Soren was then led by the group of devils, as they went back to the underworld, while both Bell-mere and Nojiko were left gaping at the sight of the massive teleportation, before appearing in the courtyard that overlooked an entire city filled with demonic energy. Nojiko seemed interested in the surroundings, while Bell-mere was more interested in the teleportation, as she whispered in Soren's ear, as she questioned him about what just happened.

[Soren… How did we just teleport? Is this a Devil Fruit from this world?... I didn't expect this, as I thought only you would be able to teleport.]: bell-mere

Soren chuckled at Bell's inquisitive personality, as he thought that she would hate him for "using her" in a sense that he never told her that he was married, but started a relationship with her anyway.

[My dear, Bell… That was magic… In this world, those who possess the powers to wield and use Magic and Chakra aren't held down by a weakness like swimming… But each race is different, as the Devils are weak against Light attacks, while Angels are weak against Dark Arts, while Humans are just physically weak, but can house and expand their Chakra, so their magic reserves are small compared to a low rank Devil or Angel, but if a Human is blessed by a God, they can work to achieve a level of power close to the God that blessed them...]: soren

Soren then spent an hour explaining the hierarchy of the world, before a Devil came and kneeled before Soren, as his metal armor began to clang together, as he spoke.

[Lord Soren!... I welcome you back from your trip… Please, follow me to meet Lady Rias]: devil

Soren had no clue as to why he was referred to as Lord, but decided to follow the devil and find out from Rias what all the commotion was about, and soon, Soren, Bell-mere, and Nojiko stood before a grand door that had elegant engravings deep into the wood, and seemed to be stained in a blood red color, as the devil that led them this far kneeled once more as he spoke.

[Lady Rias!... This lowly one has brought you Lord Soren as requested!]: devil

After the devil finished speaking, the grand doors began to open, as the devil then excused himself, leaving Soren, Bell-mere, and Nojiko to peer inside, only to see a woman sitting on a throne with a child in her arms, as the child appeared to be suckeling on her teet. Upon seeing this, Soren was both confused, and angry, as it was obvious that time still flowed in this universe, as Rias appeared to be older than when he first left, but there was now a child not even 1 year old, suckeling the b.r.e.a.s.t of his wife.

[Soren…]: rias

This was the only word that Rias could utter, as tears began to pool inside her eyes, but before she could rush up and hug Soren, she watched as his face turned to one of disappointment, before he turned to leave, as a tinge of anger rolled off his body, and upon seeing this, Rias seemed confused as to why he was angry, as she should be the angry one, but upon looking down at the child in her arms, she began to piece the puzzle together, as she quickly spoke, before Soren could leave.

[Soren!... It's not what you think!...]: rias

Before Rias could continue, Soren turned around and shouted, as the room began to shake from Soren's anger.

[Not what I think!?... I know I was gone for over 8 years, but I'm your husband!... Yet I come home to this bastard child!?... And you say that this isn't what I think!?... Then tell me, what is this!?... You have 10 seconds, before I leave, and never return]: soren

Soren said the last of his sentence with a cold tone, leaving Rias surprised, as Soren had never gotten angry with her like this, and calling her child a bastard was even worse. Leaving Bell-mere and Nojiko to look between the two, before looking at the child in the arms of the mother, as he began to wake up and cry from the loud noises, before Bell-mere thought to herself.

'Like you're one to talk… You cheated with this woman for years, yet you're mad she found someone who would give her the time of day': bell-mere

As Bell-mere thought about this, Rias composed herself as Soren began counting down from ten, before she spoke up.

[The child is yours… Look for yourself]: rias

When Soren heard this, he was disbelieving, but still calmed down, as he then steeled himself to walk up to the child in Rias' arms, before he reached out to poke the waking child, as his eyes opened to reveal the obsidian black pupils, and uncontrollably wild hair, before Soren witnessed a twitching movement below the blanket that the child was wrapped in, before a tail popped out, as the brown furred tail began to sway back and forth, bringing Soren to tears, as realization just hit him.

[I-I'm sorry… I-I called him a bastard… I'm a terrible father…]: soren

[It's understandable… You were gone for 8 years, and I never told you that I was pregnant, as I didn't know yet either, and Devils usually carry a child to term over the course of 15 years, but as he's not a full Devil, 8 years was all it took]: rias

Bell-mere and Nojiko took them time to leave, as to give Soren and Rias time to talk, as the two of them were led to a guest room by one of the servant devils.

[So… What's his name?]: soren

[I don't know… He was just born last week, and I was hoping to hold out, and wait for a good name to appear… I thought of Fuji, as it means Unsurpassed, or Unique… Or maybe Haruto, to soar, or to fly… What do you think?]: rias

[I like both of them, but how about Haru… It means to stretch, and he looks like he will one day grow into a man that will stretch up and grasp the entire world in his hands]: soren

Rias lifted Haru into the air, as the blanket fell off his body, revealing his tail in its entirety, as he let out a giggle, making both Soren and Rias smile at him. After wrapping Haru back up in a new blanket brought by one of the maids, Rias looked at Soren and spoke the words he least wanted to hear.

[So… Who are the women that you brought with you?]: rias

When Soren heard this, he began to sweat, as his hand scratched the back of his head, making Rias' face distort a little, before she called over one of the maids to take Haru to his room.

