Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 19 - 19: Overdue Justice

~Third POV~

Towa City is the primary setting of Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls it is a huge artificial island in the middle of the ocean built and controlled by the Towa Group.

Towa City was built and controlled by Towa Group; a leading technology enterprise owned by the Towa Conglomerate.

The city began as a huge floating island formed on reclaimed land; initial construction started with Towa Group's headquarters and was quickly followed by row after row of research buildings, factories, commercial buildings, residential areas, and more.

Towa City's isolated nature proved effective for Towa Group, allowing them to build up their own private infrastructure while simultaneously developing highly advanced technology to aid the world.

As such, the Towa Conglomerate was able to play the 'savior' role by taking advantage of several opportunities produced by The Tragedy, one namely being their development of an air purification system to combat the worldwide spread of horrible air pollution.

While the Towa Conglomerate were huge contributors to rebuilding the world after the Tragedy, they stand a shadow of their former self as a result of the destruction and chaos caused by the Warriors of Hope.

In the wake of this seemingly instantaneous takeover, within a day the city was decimated to a collection of battered buildings with public transportation, and communication with the outside world halted to a standstill.

The population of Towa City was greatly reduced as well after the attack of the Monokuma robots and Monokuma Kids, leaving many areas either uninhabited or riddled with corpses.

Those a.d.u.l.ts still alive fended for themselves or formed small pockets throughout the city, with a large group called the Resistance taking refuge in the sewers.

At least that would've happened if the story went according to plan if Alex hadn't destroyed the plot of the story.

Each of five of the warriors of hope suffers from family abuse of the worst kind being dealt with them.

Masaru Daimon is beaten and verbally abused by his drunk alcoholic father and is too afraid to fight back since he's afraid to be separated from his father.

Nagisa Shingetsu was abused to be a literal experiment of his parents expecting to improve by his parents that were teachers of Hopes Peak Academy giving him the harshest lessons till he was at the breaking point.

Kotoko Utsugi was sold as prostitution to her managers when her parents want her to be an everlasting 'sparkling' youth while Kotoko didn't want to as the trigger words for her trauma was 'gentle' as the managers say that to her as they **** her.

Jataro Kemuri a child abandoned by his mother as she hates him for ruining her future always wishing for him to die the next day only to be disappointed and even considered her son ugly when actually he was handsome but because that what his mother thought of him he wore a mask because he thought he was just as bad as his mother made him be.

Monaca Towa was a bastard child abandon by her mother and was sent to her father where she was raised with ignorance of her existence and no love in her family believing to pretend to be actually abused so that she can feel kindness.

As Junko is no longer around these kids still suffer their fates as they are…

Currently in the night at the Towa building where the father of Monaca and her big brother Haji Towa was already beaten to a bloody plump as Alex stands over them.

The father could cough up some blood as he says to Alex in a fearful tone, "W… what are you… going to do… do to us… cough…!"

Alex didn't bother saying anything as he went towards the two of them with sparks coming off from his hands as he grips the both of them hard on the head as he uses his [Neuron Control] on them.

The two of them were screaming in pain but couldn't be heard as Alex has his hands on their mouths as he gives them an order in a cold voice, "Haji and Tokuichi Towa… you will adopt the following kids under your protection… Masaru Daimon, Nagisa Shingetsu, Kotoko Utsugi, and Jataro Kemuri these kids will be protected and taken care of with proper love and care to have a fulfilling life…"

Alex grips his hand even tighter at Haji Towa as he was bleeding out tears of blood as the electricity was increasing the voltage to him and bones begin to slightly cracking, "And you f.u.c.k.i.n.g disgusting pedophile… if you ever **** or even do anything s.e.x.u.a.l to Kotoko because you like 'younger' girls I swear to God I will give you everlasting pain that the only thing you will beg for death…! You got it?!!"

Haji could only nod his head and Alex finally orders the two of them in a cold tone, "Finally you two will finally acknowledge Monaca Towa's existence and treat her like you love her as a family member if you ever betray her… Then your life is forfeit got it?"

The two could only nod their heads as the last volt of electricity entered their heads and fell to the ground as Alex brings out some medicine pills to heal them again.

These pills are very effective and almost instant because Alex used the skills of the [Ultimate Pharmacist] of Seiko Kimura.

Seiko garnered much attention from within the pharmaceutical industry because she had found new uses for already existing medicine.

Vying for her talent, many pharmaceutical companies had reached out to her, claiming they want to offer her their extensive assistance, but she only accepted the minimum help with her research.

Seiko could create just about any kind of medicine, ranging from something common like laxatives and cold medication to more ludicrous concoctions such as strength enhancers and super-healing medication.

That same talent that Alex used of the [Ultimate Pharmacist] was when he created some super-healing medicine from the stores that he stole at the Towa City stores.

Before Alex left, he also places down files of the four kids' profiles and parents about everything about them to the Towa group and once they read it as well as the two a.d.u.l.ts' new orders they will take immediate action of this.

With the Towa Family influence in Towa City, they can easily protect the kids, but Alex would at least help them out by disabling the parents out first.

With that Alex flew away as a stream of lighting as he used his [Obsevation Haki] to see where they were all at.

And that was when he noticed that someone was crying for help when someone used the word 'gentle' and using his talents got the general idea of what is happening.

