Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 50 - 50: The End of Mary Geoise

When Soren heard this, he felt he had enough of the fat fool who stood before him, and quickly started walking towards him. Upon seeing Soren begin walking towards him, the Celestial Dragon felt that Soren had finally regained his senses, but seeing Soren walk towards him rather than crawl was unsightly, so he began shouting again.

[Hey!... You need to get on your hands and knees, and begin crawling… I can't have a mount that doesn't know how to crawl, now can I]: pig

Soren didn't bother with giving the pig a response, and continued to walk slowly up to the group, while ignoring the continuous shouts coming from the fat pigs mouth. Once Soren got close enough to the Celestial Dragon, he unsheathed his Chitsuki, and with a single slash, the Celestial Dragon's head, fell from his shoulders, leaving everyone shocked, while some were even scared, as once the news got out that a Celestial Dragon had died here, a Marine Admiral would be sent to eliminate the one who killed the Celestial Dragon.

[There… So that's all it took to get some silence from that pig's mouth… Ahh, so much better]: soren

Soren then turned back around and began walking away while shaking the blood off his blade before sheathing his sword, but before he could get too far, the guards that came with the Celestial Dragon began shouting.

[Hey!... You're under arrest for killing a Celestial Dragon!... Come quietly before a Marine Admiral gets here, and destroys you along with this place!]: guard

[No thanks… I'm gonna wait for the Admiral to show up… You can run along now]: soren

When Soren said that, he let out a menacing aura that scared the guards into a panic, and they quickly scurried off, most likely to the Marine HQ that was stationed on Sabaody. Soon, every Marine on the island was out looking for Soren, while when word of what happened had reached Marine Ford, 2 Admirals had been sent, as they knew who killed the fool of a Celestial Dragon, and it was the same person who was able to fight against Mihawk, and his abilities were unknown so far.

[So, Sengoku… What do you plan to do with this man?]: ???

[We will just increase his bounty if the Admirals can't make contact with him… Otherwise, I feel confident that 2 Admirals will be able to kill him… Why do you ask, Garp?]: sengoku

[Well that man has put forth a lot of effort into making my grandson what he is today, and I'd like to thank him for it before he dies]: garp

[What do you mean, Garp… You want to thank a Pirate for helping your grandson become a Pirate?]: sengoku

[No… Luffy had always been set on becoming the Pirate King, and even after all the trouble I put him through, he was still set on becoming a Pirate, but he was too weak to make his dream come true, and would only die at the hands of the Marines, or another Pirate Group… But this man gave Luffy the strength he needed… When I saw Luffy and his friends at Water 7, I thought he would still be the same as before, but he was so much stronger than when he was a kid]: garp

Garp began retelling the story about meeting with Luffy and his crew, and Sengoku was only forced to listen while sighing due to Garp's weakness for his grandson. Somewhere on Sabaody, Soren was sitting on a bench, and quickly noticed that he was being surrounded by a bunch of people, and while most of them weren't much in comparison, 2 individuals stuck out the most, as they had a power that far outclassed the rest of the group.

'Seems like they sent 2 Admirals… Hais… I guess my time in this world is limited… I guess I can leave a note for Luffy and his crew about my departure, and then I'll go kill off the most disgusting group of people in this entire world': soren

Soon, the group of people began to close in on Soren, until Soren could see them with his eyes, instead of his Observation Haki. Looking around the crowd, Soren saw hundreds of Marines holding swords and riffles, while there were 2 Marines who stuck out from the rest, as they wore White coats with Golden shoulder pads like capes, and their attire was quite different from the other Marines. One wore a Red suit with a Pink corsage, and a pair of Black gloves and Black dress shoes, while you could see a faint tattoo on the left side of his neck, while he had a burn scar on the right side of his neck going up to his face. He had a Black goatee, and short Black hair to match, while a Marine ball cap was placed on his head. Soren could tell that this person was Akainu, the Admiral who ate the Magma fruit, while the other Admiral wore the same cape-like coat, with Golden shoulder pads, but he wore a Purple button up dress shirt with a Yellow neck tie, and a White sleeveless vest, along with a pair of White pants, and Black dress shoes. He had a Black afro that was combed down at the top, while still being poofy on the sides, and he wore a Green and Blue sleeping mask over his forehead, and Soren knew this guy as Aokiji, the man who ate the Ice fruit.

'Akoiji gives off a Mori Jin kinda vibe with that sleeping mask… Maybe I should get one?': soren

Just as everyone came into view of Soren, there was a shout that came from the Marine's side, as it sounded quite familiar to Soren.

[Soren!?!?... What the hell are you doing here!?]: ???

When Soren located the person of the voice, he saw his lovely wife Bell-mere, and seeing her angry face was quite a different story. When the 2 Admirals noticed the slight acquaintance that someone from their side has with the Pirate they were after, they decided to question the relationship.

[Young Lieutenant!... If you wouldn't mind, could you please explain to us what your relationship to this Pirate is?]: Akainu

When Bell-mere heard this, she was a bit nervous, as her relationship with Soren was quite private, and seeing her Red cheeks, both the Admirals could guess what the relationship between them was.

[Nevermind… No need to explain]: Aokiji

Bell-mere then stepped back into the crowd, while the 2 Admirals took over the conversation with Soren.