[Cleo… Can you take Haru back to his room for a nap?... I need to speak with my HUSBAND in private, and I don't want to wake Haru]: rias

[Yes, Lady Rias]: cleo

The maid quickly left with Haru in her arms, as the grand doors closed, leaving Soren and Rias alone, before a long "conversation" happened about cheating on one's spouse, and about how Soren never asked if it would be okay to even have a Harem, and after the end of what seemed to be an endless reprimand, Rias had called for one of the maids to bring both Bell-mere and Nojiko to meet her. Soon, both Nojiko and Bell-mere entered the throne room and gave rias a deep bow as a sign of respect after seeing Soren laying on the floor not too far from her with gigantic bumps and bruises atop his head, while his tail twitched every now and then, as blood began to pool around his head, as it drained through his mouth, both Nojiko and Bell-mere began to show a little fear, as it was unknown if they would be killed or beaten up for being around Soren, but all of those thoughts vanished as Rias spoke.

[Stand… I do not wish to see women my husband brought home kneel before me… Tell me, what are both your names?]: rias

Upon hearing Rias call them "Women brought home by her husband" it made them feel a little embarrassed, as it made them feel like it referred to them as his wives, but quickly they both spoke up.

[My names Bell-mere]: bell-mere

Soon, silence filled the room as Rias pondered about their answers, before she spoke up once again.

[Bell-mere, I will call you Bell, while Nojiko will be known as Ko-ko]: rias

Both Bell-mere and Nojiko seemed a little fl.u.s.tered towards their new nicknames, and while Bell-mere's nickname is more common, Nojiko's nickname was completely out of character, but the whole purpose of the nicknames was for rias to display dominance as the first, and the best wife Soren will have.

[So… As you may notice, my husband is "asleep" right now, so let's have some girl talk]: rias

Just as Rias said this, Soren's head began to move, as he began pushing himself up from the ground, only for Rias to notice, and act in turn with a swift kick to the head.

[Aaahh… What the hell was- *Whammm!!*... .....]: soren

Soon, Soren woke up in his bedroom that was located inside the Gremory castle, and upon looking around, he grabbed his head in pain, before the pain settled down, letting Soren release his hand. Soren then began to get up and head towards the shower, as he then took a shower before getting dressed in a simple martial gi, and heading towards the throne room where he sensed Rias waiting for him.

[Good morning, Honey!]: rias

Soren noticed Rias' tone seemed to be a little cold, as he seemed to notice that she was still angry, albeit much less angry compared to before, as he gave a nervous chuckle before replying.

Soren could see a bit of anger on her face, but quickly tried to act as if he saw nothing, before trying to slip out, only to have Rias stop him with her next words.

[Hold on!... *Sigh* If you must leave, then take Haru with you to go visit your parents]: rias

Soren heard this and perked up, as Rias seemed to be breaking, and soon would no longer be angry with him, and quickly agreed to the request, as he zoomed out of the throne room with Haru in hand, as the speed Soren left was faster than a sports car, making Haru giggle and laugh as the speed was fun for him.

[You really are quite an interesting boy… Mom and Dad will love you]: soren

After a few hours of traveling, Soren made it back to his home on the outskirts of Kuoh Town, and quickly knocked on the door of his old home, careful enough to not destroy the door in excitement to see his parents again after so long, and upon seeing the door open, he saw nobody, but a childish voice was heard.

[Who are you, Mister?]: ???

Soren was caught off guard, as he then looked down to see a small boy who appeared to be around 7 or 8 in height, but this was someone Soren recognised, and he knew the kid was about 12 or 13 years old, and was just short.

[I'm Soren… Who are you?]: soren

Soren already knew who the kid was, as his spiky palm tree like hairstyle, and orange gi were both dead giveaways as to who this was, but why was he here, instead of with the man known as Gohan.

[My name's Goku!... Hmm… Hey! You're like me!]: goku

Goku then pointed out towards Soren's tail, as it happened to be swaying behind Soren's back, before pointing at his own for Soren to see, and then Goku happened to notice Haru's tail, as he shouted once again, causing the others inside to come see the commotion.

[Hey!... He's also like me!... What a small world!]: goku

Soren couldn't help but facepalm, as he inwardly thought to himself.

'This kid's an idiot!... I guess that will always stay the same': soren

Just as Soren thought this, another familiar face came to the door, along with 2 other familiar faces, as one was his father, and the other was his mother, leaving the face that appeared behind Goku, being that of an old man with a bushy wite mustache, and a head cap with a white ball of fur at the top, and this was Grandpa Gohan, Goku's adoptive father, but Soren had no clue as to why he was here, and decided to find out later.

[Goku… Who's your new friend here?]: gohan

Goku turned around to speak, but was quickly pushed aside, as both Olive and Aiden ran up and hugged Soren tightly, while Soren moved Haru to safety, as it seemed as if his parents weren't thinking clear enough to notice a child, as poor Goku's head was embedded in the nearby wall.

[Soren!... Our child!... You have returned!]: aiden

[My boy!... I missed you so much!... You never called, you never wrote!... Where were you!?]: olive

[I've been exploring… But don't worry, I'm home… And look!... This is Haru, my son]: soren

Soren quickly introduced Haru, as he wanted his parents to stop crowding him, and his plan worked, as Olive quickly took Haru in hand, and began to coo at the child, while Aiden watched from afar, leaving Soren to pray for his son in silence.

'Sorry, my boy… But your sacrifice won't be in vain… You will be remembered… R.I.P': soren

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