In a building where the two parents were at the door waiting for the manager to finish his time with Kotoko as she yells at him in fear wearing a skimpy outfit, "Ple… please… anything but this! No anything but… not 'gentle'!"

The manager didn't care as he hungrily l.u.s.ts over the 10-year-old Kotoko as he was about to place his hand on her t.h.i.g.hs was when Alex was summoned out of nowhere in sparks as he crushed his arm to the ground with a kick stomping it down surprising Kotoko.



Alex was now defending against the pedophile as he glares at him coldly as he says to the producer of Kotoko shows, "Disgusting human trash. You dare to l.u.s.t and **** a 10-year-old girl? You are beyond salvation it's time some showed you the meaning of justice."

Before the manager could do anything the parents arrived to see the scene but they had their throats caught in his hand as Alex is really pissed off with them as he glares at them, "You two are supposed to protect your children as parents but you let this sick f.u.c.k **** her when she cries for help… you don't even feel guilty about this don't you?"

Alex didn't even need to hear their replies as he looks into the future as he saw their answers in disgust because they truly believe what they were doing was the right thing.


Suddenly electricity entered the whole room hitting all the a.d.u.l.ts electrocuting them on the spot except for Kotoko as he was scared of what she was seeing but couldn't deny the gratitude for the help.

With that, all the a.d.u.l.ts were knocked out in pain with burned marks shown as Kotoko nervously asks Alex what he was, "Mister… who… or what are you…"

Alex returning to his senses again calms down as he brings out a blanket and a spare of clothes for her that she took with some concern but took them to wear than the skimpy clothes she is wearing.

When Alex saw this, he thought of a different cover since Kotoko saw someone with actual powers, so he decided to go with a fictional identity.

Alex finished hearing her down changing as he grabs the keys of the parents as he replies to Kotoko in a gentle smile while using his Goro Goro no Mi to create lighting wings surprising her greatly, "Really? If you wish to know then I guess you can call me an angel and heaven sent me down to give you and your friends a second chance of a new start of life?"

Kotoko was stunned that she believed as Alex used her talent of [Ultimate Drama] to convince her with his lies and acting but Kotoko is still a kid and when he showed off his wings of lighting she had no choice but to believe as she couldn't find a good reason for his existence.

Kotoko could only nod as she cried that someone came to actually help her that she was knocked out of pure shock.

Alex grabbed her as he vanished with her to her own house and put her in her head as he sighs to himself, "Sigh… really Alex and Angel? Maybe I should've said a demon or devil but no regrets now that is two down and three more to go."

With that Alex vanished and entered the home of Jataro while he was asleep, he goes over to the mother seeing that nothing bad is actually happening he left since he will be saved by the Towa group as commanded by the two leaders.

Next, he vanished to Masaru's home as he was being beaten up by his drunk father but that was when Alex appears and stops the assault.

The father noticed his presence as he says to him in a stupid tone, "You bastard don't you – "



The next thing that happened next was Alex punched him in the face as he was flown over the room making a crack in Masaru's home.

Going near the kid he was scared as Alex tells him while giving him the super healing concoction to him as he says to Masaru, "Hey kid? You are Masaru, right? I'm an angel that was sent here to help you out while the a.d.u.l.ts couldn't tomorrow the police will come and please testify against your father. A real hero doesn't let his fear control him, young man."

Masaru was completely taken back but took the medicine from Alex as he took a gulp and noticed that his wounds from the beatings are already healing.

Tying up his father and making sure he took a sleeping drug that will last for a whole day Masaru asks Alex with a small hope in his voice, "Tell me mister angel guy? Is it true that you came down from above and help my friends out?"

That was enough for Masaru to believe his words as Alex summons out a wing of lighting and vanished out to the last help he needed to do.

With that Alex appears at the home of Nagisa where both of the parents were surprised to see a pissed-off young man arrived as Nagisa was surprised as well.

Before the parents could even respond Alex was already next to Nagisa as he takes off the IV and medicine from him as he says to Nagisa as he finally fell asleep for once in a long while from exhaustion, "Nagisa take your time to sleep the police of Towa City will notice this and take you away from your abusive family for good. I'll even go as far as to ensure they will never see the light of day again."

Nagisa could only smirk dreaming of such a possibility but not before Alex says to him as he glare towards his parents, "Also be sure to not let anyone have any expectation from you ok? You are free to do what you want without anyone telling you what."

With that Alex glares at the two as he uses his electricity to shock them into submission for the rest of the night and tying them up as he placed the kid into his room to sleep in peace.

As that was the final piece of helping the kids was done Alex traveled back to japan inside his rented penthouse as he goes on his bed as he uses the USB drive from the scientist that has all the information about the dark deeds.

Alex smiles at this as he talks to himself while opening up another window screen to watching the amines of the Danganronpa world, "Good that takes care of the kids for now. That leaves my conscience clear for the rest of the year. Now the only thing is enjoying this world for now since I destroyed the plot of the games."

With that done with Alex spent the rest of his time relaxing as he opens up his laptop filled with all the Towa Group information of operation of Robotics.

But now Alex was busy working on a private info he was busy working on his own creation…


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 55,000

Title: Ultimate Hope

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting), Haki (Observation, Armament, Conqueror), Six Powers, Seimei Kikan, Swordsmanship (Advanced), Eight-Impact Fist

Equips: Pure Gold Ring, Shusui

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