Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 35 - 35: I have time to humiliate Gods

~Alex POV~

You know just waiting for the Androids to wake up is certainly boring hell I could probably take my time going to the next world while I wait for them to wake up.

Waiting this long is certainly going to be the boredom of me.

So, I took my time to do some research as I brought it with me since I used the Dragon Balls to wish for a laptop with infinite energy and infinite wi-fi as well as to adapt to the multiverse to let me know what is going on.

Pretty wasteful wish honestly but at least I won't always go back to my world to do it.

With plenty of time to use my free time, I decided to head to another world for a bit but some research first before I do anything.

Knowledge is the most important weapon for anyone to have.

Looking up the three worlds I got recently I managed to figure out what they were although the Records of Ragnarok have my fullest attention.

Ragnarok is mankind's final struggle against the gods.

As explained in the Valhalla Constitution, article No. 62, paragraph 15 of the Super Special Clause, it is a tournament of one-on-one showdowns between the gods and mankind.

Thirteen combatants are put forth by each side and engage each other in one-on-one battles to the death.

The first side to achieve seven victories wins if mankind loses, their fate is sealed, but if they win, they can be allowed to live for another 1000 years.

A world of man is coming to an end by the whims of some old farts who dictate what they do and want.

Talk about arrogant here.

The Gods decide what to do with humanity and let them destroy them because they will it?

Not going to happen.

While I can agree that humanity as a whole is crazy and war-like by nature that doesn't mean they get to decide that they live and die because as far as I know, they didn't create the Earth or the Stars.

Sure, they are strong but compared to other worlds these Gods are not so special, but they clearly don't care much about life.


I think someone should teach them a lesson about not meddling with the human world because it's originally ours as they have their heaven.

True I have read the anime which is very bad by Netflix I did get some intel from the manga better source material shame it didn't release more info about the Gods, but I can base their abilities on their myths at least.

Although there are some concerns from the site of its fandom saying that only one person can fight at a time with a god once and never the same people chose again.

Damn, that means I can't have myself repeating destroy them unless…



I don't really have to fight to defeat one although I will fight Zeus I can help the Valkiryes out with the Dragon Balls since I can just wish for a soul from the dead that has passed onto the afterlife.

And I have plenty to choose from if that is the case since where people of other worlds with strong humans or plenty of powerful ones.

But first I'm going to need to make myself a legend something that the Gods can't comprehend.

Something that gives them a reason to never meddle in the realm of humans.

Grinning at my current situation I talk to myself as I began to go to that world, "He he he, I guess I have time before the Androids are awake and I have the key to skip a day's worth to year with my hyperbolic time key although it would be cool to fight them myself. I think it's rude to not invite other strong humans from other animes to join in on the fun but why stop in anime worlds when I can add comics or games into the mix."

But before I do anything, I used my [Materialization Magic] to create from matter a costume of a hero costume.

I need to be remembered as a legend to these guys so I can fight but also a reason to not middle or try to find me.

So, I recreated the Great Saiyaman 3 suit equipped with its own sword as I equip it but I have a better name for it.

Well then as a legend must go how about a few hundred years in the past yes?

~Third POV~

Currently, at this time a legend of long since passed its prime of a golden-haired warrior and masked hero was sent across the ages.

This hero was named the armored hero as he would remain silent but help humans in need as he only calls upon in legends.

The legends of the armored hero have been said to have fought alongside the King of Knights Arthur against some unknown demons and have been a trainer to him.

Another speaks how the plague has occurred that brought people ruin near-death till the warrior or the people say that he used magic to cure them.

Other spokes of a time where the armored warrior has fought and defended the Valkyries when they have come to Earth to help against a rebellious demon from one of the nine realms of Asgard.

The other that the Gods have quite heard of was when an attack of Asgard was being attacked that the armored warrior was there at the request of the Valkyries to which he agreed and this was the first-ever sighting of such a human from the Gods as they only took advice from the Norse legends hearing this.

As the Gods searched for this human wanting such a unique being to join their ranks, he mysteriously vanished without a trace that not even the foreseeing father Odin or Buddha could locate such a human.

