Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 31 - 31: Abuse the Ultimate Shenron!

~Alex POV~

The Lookout is an ancient platform that is in geostationary orbit in the skies of Earth, and directly above Korin Tower in the Dragon Ball series; for some time, Korin Tower and The Lookout were connected by the Power Pole.

Events occurring on the Earth can be observed from here and can sense battles in the universe. Kami is the first God of Earth seen to possess The Lookout and it starts to be referred to as Kami's Lookout.

It is located in the Heavenly Realm and is connected to the Divine Sage Realm where the Sacred Water is located.

The Divine Sage Realm is where the graves of the previous guardians of Earth are located and is located at the bottom of the Heavenly Realm.

As I saw the building I didn't bother to wait as I sensed the whole layout of the building using my [Observation Haki] and my Goro Goro no Mi to see the eclectic waves to get a better layout of the scene.

Observing the room around the whole area I noticed that they had a teleporter room, the room of time, and the hyperbolic time chamber door.

Not going to lie those rooms are certainly interesting to have around and the room of time could be considered time travel to the past why the hell didn't Goku just went back in time to kill Cell himself.

No use arguing with that fool mind.

Searching the area, a bit I noticed a powerful aura, not like my own but two are present that must be Mr. Popo and Kami.

It seems to me that they aren't around the place I'm looking to find the [Black Star Dragon Balls] no matter.

Seeking out the Kami Lookout where the hell was the…


Found you precious~

Quickly going through the building from the bottom of the tower I electro phased through the metal as I kept on rising to the top.

Till I finally reached the room while it looks to me it was kept hidden and very dirty, but a noticeable pot was in the middle of the room as I grin.

Quickly going towards it and a blow from my mouth I finally saw the [Black Star Dragon Balls] in all their dirty glory as I comment on them, "Finally I found you little gems it's time to get my wishes."

Man being an Android has its perks being unable to be detected by the Dragon Team.

As I left the place, I went somewhere far away from every one of this world into the Antarctica part of this world.

At least I won't feel the cold considering that no one is here except for penguins.

However, before I begin to use my Stand [The World Over Heaven] ability [Reality Overwrite] to block this event from time and space to ensure that Zamasu doesn't control my body.

Don't want a body swap crap.

Once the coast was clear I brought out the dragon balls as I began to chant out the name to bring out the Dragon and abuse him, "And now rise [Ultimate Shenron]!"

Just like that the [Black Star Dragon Balls] began to glow a golden light as the very sky turned dark as the light from the balls began to stream out lighting light into the sky making it turn very dark as if a thunderstorm was happening!

The pressure of this dragon is seriously unreal!

But soon enough the light from the balls began to change into a dragon!

While [Shenron] and [Porunga] are both shown to be comparable in size to a large, [Ultimate Shenron] is shown to be larger than both of these eternal dragons combined.

While coiling, [Shenron] has been shown as being roughly the size of The Lookout, but [Ultimate Shenron] on the other hand is so large that his head alone is roughly the size of the lookout.

Also, while [Shenron] has his "whiskers" on the upper part of his mouth, [Ultimate Shenron] has them on the lower part of its jaw.

Ultimate Shenron's skin color is blood red rather than green and also had gold horns and interestingly enough, he lacks the red eyes that the other eternal dragons have, and instead has yellow or blue-green ones.

As the dragon summoning is done its giant head of his jaw began to speak to me in a very old and loud tone, "Why have you summoned me…"

Smiling at this it was time to do what no one has done before.

Shamelessly abuse the Dragon.

As the [Ultimate Shenron] was staring at me I began to say my first wish as saying to the dragon full of confidence, "I wish for the ability to regenerate and heal from all injuries even if I have a single trace of me left will rely solely on my Ki to be activated automatically!"

I need this ability to be specific and best since this kind of ability is Cell and Buu tier healing this will come in handy.

Next, I see that the dragon's eyes glowed brightly as he responded to me, "Your wish has been granted until the next summoning…!"

I felt a change in my body as I start to feel a new ability and even better auto regen as the system notified me about the change as the lighting from the sky strike me as it changes me.

[Notice: You gain the passive skill [Auto Regen] that activates when damaged and will consume your infinite Ki.]

That was when the [Black Star Dragon Balls] began to move towards the sky trying to escape…

Heh heh heh heh…

Oh no my genie…

You're not leaving this place, yet I have MANY wishes that are needed to be asked.

When the [Black Star Dragon Balls tried to leave I used my Stand [The World Over Heaven] to grab all of them as I placed a Ki-based [Armament Haki] ensuring they don't leave!



When the dragon balls tried to leave my Stand managed to hold it in place, but the force was certainly enough to make it crash into my barrier sphere but otherwise, it was still here.


