Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 17 - 17: Despair? Hope? F.u.c.k those let Chaos Live On!

~Third POV~




With one use of Alex [Conqueror Haki] on all the armed guards, they all managed to finally reach the control room.

Once they enter the room it was filled with a single chamber with wires and tubes inside as green light cylinders are filled over the place and in the top ceiling.

Passing through Alex already went inside the chamber as the scientist started to begin their work.

They quickly began to start the Hope Cultivation Plan on Alex so that he can become the [Ultimate Hope].

But with the quick rush and unauthorized timing left the whole area on full alert as sirens were being heard throughout every direction even the whole academy was surprised by the sudden alarm!

With the sudden surprises of alarms popping off the students inside had to evacuate for the time being while the staff was clearly at a loss of what to do.

Hope's Peak Academy was established for the sake of cultivating personal talent to create a perfect genius, who would be deemed the hope of mankind.

For many years, the Academy researched the talents of the Ultimate.

This project was named the Hope Cultivation Plan, though it was also called the Izuru Kamukura Project after the academy's founder.

Recently, the researchers were finally able to reach the experimental stage of the project.

From there, they set their sights on the Reserve Course dropouts to use them as lab rats, as their plan to create talent artificially required test subjects that are wholly lacking in talent.

From that group of Reserve Course students, the one who was finally chosen was supposed to be Hajime, because he admired Hope's Peak Academy more than everybody else.

Hope's Peak Academy exploited Hajime's feelings of admiration toward hope and talent just to use him as a lab rat.

All of his senses, emotions, thoughts, and hobbies that could interfere with acquiring talent were excised.

He was meant to be the fruit of all the research, a genius among geniuses possessing various talents, and he was supposed to be named Izuru Kamukura after the founder.

Izuru was known as the symbol of mankind's hope and he was given the title of [Ultimate Hope].

To protect such rare talent, the Academy completely concealed all evidence of Izuru's origins and identity they had 'teachers' who taught him the Academy's ideology about talented people's superiority.

It appears that he was mostly kept hidden inside dark and small rooms with little to no activities, and he was to be occasionally used by some people who needed his talents to create hope.

And this was the purpose of the Hope Cultivation Plan, the people in charge solely wanted to create a puppet for them so that they would merely use the [Ultimate Hope] and his talents would be 'leeched off' for the sake of hope.

However, as this was the original events were not taken place Alex has taken the 'Hope' of the people in Hopes Peak Academy was doing for himself.

As the process was finally done the chamber open to reveal Alex's long black hair and drastic change in his eyes to pure red crimson as he looks at himself from the glass reflection in the chamber.

Viewing himself from looking at his reflection he was able to become the [Ultimate Hope] and keep all of his memories and emotions intact as he judges himself, "Interesting… I can tell that my personal base strength has increased slightly but everything about the knowledge of the human mind and talents with them…"

Alex smirks at this not only has the chamber have given him all the talents he has all the skills of humanity with him, engineering, scientist, chemistry, industry, espionage, detective, medicine, biology, robotics, programming, hacking, and more.

Alex smiles at this as he merely walks away from the situation using his [Ultimate Hope] to tap into the skills of the [Ultimate Assassin] and [Ultimate Spy] he was able to completely avoid the area completely undetected even with people present.

But not before blowing up the room filled with talents ensuring there will never be another [Ultimate Hope] with a few lightning bolts destroying the place.



The [Ultimate Spy] was a talent that was mention in the novel that Yuto Kamishiro can completely hide his presence to even the normal people not registering that there was a person in front of them was there till he made their presence known.

The [Ultimate Assassin] was a fabricated talent from Maki Harukawa from Danganronpa V3 even though it was fake Alex managed to obtain it for himself as he made steps so silent it was impossible to be heard and hid in the shadows as if he belonged there while masking his presence in the process.

After all, any talent that was from the Danganronpa world was now his to use even Junko [Ultimate Analyst] skill as his own while using his [Observation Haki] to tell where he is and how many people are in the area.

But as Alex is the [Ultimate Hope] these skills were greatly enhanced to be the superior version of these ultimate talents so much so that the members of the security didn't even register that the person they were looking for was simply walking away from the scene.

Of course, Alex didn't just walk around aimlessly he was gathering information from the guards specifically searching for the Steering Committee the true face of Hopes Peak Academy.

Alex smiling at where to find them he thinks to himself in a happy voice, 'Sweet! I know that most people don't recognize this skill but the [Ultimate Hope] is too OP in a normal world setting. The reason why is mostly because of a major boost to my comprehension of things that I have learned a better understanding. With this I can definitely say add Nen with [Ultimate Hope] then I can become insanely strong.'

Alex was determined to get the Steering Committee before he leaves the school to somewhere else.

Why did Alex want to meet this Steering Committee?


Because the Steering Committee was one of the benefactors of the tragedy that would happen in this world.

If they never created the Hope Cultivation Plan, then Junko would've never used Hajime as a call to Despair.

The Steering Committee had four major members consisting of scientists who researched human talent.

They were the highest authority in Hope's Peak Academy, even above the headmaster, but they tended to let Jin Kirigiri the headmaster takes the blame if there were trouble.

