to awaken from]: rai

[So do you have a way to fix the Ghouls?]: kaneki

[That… I don't know… Maybe if I look into your condition, but I will need a pure Ghoul, not a half Ghoul like Soren told me you were]: rai

Just as Rai said this, Touka spoke up for the first time.

[I'm a pure Ghoul… both my parents were Ghouls]: touka

Rai then looked towards Touka and then began walking towards her and every step closer he would get, Touka would back up an inch until Rai reached her and took her arm and pricked her drawing blood. The blood then began to rise into the air as Rai made it circle around his finger and towards the tip of his nail forming a small ball as Soren then created a small glass vial and handed it to Rai to store the blood.

[I will do some research for now, so just do your normal things, and in a week I will return with either good news or bad news… Thank you for helping me]: rai

[I would like to stay here in Tokyo for a while… When we entered I could smell a familiar scent that I would like to explore… You don't need to wait for me, I can get back to the Underworld by myself]: rai

Soren nodded to Rai and then watched as both Rai and Hisashi left the front of the shop at blinding speeds that looked fast to him, but for spectators looked like they disappeared or teleported. Soren then spent the next week visiting the shop and helping out with a few things as business had picked up due to Soren's weird hairstyle as well as its color, but what really made the business pick up was Soren's looks, as all the girls wanted to ask him out, but upon seeing his ring on his left hands ring finger. Soren then watched as Rai and Hisashi entered the coffee shop, and went to go get Kaneki and Touka for the news, be it good or bad, and when they all sat down Rai spoke up.

[So I have some good news… It appears that you are missing a key thing inside your bodies that the organization who made Ghouls had not had during the creation, and I can indeed make you seem normal… But…]: rai

[But what?... Is it hard to get the thing needed?]: kaneki

[No in fact I can get it right now… But once I give you the thing needed you will turn into a Vampire, and if you are by any means weak, you will combust and be destroyed]: rai

Kaneki and Touka thought about it for a minute, and after thinking about all the things they have missed out on due to being a Ghoul, they both accepted as Kaneki was running out of Senzu Beans which surprisingly he could eat just fine, while Touka remembered how she couldn't eat her best friends food and forced it down to make herself not seem guilty for not eating her friends hard made food.

[Okay… I will help you, do you have a place we can go to in private?]: rai

Kaneki, Touka, Soren, Rai, and Hisashi then went into the back room leaving someone else to man the front of the coffee shop, and once they entered the back room Soren locked the door and Rai stepped forwards and placed his arm out as he rolled up his sleeves.

[Now… Bite me, make sure to swallow a piece of my flesh]: rai

[I can't… I vowed to never eat another person for as long as I live]: kaneki

[... *Sigh*... You are fine, just take a small bite… I'm a Vampire, so I will regenerate… Just do it]: rai

Kaneki was still a bit hesitant, so Touka looked over to him then back towards Rai's arm and remembered about her friend who she truly wanted to act normal with, and after a few seconds Touka walked forwards and grabbed hold of Rai's arm and bit him while ripping a bit of his flesh off his arm.

[...]: rai

Touka then swallowed the flesh and blood and felt a weird power coursing through her body as she collapsed onto the floor and began to shake as blood began to pour from her nose, eyes, and ears, and after a few more minutes blood began to pour out of every pore on Touka's body as her body began to be covered in blood.

[Touka!]: kaneki

[It's okay… I told you, if you were weak… You would die… Now, come bite me]: rai

Kaneki then looked towards Rai's arm as he saw it completely fine as if the bite from Touka never happened, and after a few moments of thinking, Kaneki then walked towards him as he took a bite from Rai's arm as swallowed with a bit of trouble due to his brain telling him to spit it out. Soon, Kaneki fell to the floor as the same thing happened to him as it had to Touka, and as Soren looked towards Touka he noticed that she had stopped moving as her entire body was now covered in a Black substance that seemed to be dried blood, but it gave off a weird smell that seemed like it was all the impurities ever gathered through her time as a Ghoul.

[So Rai… Do you think she will survive?]: soren

[I don't know… Maybe?]: rai

Soon, Kaneki was also covered in a Black cocoon type substance and from the outside he appeared to be either dead or asleep, but on the inside he began to fight with the Purple haired bitch who indirectly made him like this as she tried to make him lose himself while Rai's power flowed through him giving him the power to fight back. Soon, the cocoon around both Kaneki and Touka began to crack and a shimmering light began to shine out from the cracking cocoon, and soon after a shattering sound was heard as both Kaneki and Touka appeared to look pale white, and as they opened their eyes, Kaneki's Black eyes had given off a smokey Black glow, while Touka's Purple eyes gave off a Purple glow.

[Congratulations, you two… You are now officially Modified Humans like me… I can show you how to control your new powers as your Kagune have morphed into your true power]: hisashi

Both Kaneki and Touka were surprised to see their new looks as they no longer felt the need to eat Human flesh, and they felt a stronger power coursing through their veins, and hearing Hisashi's words they began to follow him to learn while Soren sighted and went back to Kuoh Town.

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