Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 1 - 1: Multiverse Traveler System (Redo Edition)

~Third POV~

In the modern world where everything is normal of just living a normal life with no fantasy or fictional powers in the world.

In this world lived a high schooler graduate that is around at the age of 18 years old as well as a former senior at his school, he was working on placing his certificate in his room while listening to some motivating anime opening.

This person goes by the name Alex Smith his just your ordinary young a.d.u.l.t just finishing his part-time work saving some cash in his investment since he has no other living relatives.

Alex usually lives alone at his home learning to get used to being by himself since his parents hardly return home every few weeks since they always go to faraway places at the age of 15, luckily Alex was able to m.a.t.u.r.e enough to understand why his parents leave to support themselves.

Alex was never told how much his parents' occupation was since they always travel to faraway places whenever he tries to ask them, they were always avoiding the subject and lied about their work.

However, during one of their trips Alex receives word over a phone on the age of 16 to hear that his parents were killed in an unexpected attack and all their savings were now in the ownership of their only son.

Apparently, Alex was surprised to learn that his parents were special agents of the CIA making sure they keep their identities a secret to blend into the citizens, they got caught in KIA in their current mission at the time.

Alex was shocked at how dangerous their jobs were, then the amount he got from his parents got him back to the reality that he received 5.5 Million dollars he used that money to make a private funeral for them and close friends of his parents.

During his time, he handles his loneliness watching anime, games, and getting manga enjoying himself emerged himself into the story what the characters would do next since he spent most of his social life away from people wanting to be alone for a while.

Alex mostly wishes he would go to their worlds to be part of their stories or better yet travel there to better see the world and experience for himself how he would enjoy himself in that world while making friends in the process since in this world there wasn't much for him here.

While he was thinking of that Alex sighs out loud then says, "Sigh… man I wish I could go to the anime worlds they look so much fun to enjoy myself, but I should really stop this thinking I need to think about what I would do in the future…"

[Would you like to link to the Multiverse Traveler System Alex?]

Then he was startled then he checks around his surroundings to looks around then Alex sees a screen suddenly pop up in front of him then Alex reacts accordingly, "Ahhh! What the hell is this!"

[I'll repeat Alex, would you like to link to the Multiverse Traveler System.]

Then without hesitating, Alex says to the system, "Yes!... Wait why did I…"

[Confirmed! Link Start! 1%... 30%... 50%... 87%... 99%... 100% COMPLETE!]

[Hello host Alex, as you are aware, I'm the Multiverse Traveler System I provide you the means to go into the multiverse.]

Then he let that info sink in then he asks the system, "Is it true that you can send me to other worlds, but wouldn't my real appearance be different in the other worlds?"

[No since when you go into other worlds, they will look realistic also I would recommend you open the starter pack that you haven't opened yet then.]

Then I grew curious at that then I say out loud, "Alright then I guess I have to say it out loud? Open starter pack."

Then immediately I heard the system bring out a few sets of items on the screen shown to me.

"[Starter Pack:

2. Body Strength Pill

3. 10,000 MTP]"

Then looking at my options I hear the system speak out.

[Since we are at this point, I will explain the main functions of this system. I have the Inventory, Mission, and Traveler functions.]

[The inventory function just does as it says, you can hold limitless amounts of items inside however this function cannot be used as a shield for others' attacks to be stored into and can't be used to store living individuals.]

[Mission is going to be the only way for you to earn MTP that you can use for the Traveler function, but the missions won't be shown until an event occurs, or you derail the plot of a world direction you can get rewards this way.]

[Finally the Traveler function, this function lets you go to other worlds at your leisure but be warned you only have one year to stay at the new world you're in after that you can come and go to that world multiple times without time limit however you must choose what point of time to enter since no time travel or fast forward that point.

You can use the MTP to use it to travel people or items to different destinations or yourself somewhere in the world you are currently in but each trip costs 5,000 MTP for the trip so choose carefully.

One last thing to mention, since you are beginning your travels you will only get the starting three worlds to travel to and once you pass one year in that world you can get three more worlds to travel next.]

When Alex heard all of that he thinks to himself, 'If what the system says is true then I have to be more careful on what world I go on the multiverse, but it is tempting but the risk, however, depends on the world itself.'

Then Alex uses the inventory function to take out the two pills then swallow them whole then after that he felt that his body is going through some massive changes happening inside of himself then he falls exhausted from the pills taking an effect on his body…

~Alex POV~

After a while, I felt like I was too tired to do anything I stand back up again then I remember that I was dreaming about some system or whatever it was…

Then I was interrupted from my train of thoughts to hear the System again.

[Welcome back Alex, looks like the pills did the work you should have the peak human strength just look at yourself.]

When I heard the voice of the system I knew right now that what I experienced in the dream was real then I quickly rush towards my mirror and I was shocked that my body was in peak condition having a slim but bulkily build showing a bit of muscle.

Then I say to myself in disbelief, "Holy crap… then that means the system is real…?"

Wait a minute here Alex think carefully here I have to figure out my current strength here so what is the current strength of my body is now, "System what is the current strength would you categorize me with the pills I ate would be?"

