Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 48 - 48: Amazon Lily

Soren was then brought to a secluded island overrun by all sorts of different beasts, ranging from your average boar, all the way to a King Kong Gorilla, one of the biggest, and most deadly beasts in the world apart from the Sea Kings. The island's name was Rusukaina, and as Soren was brought deep into the jungle of the island, there was an open spot that had a tree with a thick White base, surrounded by jagged rocks, and vibrant Green leaves protruding out of the top, and in some ways, the tree resembles a Daikon, or a White radish, but people from this world would recognize this tree as the Daft Green, a poisonous tree that emits spores that kill off both Animals and Humans by inhaling the spores over time, but this was not the case, as the tree just resembled the Daft Green, and was in no way poisonous, but the instinct of the animals told them that the tree was indeed poisonous, so they stay away.

[This is where we will train for the next few years, or until you master the use of Haki to the basic levels]: rayleigh

[Right, Sensei Ray… So, what is the first thing to do?]: soren

[I'm glad you asked… Since you know what Haki is, I'll spare you the in depth explanation of what Haki is, and skip to the part where I demonstrate it]: rayleigh

Rayleigh stood facing Soren, and Soren could see from behind that a gigantic tiger was about to pounce onto them, and attack Rayleigh, but since Soren knew what was about to happen, he didn't try to warn Rayleigh, and just let him teach.

[The first, and by far, the easiest Haki is Kenbunshoku Haki, or Observation Haki, giving you a sixth sense in a way to perceive attacks as they come your way, giving you time to avoid them]: rayleigh

Rayleigh just closed his eyes and sensed as the tiger made its move and attacked Rayleigh first, and Soren moved out of the way, so that Rayleigh could show off the skill better. Soren then watched as Rayleigh continued to dodge all of the tigers attacks, and do so with his eyes closed, and soon the tiger began to tire out, but still wanted to attack Rayleigh.

[The next type of Haki is known as Busoshoku Haki, or Armament Haki, it forms your fighting spirit into a protective shell around your body, and when you achieve a certain level of mastery, you can transfer that coating to a weapon to better strengthen your attack… This is also the only way to physically harm a Logia Type Devil Fruit user]: rayleigh

Rayleigh then sensed a downward strike coming from the tiger behind him, and reacted by placing his hand up to intercept the attack, and Soren could see Rayleigh's fighting spirit taking form around his palm, and becoming Black, while still being transparent, as if placing itself just on a level above the tigers strength. When the tigers attack clashed with Rayleigh's palm, it was like a stick colliding with a steel wall, it's attack did nothing to push back Rayleigh, and when Rayleigh saw Soren paying close attention, a smile appeared on his face before he spoke once more.

[Now for the last type of Haki… You may have heard of it, but not everyone has the ability to use it, and the reason is as the name implies… Haoshoku Haki, or Conqueror's Haki, or better known as Color of Kings Haki, and it's said that only one who is fit to be a King who stands above all has the ability to use this form of Haki, and it relies on your will alone to be imposing over your enemies]: rayleigh

Rayleigh then turned to face the tiger while still holding a smile on his old face, and as he stared at the tiger, the tiger began staring back with anger and hatred in its eyes for Rayleigh, and with no other words, the tiger began to pounce towards Rayleigh, but Rayleigh stood calm, and began using his will to create a pressure for the tiger, and the tiger fell down from its pouncing, and started to run, before slowing to a crawl, to the point it got close to Rayleigh, and the pressure became unbearable, and the tiger fainted with a bit of foam flowing from its mouth.

[I have shown you all 3 types of Haki first hand, but I can only teach you how to use the first 2, while the 3rd one is up to you, and if you were born with it… Now, I'm a bit hungry, let's go cook up this tiger]: rayleigh

Soren then spent the next 6 months training with Rayleigh, and over those 6 months, Soren learned all 3 types of Haki, and was now on his own in furthering them, as Rayleigh went back to Sabaody to have a few drinks, and as thanks for his help, Soren gave Rayleigh 3 bottles of the Nordic Brew, leaving him with 27 bottles left. Soren had already beaten each and every beast on the island, and became it's Island Master, but Soren still felt he was lacking in his Haki control, so he decided to use the last 6 months to go explore the world and master his Haki.

[Where should I go first?... Maybe I'll meet up with Mihawk again and get a good fight… Or should I go to Amazon Lily and try to hit on Hanc.o.c.k?... Tough choices]: soren

Soren decided that he would first leave Rusukaina Island, and then he would decide where to go next. Soren walked to the shore and noticed a small boat with a sail wrapped up, and inside the boat, there was a letter from Rayleigh, that was meant for when Soren leaves the Island.

Note- Hey Soren, this is the boat I have left you for when you decided to leave the island. I thank you for the booze, and I hope I can see you again in the future.

