Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 45 - 45: Smoker’s Appearance

When the old man heard Soren claim that the apple was a fake, he lost all interest in trying to sell it and wanted to move them out as quickly as possible so he could go back to trying to pull in more customers, but when he heard Soren claim that he can show him a real one, he felt like laughing as he felt like Soren was trying to pull a reverse scam on him.

[Hahahaha!... Nice try kid… But I have lived for quite some time, and I know all the tricks in the book, as well as have used all the tricks while writing down some of my own… I'm not interested in your scam… Get lost]: old swindler

As the old man tried to call Soren out, Ace seemed to recognise Soren's face, and began looking through his memory before the realization hit him.

'This is Red Devil Soren… One of the members of Luffy's crew… He should know where Luffy is': ace

[You won't believe until you see huh?... Fine, just watch then]: soren

Soren then held out his hand and created a solid gold apple, but it by no means had any kind of magical property, but it was worth quite a pretty penny, and as the old swindler saw the apple appear, he could tell right off the bat that it was real gold with just how shiny the surface was compared to the painted apple he was trying to sell.

[You!... Just how did you do that!?... Please, give it to me!]: old swindler

[No… This is mine, go find you own]: soren

Soren then placed it into his inventory making it disappear before both Ace's and the old man's eyes, shocking both of them once again. Soren then began to walk past Ace leaving the old man with his mouth agape, and then Ace snapped back to reality when he noticed Soren had begun to walk away.

[H-Hey!... Wait up!]: ace

Ace then began running after Soren and watched as he entered the restaurant, only to follow after him and enter as well. And from afar, Zoro was hiding behind a bunch of barrels as he looked over to see someone he thought he would never see again, along with a pain in the a.s.s made of smoke. Inside the restaurant, both Ace and Soren sat down and began to eat while the owner and the cooks were shocked to see just how much both Ace and Soren could eat, and in the middle of eating, Ace just suddenly collapsed while Soren didn't bother and continued eating.

[Quickly sir, you must get away from him… I think he might have eaten a desert strawberry and has died]: owner

[Nah… I'll be fine]: soren

Soren continued to eat, while everyone else began to leave the restaurant and begin talking outside as the crowd grew bigger and bigger.

[They say he just up and died as he was talking to the man who is still eating right next to him… It's kinda disgusting that someone could still be able to eat even next to a dead person]: bystander

They all looked in as Ace appeared to be dead while still holding his fork up to where his mouth was before being planted right in his plate of food, and Soren was next to him still scarfing down his plate before eating the next one. Soon, Ace's head shot up as he freaked everyone except Soren out with his sudden movement, and a woman came over to see if he was alright, only for Ace to start looking around in confusion before he looked the girl in the face, then grabbed hold of her dress and wiped his mouth clean making the concerned woman scream before running away.


Soren saw this and quickly punished Ace with a wack over his head, getting him a howl of pain and an angry shout.

[Oww!... Hey! What the hell was that for!?]: ace

[Ace, one must treat women with care, and never scare them away… You made yourself look like a pervert for grabbing her dress, and now her dress is dirty from the stains of food that you left when cleaning your mouth off… So I hit you to make you reflect on your actions… So, what did you want to know about Luffy?]: soren

After Soren's speech, everyone who heard him and saw the way the girl was treated, nodded their heads in approval for the way Soren punished Ace and told him to reflect on his actions while correcting them to be better in the future.

[Ahh… Yeah, we left off there before I fell asleep]: ace

The crowd began shouting while Ace just looked at them in confusion as to why everyone was looking at him like that, and when he thought it was some kind of joke he asked the owner of the restaurant owner, but found that they were just worried for his safety.

[Oh… Anyway… Soren you said th- *Snoor*]: ace

Ace once again fell into his plate while snoring and causing everyone to shout at him in anger before leaving him alone and not worrying about him, leaving Soren to continue eating. The crowd began to clear out just in time for someone to be walking by as he happened to look into the now clearing restaurant only to see 2 familiar figures sitting at the counter and eating some food.

[So Soren… How is Luffy, I haven't seen him in quite a few years]: ace

[Well as you can read from the news… Luffy is doing quite fine, and he loves all the adventure found in the Grand Line]: soren

[That's good… Where is he now, I'd like to meet up with him for a little reunion]: ace

[I don't know… That's why we were looking for him earlier, but he should show up soon, he was hungry after all, he'll find his way here]: soren

Just as Soren and Ace were talking about Luffy, a man with a Greenish White hair, wearing a White coat with dark Green fur, over a b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t. Around his left bicep were a bunch of cigars, and around his neck were a set of goggles, and he wore a pair of Blue pants with a Brown leather belt. He kept 2 lit cigars in his mouth with a long sword with a Red handle on his back, and the sword is called a Nanashaku Jitte, it is a blunt weapon with a fork-like guard to catch any sword strikes, and his name was Smoker.