As the [Black Star Dragon Balls] return to normal as they were placed down as I began to chat again as the process was repeated.

Once again [Ultimate Shenron] was, here again, he looked confused as he asks the usual question seeing my face, "Why have you summoned me…?"

Not wasting any time this time around as I ask another wish that I wanted to have, "I wish for the ability to have my body being able to adapt to EVERYTHING and LEARN capable of surviving anything coming my way under my complete control."


Once again [Ultimate Shenron] has done its job as I see that the dragon eyes glowed brightly as he responded to me but with a hint of annoyance inside of it cute, "Your wish has been granted until the next summoning… which won't be too soon…"

Just like before the lighting from the Dragon strike me again as I hear the system give me a new passive skill.

The reason why I wanted this wish despite my already modified body I haven't gotten the ability to recreate Stands like Kars because I was human only a major boost to my body but with this now?

I can learn what a human can do and copy it to my skill like for example Quirks or Chakra in other worlds.

Then as what happens as before I did the process to stop them again as they returned to normal as I did the process again…

Once again [Ultimate Shenron] was, here again, he looked confused as he glares at me while asking in a very annoyed tone, "Why have you summoned me… again? Have you even left this planet at all?!"

Oh, I see that he broke character once he noticed the pattern of me abusing him now let's begin, shall we?

But I have to test a theory first if I can wish for another ability from another world even though it's not from the DBZ universe but should be possible.

I Didn't bother to answer [Ultimate Shenron] question as I asked my next wish with a grin as I spoke with confidence, "The wish I want is to have the ability to change my eyes to have perfectly replicate any move and technique used by any beings the user saw, regardless of its speed or power and enabling them to evade a gods' attacks whilst simultaneously countering them with their own move while the body changes the biology to do it."


Once again [Ultimate Shenron] has done its job as I see that the dragon eyes glowed brightly as he responded to me but with a clear annoyance but tired it seems, "Your wish while very odd is certainly within my power has been granted until the next summoning… which won't be soon… I hope…"


This ability I said is from Adam from the Records of Ragnarok the [Eyes of the Lord]!

Just like before the lighting from the Dragon strike me again as I hear the system give me a new passive skill as my eyes began to change immediately as I felt my eyes burn but then change…

Hearing the noise of my system and seeing my eyes have changed looking at the reflection of myself on the ice.

[Notice: Due to [Ultimate Shenron] granting you the ability of [Eyes of the Lord] as a passive skill.]

Hey, even the system agrees with me!


But after using the Dragons Balls these three times, I bet the Dragon Team would notice already, and probably heading to my location I might as well get the last wish done with and hide the [Black Star Dragon Balls] soon.

Very quickly I repeated the process as [Ultimate Shenron] was summoned the fourth time looking at me as if he was done with my shit, "Oh come on! Isn't there anybody else who wants wishes other than you! Why the hell do you want these wishes! I just want to destroy this planet already man and I can't even do that because you brought me here…"

Ignoring the dragon outburst as I ask the last wish for the day as I can feel some powerful auras using my [Observation Haki] so best be quick, "Don't worry this will be the last one for the day, the wish to have Shenron is giving me all knowledge related to combat techniques and skills, magic, locations, mystical knowledge, and technology!"


Once again [Ultimate Shenron] has done its job as I see that the dragon eyes glowed brightly as he responded to me but with a clear annoyance like he's done with my shit, "Your wish has been granted until the next summoning… and this better be the final one for the day human…"

Just like before the lighting from the Dragon strike me again as I felt that my head was in massive pain processing the knowledge of this world and all of its techniques!

Damn it hurts!

But I can feel that my body is being adjusted to it and my [Auto Regen] kicking in!




Breathing out in a tired voice I managed to retain my head as I felt the massive headache from all of it but the knowledge, I learned was worth it…

Even having the language of the gods in the process was in that wish now it's time to get the [Super Dragon Balls] but for now though I think I have some guest I have to entertain since I can feel their Ki coming my way.

Placing the [Black Star Dragon Balls] into my inventory I was soon greeted with five iconic people Piccolo, Krillin, Goku, Gohan, and Tien.

They all looked at me clearly confused.

Well, this is going to be a very interesting conversation.


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 80,000

Title: Ultimate Hope, Ultimate Human Lifeform

Stands: D4C (Ultimate), The World Over Heaven, Killer Queen, Tusk

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting), Haki (Observation, Armament, Conqueror), Six Powers, Seimei Kikan, Swordsmanship (Advanced), Eight-Impact Fist, Spin, Hamon, Scan

Passive Skills: Infinite Energy, Energy Absorptions, Auto Regen, Evolutionary Body, Eyes of the Lord

Equips: Pure Gold Ring, Shusui (Anubis)

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