Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 38 - 38: Loguetown

When Mihawk saw Soren thrusting his katana towards him, all he could do was use his Yoru to block the attack, and this sent him towards the edge of the Baratie as he then called to put their fight on hold and rescheduled for another day. Mihawk then holstered the Yoru on his back and got back on his small ship and went back towards the Grand Line, but when he got far enough away, Mihawk was reminiscing about Soren's thrust and then ripped open his shirt to reveal a gigantic Bluish Black bruise that covered his entire stomach, and knew that Soren's simple movements was more than just simple as he blocked the deadly strike, but the sword energy Soren used passed right through his Yoru and almost destroyed his organs.

[Soren… I'll remember that name for the rest of my life]: mihawk

Back at the Baratie, Soren had just asked Luffy if he was ready to head to Loguetown and Luffy had responded with a smile plastered on his face.

[Yeah, but first I want to have that Sanji guy join us]: luffy

Luffy then went and asked Sanji to be the cook on their ship to which he immediately declined, but after a bunch of persuasion from all the cooks on the Baratie as well as the man who Sanji looked up to as a Father figure, Zeff, Sanji was forced to become a member of the Straw Hats. Once Sanji was officially a member, everyone boarded the Going Merry once more and they set off towards Loguetown, otherwise known as the Town of Beginning and End as this is the island Gol D. Roger was born in, and after he became Pirate King, he died here as well, and his final words set men and women all over the world a blaze as everyone rushed towards the Grand Line for either adventure, fame, or fortune, and one thing they all had in common was the goal of the One Piece.

[Nami, how many days till we reach Loguetown?]: luffy

[Hmm… About 3 I'd say]: nami

[Hmm… Sanji!... I'm hungry, can you cook me something!]: luffy

Sanji took in a puff from his cigarette and let out a cloud of smoke with a sigh as he began walking towards the kitchen to make lunch for everyone, but when Soren followed him Sanji was curious as to what Soren was doing, but seeing Soren watch over his shoulder Sanji didn't mind and continued to cook. Soon, 3 days had passed and the Straw Hats had made it to Loguetown, and during the trip word had got out of Luffy beating Don Krieg, and Axe Hand Morgan, while Soren now had all eyes on him as everyone found out that he pushed back Hawk-eye Mihawk, and made him retreat and leave. Soren was now holding 2 papers in his hand, one was Luffy wearing his trademarked Straw hat with a big toothy grin standing on the destroyed Baratie deck while Usopp happened to be standing behind him with just a bit of Nami's Orange hair making her out of frame as they had both watched Luffy beat Don Krieg. Luffy's bounty was set at 30 million for defeating Don Krieg and Captain Morgan, and when Soren looked at the second bounty he noticed it was a picture of him in his Red trench coat after having just sheathed his Chitsuki, and his bounty was a stunning 100 million as it would be a bit far fetched to believe that Soren could gain such a bounty so quickly, and Luffy was called Straw Hat Luffy, while his name was Red Devil Soren.

[Hey Luffy… Looks like we got our first bounties ]: soren

[What!... Gimme gimme! Let me see!]: luffy

Luffy looked at his bounty and had a smile appear on his face as he got his first bounty and could be considered a full fledged pirate with this. Soon, the Going Merry entered the port of Loguetown and docked their ship and disembarked, Soren decided that it was important to get some supplies while everyone could explore the town before heading towards the Grand Line. Zoro wanted to go get 2 swords to replace the ones that broke, and due to Soren helping him heal faster by taking a Senzu Bean and crushing it into fine powder and mixing just a dash of it in a cup of water, its dilution made a great healing potion and helped heal Zoro back to a functional condition while not healing him right away, and over the course of these 3 days, Zoro was completely healed. Luffy wanted to go see the place where the King of the Pirates died, and Usopp wanted to explore the town, while Sanji wanted to pick up some fresh ingredients, while Nami wanted to go clothes shopping, and before Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji left, Soren gave them a warning about taking off their weighted clothes which Soren changed to match their current outfits. Zoro had a White weighted shit, and his pants were now weighted instead of Ankle bands, and he had 2 Black wristbands, while Luffy had a Red vest, and his shorts were weighted while a set of Yellow wristbands were around his wrist, Usopp wore a Brown weighted shirt and also Brown weighted pants, and the usual Blue and White wristbands were changed to weighted ones, and Sanji wore the same suit, but his Black blazer was weighted, and his Black pants were weighted, and he didn't need to wear wristbands as he didn't use his hands to fight.

[Remember, wear your weights no matter what… If you take them off I will punish you with heavier weights… I'll be checking on each of you with clones, so don't try to be tricky… Let's go explore then]: soren

Just as Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Soren left, Sanji stopped Luffy and spoke.

[Yeah… But Soren is special… He is super strong so we made a deal that he doesn't need to follow my orders until I can beat him in a fight]: luffy

[I see, but weighted training ain't too bad… How much do your weights weigh?]: sanji

[I don't know… I think the total is around 400 pounds?]: luffy

Sanji was surprised as Soren started him off with a 100 pound blazer and 100 pound pair of pants, making each leg weigh about 50 pounds. Luffy then disappeared as Sanji also took off towards the market as Soren appeared out of nowhere with a smile on his face, and just like the Anime, Luffy began to explore the town, but this time he wasn't followed by a nutcase clown and a fat woman turned beautiful, as the woman was still stranded somewhere. Zoro had bumped into some chick with glasses who wasn't looking where she was going, and made her lose her glasses and upon trying to return them accidentally broke them due to him being startled due to her appearance.

[Hey… What are you made of, a steel wall?]: ???