[Young man… You have killed a Celestial Dragon, and for that you are going to be executed… Do you have any last words?]: aokiji

When Bell-mere heard this, she felt her heart break, as Soren was the man she loved, and now he was going to die right in front of her eyes, but something was off. When Bell-mere looked at Soren, he seemed to be as calm as ever, and in fact, she could tell that he was waiting for them here, so if he was scared that he would die, then he would have fled, but here he was, waiting for their arrival.

[Last words?... Hmm… Thanks for coming out?]: soren

When Soren said this, everyone almost fell down due to Soren's actions, as he was about to die, and here he was trying to make jokes.

[Then if you're done, let's get the execution underway]: akainu

Akainu was the first to disappear from his spot and rush Soren, and with a swing of his sword, he slashed Soren, but to his surprise, Soren caught the blade infused with Armament Haki, and spoke.

Soren then used a bit of force and threw Akainu back, and made him slam into Aokiji, as the both of them fell to the ground, and then Soren continued speaking.

[Thanks for coming out, but it was unneeded, as I plan on ridding the world of the corruption which those fat pigs have placed on you all… The Marines can be the rulers, and give a just ruling, but if I see the corruption continue to flow, I'll come back and wipe out the Marines as well… I told a story to a Marine a few months back, and I shall tell you now… What defines a job title? Is it the title itself? Or is it the person uptaking the title?... As far as I can see, there are many corrupt Marines dealing with islands and villages just like how Pirates do, but they claim it's under the act of Justice, while I see many Pirates just exploring the oceans as free men and women searching for adventure, and not focusing on plundering… So tell me, is it the title of a job that makes the person, or the person that gives the title its name?... Yes there are good Marines, and yes there are bad Pirates, but there are always two sides to the same coin, and right now, you are trying to kill me for ridding the world of a problem that has been going on for hundreds of years… How many people have been enslaved and killed for the amus.e.m.e.nt of these fat pigs? What kind of justice do they bring to the table? Just what about these Celestial Pigs makes them worth protecting? So they can live another day and ra*pe and kill more innocent women, while riding the men like horses waiting for death?... If that's what you call justice, then I'll fight it with my own justice, and I'll kill whoever stands in my way… So I'll give you a choice, let me leave, or die here along with your justice]: soren

After Soren's long winded speech about just exactly what they were fighting for, both Akainu and Aokiji looked down in guilt and disappointment, as Soren was indeed right, even if they don't believe in what he said about Pirates being good people, but they did believe that they were protecting some of the most corrupt beings who acted on a line even worse than Pirates.

[Don't try to force yourself to do this task, as there will be nobody to enforce a punishment on you once I go take care of those pigs and their entire family]: soren

When Soren said this, he noticed that many of the Marines had chosen their sides, and they all happily made way for Soren to leave, as they all thought about the idea of having their family be in that position, while their wives were ra*ped and killed, while they were forced to act as a horse to ride around on. The thought made them angry, as they themselves wanted to rush up to Mary Geoise and kill the pigs with their own hands, but their lack of power proved that they were incapable of doing such a feat.

[I'm glad you have made your choices… Bell-mere, I'll come back to pick you up, as I don't plan on staying here for much longer]: soren

Soren spoke, then immediately began floating in the air, once again shocking the gathered Marines, and then Soren flew off towards Shakky's Rip-Off Bar. Soren then made a note and asked Rayleigh to hold onto it, and give it to a person named Luffy who would be here in a few months, and without giving Rayleigh the chance to ask questions, Soren left, and made his way towards Mary Geoise for the utter destruction that would befall these sick and twisted fat pigs.

[I know they have slaves here, so I should quickly gather everyone and let them enjoy the fireworks that will be coming from this place]: soren

Soren quickly sensed out all the places that held weak signatures of life, and found that those were where the slaves were being kept, and with a flash, Soren went to each and every building and freed all the slaves while killing any guard who was guarding over them. Soren had also unlocked all of their collars to keep them from dying, and after an hour of work, Soren had freed over 200 slaves, while a lot of them were little girls not even the age of 10, and they were all branded at the same place on their backs.

'These sick pigs wanted to turn all these girls into s.e.x slaves… I will enjoy burning this place to the ground': soren

Soren's appearance brought hope back into the eyes of these people, as the torture they all were subjected to was far beyong humane, and any normal person would have died from the stress.

[Hey… Do you guys want to watch this place burn to the ground?]: soren

With Soren's words, everyone began nodding their heads with frivolous intent, as they wanted to see these people who tortured them all these years perish, and Soren even made their day better when he asked the next question.

[What do you want to see?... Quick and painless, or long and painful?]: soren

[Long and painful!... Make them suffer!... Kill them slowly!]: everyone

All the former slaves shouted out with their demands on how to kill the Celestial Pigs, and Sorne could only chuckle as he spoke.

[Kill them slowly it is]: soren

Soren then began to form a gigantic fireball in one hand, while he formed a giant ball of water in the other hand, and then Soren threw both the water and fire balls towards the gigantic compound of the Celestial Dragons, when the attacked collide with the building, they caused quite a commotion as it destroyed the roof and began filling the entire building with a steam so hot that it began melting the skin of any who came in contact with it.

[AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!]: people inside the building

'Hmm?... Did I get the person known as IM as well?... He was quite weak then': soren

Soren then began taking all the slaves to the gondola where they got in with groups of 50 before being sent down, and after another hour, all the slaves were out of Mary Geoise, and went back to the families they were taken from, or went on their own to find a new home. Soren had gone back to Sabaody to pick up Bell-mere before he planned on faking his death, so that he could leave this Universe without being sought after by everyone.

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