Sincerely, Sensei Ray

Soren thought that Rayleigh's note was a kind gesture, and was a bit funny, so it put a smile on his face. Soren then looked at the boat, and then was a small Ki blast, Soren destroyed the small boat and began flying into the sky as he asked Misha to locate Dracule Mihawk, but upon seeing that he was in the second half of the Grand Line, Soren thought to put it off until a later date, as he didn't want to enter the New World yet. Soren then located Amazon Lily with the help of Misha, and started flying towards the Island of women at a fast pace, and with the hopes of winning Hanc.o.c.k over with his good looks and charm. After a short flight, Soren had appeared over the island of woman that had been called a "Man's Paradise" by many, but to those who knew what happened to the men who appeared on the island, they would call it the Eunuch island. (A/N: I know men were imprisoned and killed if caught, but I thought this would be funnier)

[Guess I should pull off the same stunt as Luffy… Fall into the bathhouse, and hope for a sight]: soren

Soren then angled himself towards the area that appeared to be the bathhouse of the palace, and started flying towards it before letting himself be flung towards the bathhouse due to the loss of Ki making his body fly. Soren then let out some screams to play the part, and this action pulled some attention as the women on the island looked up to see someone flying towards the palace, and then watched as they crashed into the bathhouse.

[What was that?]: woman 1

[I don't know, but that's the Snake Princesses palace… We should go make sure she's alright]: woman 2

Soren had crashed into the palace bathhouse just like he planned, and fell into the warm water, making him all wet.

'I-Is this it!?... Has my luck given me such a sight?': soren

Soren then began to look around, and he noticed the steam rising and filling the room, while not too far away was a figure, but as Soren looked towards the figure, he regretted this whole idea.

[AHHHHH! What are you doing in here nyon!~]: ???

Soren got a peak alright, but it was of the one person he least expected to be peaking on. What Soren saw was an old lady with Whit hair, big lips, Black eyes, and wrinkles everywhere, the image burned itself into Soren's mind even if he didn't like it, and tried to forget, but he would forever be scared, as the one he just witnessed taking a bath was none other than Gloriosa, or otherwise known as Elder Nyon.

[What the hell!... I was sent off to some random a.s.s island!]: soren

Soren quickly tried to play it off like he was in a fight, and ended up here on accident, while trying to make his way out of the room, but the second he opened the bathhouse door to leave, he came face to face with a bunch of women, and when they saw Soren, and then looked behind him to see Elder Nyon covering her most s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e parts, they quickly began to make assumptions and shout.

[This being assaulted Elder Nyon!... Look at how she's hiding herself from him]: woman 1

[No… You misunderstand… I accidentally fell in from the sky, there has been no assault here]: soren

As Soren tried to get out of this situation, many one the women began to ready their weapons, as to catch Soren before he could try and escape.

'*Sigh*... Looks like there is no way out of this… I guess I can meet Hanc.o.c.k this way': soren

[This sword is so heavy!... W-What is it made out of?]: woman 3

[You're one to talk, you should feel this coat!... It weighs a ton!]: woman 4

It took 3 women to lift Soren's sword, and 2 of them to take away the coat, while they were surprised to see that Soren's other clothes were normal, and easily took them off of him before sending him into the cage b.u.t.t n.a.k.e.d.

[Can I atleast have my u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r!]: soren

[No!... Tell us, what are you, and what is that thing in between your legs]: woman 2

[You mean my p.e.n.i.s?]: soren

As Soren thought they were idiots for asking such a stupid question, he then remembered that these women have never seen a man before, and only Hanc.o.c.k, her 2 sisters, and Elder Nyon have ever really seen a man before, and it was rare for anyone else to see one.

[A p.e.n.i.s you say?... What does it do? And does it normally look like that?... Also, do other beings like you have them as well?]: woman 3

Soren then began to explain in detail about the biology of a man, and explain about the counterpart that is a woman, before explaining that he was above average compared to other men. And after the long lecture about what a man was, the women had a bunch of questions regarding a male, and began asking Soren.

[I would appreciate if you don't]: soren

[So a man, and a woman perform what is called "I.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e" to make babies?... Elder Nyon always told us that the storks drop them off here]: woman 6

[No, men and women work together to create babies, as for how new babies get here, your Elder Nyon goes out and picks up the unwanted babies and brings them back here]: soren

[Are babies really unwanted?... We all love and care for each other here]: woman 2

[That's just how you were raised, but outside this island, many babies are left for dead by parents who can't take care of them… It's just the nature of life]: soren

After a few more questions, which were answered by Soren in the nude, Soren finally convinced the women to give him back his clothes, but he still didn't get his weapon back. Soren was then told by one of the women that Elder Nyon would like to meet him to discuss his punishment, and with that, Soren was brought to the palace, and then was led to the throne room where Elder Nyon, Boa Hanc.o.c.k, and her 2 snake sisters Boa Sandersonia, and Boa Marigold were all waiting for him.

[We have brought the "Man" to you as requested Elder Nyon]: woman 1

[Okay, thank you, you may leave now nyon~]: elder nyon

The woman who brought Soren to the throne room had then left, and now only Soren was left in the room with Elder Nyon, Hanc.o.c.k, Marigold, and Sandersonia.

[Uhh… To let me go?]: soren

[No… I have called you here to pass down your punishment for peeping on my in the bathhouse, and for trespassing on Amazon Lily un welcomed nyon~]: elder nyon

'I have only one trick left… I hope this works': soren

[Hey, it wasn't my fault!... I was training with Rayleigh on Rusukaina Island, and when I was fighting one of the beasts, someone showed up and sent me flying all the way here]: soren

[Rayleigh you say?... Tell me, what was Rayleigh doing with you on Rusukaina as you say?]: hanc.o.c.k

Hanc.o.c.k was the one to speak, and Soren knew he was saved as long as he could give a good excuse.

[Training me in Haki, but Rayleigh left a few days ago, now I'm here]: soren

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