They created The Reserve Course Department and were major players in the Izuru Kamukura project and upheld the school's ideology that focused solely on talent as humanity's hope.

Sometimes the committee could even overrule the decisions of the headmaster and scouts and explicitly dis-involved them in the admission decisions of students, which is how they admitted Junko Enoshima into Hope's Peak Academy.

While they were not murderous like many other villains in the series, the Steering Committee's decisions greatly helped Junko and allowed her to achieve her evil goals.

And that was the reason why Alex wants to hunt these people down because it was their own greed that blinded them to cause massive destruction and death to the Danganronpa world.

While Junko was the cause of it yes, the Steering Committee was the materials needed to jump-start the greatest tragedy in human history.

The Steering Committee is portrayed as a group of arrogant and greedy old men, who are only interested in their own goals and are willing to use cruel methods to achieve them.

It's said that they've all done shady things in their past and they often appear openly scornful and show disgust while talking with other people, believing that they're above them even when they need the said person's help.

They rarely listen to others and they're obsessed with keeping the school's good image, which is why they constantly hide information for their own good, not caring if it's morally right or not.

When people died, the school covered it up and informed false explanations for the incidents, and the Steering Committee always made sure someone else besides them got the blame if there was an issue.

That was another reason why Alex wants to meet them he wants to personally deal with them himself as these people left alone causes more harm than good…

Alex quickly traveling down the building found where the disgusting pigs are at as he thinks to himself, 'I will make sure that these people pay for what they have done, but it will have to be under my rules using my [Neuron Control] I will make them confess to the world what they did and commit suicide to atone since they will just use their wealth to get away from justice.'

Alex sees the Steering Committee with a disgusted expression towards them.

All four members of the Steering Committee are described as old men with their pitch-black clothes are said to resemble funeral clothing.

The tallest man has darker skin and hair, and he is mentioned to have big eyebrows.

The second tallest man has grey hair and beard, and a very stern expression, Alex could describe him as a 'pistachio face, with no mental stability found in their head'.

The second shortest man has a heavy build. He wears glasses and his hair is parted on one side.

The shortest man wears round sunglasses and has tied-up, long, grey hair.

As the four men looked surprised Alex used him [Conqueror Haki] on them forcing them to their knees as he goes towards one of them as he speaks to them, "Hello there Steering Committee the trash of humanity. As I know you don't recognize me I am your first successful test subject Alex the [Ultimate Hope] not your puppet."

That got the reactions of the four men but before they could speak Alex increased the pressure on his Haki forcing them to the ground as he yells to them, "Shut up!"

With that Alex goes over to one of the members as sparks erupted from his hand on one of their heads as he begins to use his [Neuron Control] but made them feel pain in the process as one of the members was trying to move from the pain couldn't.

The Steering Committee was now afraid of the [Ultimate Hope] was doing to one of their colleagues as Alex says to them in a cold voice, "You four will pay for your sins. I will rewrite you, to tell the truth, and all the dark secrets to the world what you have been doing in the name of Hopes Peak Academy. Wither you like it or not…"

But as they were getting fearful of Alex one of them could barely say to him with a very terrifying voice towards Alex, "You… you… bastard! Huff… who the hell… are you… are… you… [Ultimate Despair] …"

Alex just kept on reprogramming one of them as he screamed in pain till it has finally ended as he was subconscious.

Alex also took this time to take all their belongings from their credit cards and grabbed a laptop beginning to type down with all of their credit cards in his hand.

The rest of the Steering Committee were confused till they heard a beeping sound coming from the laptop in the room that made them all pale, "Ding! The saving of _, _, _, and _, are now belonging to Alex with all their Yen and stocks!"

The Steering Committee couldn't believe what Alex just did was use their credit cards to transfer everything they had to him as Alex smiles at this as he responds to them, "Thank you gents for the free cash I'll be sure to use it well. Now then it was time to reprogram all of you now."

Sparking showing off from his hand made the members scared as they yelled out at Alex, "You damn ultimate despair! You will be crushed under the name of Hope!"

Alex just laughs coldly at them as he replies his answer towards the group making them feel terror, "Ha ha ha ha! Hope? Despair? Hate to break it to you trash bags but I don't care about any of that. Despair and Hope? F.u.c.k those let the freedom of chaos live on!"

With that Alex was busy reprogramming them as he was finally done left the lab and the Academy as there were students in the area seeing a smoke arise from somewhere.

But they couldn't recognize or register that Alex has just left while there was a crowd of talented students nearby as he left the Hopes Peak Academy just waiting for the downfall to happen.

During that time he thought to himself in a curious tone as he held the card with all the Steering Committee money inside, 'Now then since I have about a few months to stay here lets deal with Junko and her sister and be done with it so I can enjoy this place.'

With that goal in his mind the next plan was to kill the Ultimate Despair Sisters.


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 40,000

Title: Ultimate Hope

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting), Haki (Observation, Armament, Conqueror), Six Powers, Seimei Kikan, Swordsmanship (Advanced), Eight-Impact Fist

Equips: Pure Gold Ring, Shusui

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