[I'm sorry… I also broke your glasses, I'll pay for them]: zoro

[My glasses!?... Those were expensive! Hell yeah your going to pay for them!]: ???

[Don't worry, but… Right now I…]: zoro

[Let me guess, your flat broke]: ???

[Don't worry I can help you get some money, follow me!]: ???

The woman then dragged Zoro off with her and ended up working in a Marine base while the woman was dragged off to take care of something, and Zoro was stuck cleaning floors for the Marines.

[Hehe… Looks like you need some help Zoro]: soren

[Soren… Why are you here?]: zoro

[I'm not… I'm just a clone, but I came to tell you that you might want to get out of here, the Marines know we have arrived in Loguetown]: soren

Soren then disappeared as Zoro was soon spotted by 2 Marines who tried to stop him only to be beaten up and Zoro quickly left the Marine base while leaving a couple thousand beli for the glasses he broke. Zoro then went to a weapon smiths shop and begna to look for some cheap swords as he had borrowed some money from Nami who was glad to lend some money at a 100% interest since Zoro was a friend, while normal people would have a 300-500% interest. Usopp was looking through nic-nak shops and was soon scammed out of most of his money buying useless fake products like Gol D. Rogers pistol, and a few other things that were supposed to be from the Grand Line. Nami was enjoying herself trying out all the clothes in all the stores, but not buying any of them which pissed off the shop owners, but all they could do was wish her a good day while fighting back the anger to beat her up. Luffy was the only one who had yet to find any true trouble as he had met with Captain Smoker who gave Luffy directions towards the execution platform, but Luffy got lost and ended up in the Gold Roger bar, and began talking to the old man who owns the bar.

[Looks like everyone is having fun, but what can I do… Sanji is looking for ingredients, maybe I should go back to the ship and practice my Super Saiyan form?]: soren

Soren was feeling bored doing nothing as nothing interested him here in this town, so Soren went back towards the ship and entered his room to practice his Super Saiyan form that he had neglected for a while. Soon, Soren's hair was all Golden and spiky while releasing a bright Gold energy that brightened up his room and made the slightly calm waters surrounding the Going Merry start to pick up as they started rocking the ship just a bit. Soren then began to hold his form while suppressing all of his energy and kept it bottled up inside as to not let it spill out, and the sea began to calm down again as Soren was now sweating while trying to hold the form for as long as possible. Soon, a few hours had passed and Nami, Usopp, and Sanji began to bring a gigantic fish back to their ship and Nami noticed the change in the weather as the smell of the sea began to rise and drift, and after bringing back the fish, Nami knocked on Soren's door breaking him out of his concentration making him lose the Super Saiyan form.

[Soren!... Can you go get Luffy and Zoro… A big storm is coming soon and we need to leave before it hits]: nami

[Soren, Zoro… Sorry... I'm dead!]: luffy

As the Marine raised his sword to kill Luffy, a Blue bolt of lightning struck the Marine and set the entire platform on fire and released Luffy as he came down with a smile. Soren then picked up Luffy and both he and Zoro began to run back to the ship only for Luffy to break free of Soren's grip as he wanted to fight with Captain Smoker.

[What are you doing Luffy?... we need to leave!]: zoro

[Let him be… I want to see how much he has improved since the weighted training]: soren

Zoro was about to sit back and watch as well, but the girl Zoro ran into earlier came before him trying to fight him for the Wado Ichimonji which Zoro refused to give up due to its sentiment. Soon after that, Soren was also surrounded by a bunch of Marines who took out their swords and charged towards Soren, and when Soren saw this he only smiled as he wasn't left out by this world, even if they were weak, he would fight them.

[Thank you world!... I was getting bored]: soren

The Marines with guns began to shoot towards Soren, but he quickly dodged and disappeared and reappeared behind them and punched out with a weak love tap which sent the Marine he punched flying and unconscious, and when the others saw Soren's attack, they then took out swords and began to charge towards Soren.

[You like swords?... I'll show you one as well then]: soren

Soren took out his Chitsuki and began to battle the Marines as they came towards him, and when the woman fighting Zoro saw Soren's massacre, she noticed his sword and felt a strong power from it and tried to remember the sword but couldn't recall.

[I don't know… Probably… What are you doing, focus on me instead as I am your opponent Hehe]: zoro

The woman turned back towards Zoro and then stated her current goal.

[I will beat you here and take back the Wado Ichimonji as well as the other 2 legendary swords you own… And after I beat you, I'll be taking the sword from that man as well… Pirates like you shouldn't be allowed to wield such swords, and I will rescue each and every one of the swords]: ??? (A/N: I know her name is Tashigi, but I don't feel like typing it so many times as she won't have any future parts except this chapter)

Soon, Zoro was able to beat the woman and Luffy had just finished up his battle with Smoker, and Soren also finished up his battle with the surrounding Marines. Soren, Zoro, and Luffy then ran back towards the Going Merry which was about to leave due to the Marine sh.i.p.s closing in to the island, Soren then picked both Zoro and Luffy up and jumped towards the ship as it would be hard for them to make the jump with their weights.

[Let's go!... To the Grand Line!]: luffy

Usopp took control of the ship and began to maneuver it away from Loguetown just in time to escape the surrounding Marine sh.i.p.s, and out of nowhere a little girl fell into the water and Sanji jumped in after her. Once Sanji came back up to the main deck he was out of breath due to forgetting he was wearing weighted clothes, so he had to use more effort to swim back up.

[Nice save Sanji… So who is she?]: luffy

[If I knew, I would have already told you… She just needed help, so that's what I did]: sanji

[Then let's wait for her to wake up before asking questions… Wake me up when she wakes up… Good night]: soren

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