[you guys have got some nerve to be eating in a public place such as this… Even for a Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, and a man who was able to push back Dracule Mihawk… Hello, Portgas D. Ace, and Red Devil Soren]: smoker

When Smoker let loose the information, and the owner of the restaurant restated what was said, everyone in the restaurant began to clamor about how the both of them look really familiar, and the noise only simmered down to a whisper when Smoker began to speak up again.

[I'm curious… What's 2 big shot pirates like the both of you doing in the likes of this country?]: smoker

[Well I'm looking for my brother, and Soren here is a member of his crew, so we were just talking about him… So… What do you want from us now?]: ace

[I would like you both to come with me quietly]: smoker

[Haha, No thanks, I'll pass… What about you Soren?]: ace

[Well I'm already full here, So I think I'll go back to my inn for some sleep, so I'll pass on going anywhere else]: soren

[So that's a no for you as well then… Looks like you have a problem here Captain of the Marines]: ace

[Yeah… I figured you'd say that… But Red Devil Soren will be coming with me today… I came here to to hunt down a Pirate group, and red Devil Soren is a member of the group I'm hunting, and to be honest I have no interest in capturing you right now]: smoker

[You see… Now there is my problem, the group you're hunting is the same pirate group my little brother leads… So now I'm involved in this situation]: ace

[Then I'm afraid I'll need to take you in as well]: smoker

Smoker then gripped his fist and let his smoke-smoke fruit activate making his entire arm turn into smoke leaving his fist as a solid object. And as the tension in the room was getting at an all time high, the sound of screaming came from outside demanding food as he then shot into the restaurant and slammed into the back of Smoker sending him flying into Ace, and through the wall.

[Woohoo!... I made it! I for sure thought I was going to die… Hurry up and give me food Old man!... Food, food food food food food!]: luffy

Luffy had sat down in an open seat and began demanding food as he clanged the knife and fork together so hard that sparks even began to fly.

[Food, food food food… Now, now now now!]: luffy

Luffy sang in a tiny melody from banking the fork and knife together on the table and against each other. The owner could only accept Luffy's request as he saw the bounty poster and knew that Ace from the Whitebeard pirates was also here for him, so he then began to cook for Luffy.

[You know… You might wanna start running]: owner

[Why would I do that?]: luffy

[Do you know who you sent flying?]: owner

[I sent someone flying?... Who was it?]: luffy

[Don't worry Luffy, the person you sent flying doesn't really matter, but there is someone here to see you]: soren

[Soren!... You're here too?... This is some great food isn't it!?... Also, who's here to see me?]: luffy

[Your brother Ace]: soren

When Soren said Ace's name, Luffy shot up with a bunch of food still in his mouth before he shouted.

[What! He is? Where is he!]: luffy

[You just sent him flying along with Smoker, he should be back soon, just finish your food]: soren

[Ahh, I see… Then I'll eat a bit more]: luffy

Luffy then began eating again as Soren got up from his seat and began to stretch his limbs for the upcoming fight that was bound to happen between him and Smoker. Soon, Ace came back from the long walk through all the destruction caused by Luffy's actions, and when Ace saw Luffy he tried to shout for him, but was stopped by Smoker who started chasing after him making Luffy run away with a mouth full of food.

[Thanks for the food!]: luffy

[Oi!... Luffy! Wait up! It's me!]: ace

Soren was the only one left and when he saw the faces of all other present, he felt bad and waved his hand fixing all the walls that had been broken, then took the solid gold apple from his inventory and placed it on the counter towards the restaurant owner and spoke.

[For the food and damages… Cya later]: soren

Soren then ran out the restaurant to chase after Luffy, Ace, and Smoker, leaving the restaurant speechless, and when the owner saw the gold apple, he thought it was one of those scam apples and went to throw it out, but trying to pick it up he realized it was real gold.

'T-This!... He overpaid!': owner

Soren then noticed that Luffy began running over the building rooftops to get away from the girl they met at Loguetown, and Smoker followed after him while telling the woman to go gather all the Marines.

'What a pain in the a.s.s this guy is': soren

[Luffy wait up!... It's me, Ace!]: ace

Soren caught up to Ace and slowed him down before telling him that Luffy knows that he was here, and that right now he's just trying to escape Smokers grasp, but the only way to do that is to take Smoker off his hands.

[I got a plan… I'll go and beat him up real good, you just go and get Luffy]: soren

[No, I want to beat up that Smoker guy…]: ace

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