[Hmm… by my guess, you would be around the same physical strength as a DBZ Yamcha somewhat durable but still vulnerable to explosions and bullets but at least physically strong to effortlessly destroy solid stone and rock if that is what you mean?]

That hurts…

My pride as a human was hurt right now!

I have strength comparable to Yamcha one of the fewest strongest Z fighters imaginable he died to a Saibamen!

But then again it would make me more suitable to have a strength of a DBZ character even if he is the weakest of the group doesn't mean I won't be weak against other people by normal standards.

But first I ask the question with some caution of what worlds I get, "Alright time to see what my options are for me to chose from. System open Traveler function."

[Traveler, the current three worlds you can go to are: Akame ga Kill, One Piece, and RWBY.]

When I look at my options they were not very favorable for me to get One Piece now this world I can abuse it to get strong quickly as well as the Devil Fruits I could get but it does have its own fair share of problems with a lot of pirates in the area as well as a very corrupt government system.

But it does provide a good training spot with my physical strength I can grind and train my fruit of my choosing.

RWBY doesn't sound that bad honestly with my abilities I could pretty much be in the clear from the worry of harm if it wasn't for Salem and Ozpin fighting their dumb shadow war as well as their manipulation and killer Grimm… yeah steering clear from that one at least till I'm stronger anyway.

The next option left is the less dark anime world from the other two is the world of Akame ga Kill if it's true what it says in then this takes place in its manga universe before the end of the canon starts, still though I would be on my toes from a corrupt nation and its assassins…

I could use my system to get a Teigu for free but I have to compatible first so I will save that off for the time being.

After looking at my options I could always use my MTP, but I don't want to waste them just yet for this… "Sigh… looking at my choices right now if I go to Remnant I would get easily killed and the same goes for Akame ga Kill since there are a lot of people like me around or even stronger. If I go to the One Piece world I have a better chance to live as well as get a Devil Fruit if I stay in one of the Blue Seas as well get used to the idea of killing."

This is a pretty good starting point as well if I go to Remnant or Akame ga Kill I would get killed for sure if I make a single mistake that could cost me my life, but in One Piece I can get a Logia and set myself for life if I stay in one of Blue Seas long enough.

While I go over my train of thoughts I have to know that I have to kill one day, while I make a grim expression, 'Yeah in the world I choose I know for a fact that there will be some strong people there and I need some fighting experience for me to continue my survival into other worlds…'

I started to walk around my home thinking of the bad scenario in case I run to the important figures in that world, 'The One Piece world is dark but it will help me get into a mindset that I can't get emotional of others when I need to kill it's just something, I have to get over with plus maybe I could nab me some Devil Fruits in the future I could bargain with…'

I look at my other hand that was shaking I think to myself while getting control of myself, 'Even if I chose the One Piece first I wouldn't know for sure if I can live through if I'm very unlucky to meet one of the antagonists.'

Then after that, I went to get all my belongings into the inventory of the system with my laptop, phone, router, clothes, etc. I have to get everything ready for me to travel into a different world of One Piece, but the better question would be at what timeline of events should I join in at…

The only safe place would be for me to join the Revolutionary Army, "But what exactly would that give me I think it's just better for me to go with the flow of things, but I do need some MTP…"

But the main question I should be thinking what Devil Fruits are available for me to get while I have a thoughtful expression, "Hmm… getting the Goro Goro no Mi is certainly the first thing I need since I can use my points to make it travel to me…"

After thinking for a few hours I finally decided to know where exactly I would go to start my journey after all there is a free Logia up for grabs with that I say in an excited voice, "Alright then system I want to travel into One Piece world on the island of Sixis in the year of 1514 in the beginning."

"[World: One Piece; Location: On the Island of Sixis; Time: Beginning of the first month; Traveling now.]"

Then with that, I was suddenly seeing around me with palm trees all around the place while some fruits looking around the place but other than that I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

I sigh in relief, but I still couldn't stop the shaking of excitement of going into another world, "Even if this is a dark world it's still fun going into another world but first I have to survive one year while I destroy the plot of this world… let's hope for the best."

With that I used my Traveler function to say to the system, "System use the travel function to bring the Goro Goro no Mi travels to my location more specifically my hand."

[Use of travel function deducts 5,000 of your 10,000 MTP to 5,000 left.]

[Travel: Goro Goro no Mi; Destination: To Host Location his hand… Traveling… Done]

Looking at the invincible Devil Fruit in my hands I couldn't help but quickly gulp the entire thing down my throat!


The taste is too… "DISGUSTING!!!"

Seriously is this how the taste is like eating one of these things ugh…!

Now I understand the sentiments of other devil fruits users.


But I didn't care since I can see my body turn into electricity of Lighting of the Goro Goro no Mi!


But that was when I met up with a pop-up screen telling me that I have skills now what the heck?

[Notice: Eating the Devil Fruit Goro Goro no Mi has gained the skills of Electric Manipulation and Logia Intangibility (Lighting).]


I guess I get skills if I have the ability like a gaming character that is nice to know but now to the real reason I'm here for.

With that I started to walk my way around the island of Sixis looking for the first power up in this world and my personal favorite fruit right after the Goro Goro no Mi is the Mera Mera no Mi!

I have plans for a Logia fruit to help me get stronger…


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 5,000

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting)

Equips: None

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