However, that legend would soon be forgotten over time except for the Norse Gods and angels that witnessed it firsthand and how brutal he was telling of using large beams of energy and lighting.

But the most famous of legends of this armored warrior or golden warrior was that time where he stopped WW2 as he gave Hitler the option to quit however he killed him and those like-minded as he dies but gave them a chance to redeem themselves.

However, as the course of time continues on the majority of the Gods have forgotten the armored warrior and golden warrior since they believed that even he a human can't live forever except for those that participated in the war in Odin Realm….

At this time in the council of Valhalla, the parliament building was every God from their own groups.

Zeus the leader then gave every one of the Gods a choice to forgive humanity with signs up as each god gave their own opinions in this.

God of creation and destruction Siva was the first to respond as follows many others, "From what I've seen for the past 1000 years, mankind doesn't seem to have any intention to repent at all. Trying to guide them is such a pain in the a.s.s. Once we've erased them all, let's try evolving some other animal this time!"

The next to follow was the Goddess of Beauty Aphrodite as she says her concerns while a group of men act like simps for her, "In the last 1000 years, the Earth has become too ugly. Seas are filled with waste and oils. Forests are gone and living beings have become extinct one after another."

Aphrodite finishing her wards as she closes her eyes and gave the final nail in humanity as the Gods follow suit, "So to speak mankind is the most dangerous living cancer on Earth, a disaster that will bring Earth to its destruction. Isn't that true?"

Just like that all the other Gods then began to agree with each other as they agreed with the destruction of mankind as if the gods will it…

There is no possible way for anyone to stop it as it seems just as Zeus was about to call the agreement to this vote Brunhild stopped him from a few inches as she yells out her voice, "Please wait for a second!"

Everyone one of the Gods was confused by Brunhild's response as she begins to defend humanity with what options available to her, "Pardon my intrusion, furious gods. There is one thing I have to say it is true that mankind is unbearably vulgar and violent. But to destroy them like that… isn't that a bit… boring?"

As Brunhild continues to talk she observes the room to see at across from her is the armored warrior as he waves on insisting that she continues as she smiles at him, "Whether the survival of mankind has any value or not… with the might and mercy of Gods, why don't we test them?"

Next Odin's birds began to speak in his place while saying that did Brunhild wanted to flood the earth or send them to an ice age.

To which the armored warrior merely glaring at Odin birds for such an idea.

But Brunhild still talked as the gods began to get impatient with her but she took that in no mind, "No. But I have the more effective way to test them…. Gods Vs Mankind's final Struggle Ragnarok."

Thus, the super special clause was enacted as a mere joke.

Then the Gods began to point out that it was pointless that was also that moment that Brunhild took that moment to discuss them to quick temper, "So… the will of the gods is to destroy mankind and also to avoid direct confrontations with humans. Am I right?"

This catches all of God's attention as Brunhild began to taunt them, "We want to destroy mankind without fighting them? We don't want to be put in the same ring as them? Hm… don't tell me… are you chickening out? If so then I dis an unnecessary thing. Sorry. My bad."

Noises echo throughout the parliament like a wave it was a slighting irritated dad who's just playing along with his kid's boring pranks this was faint laughter from the Gods.

However, that laughter soon turns into anger as they threw insults at her and reminded her of the pecking order as the armored warrior stood in silence, but anger could radiate from him.

Zeus the crazy battle manic God that he is accepted it without any problems as he begins to preach about their 'might' as Gods as he kills the dragon next to him, "Well said, your proposal was an absolute f.u.c.k.i.n.g unit! Besides, don't you think, it's been a long time since we have seen the might of Gods! Everybody, what do you think? Shall we hold a showdown between the Gods and the Mankind!?"


Just like that Zeus destroys the table to signify that the event known as Ragnarok was in full motion however unlike the Gods giving a worrying aura Brunhild didn't budge as she thought to herself, 'Sigh… I hope that idiot isn't really going to do what his… never mind he is.'


However, the crowd of Gods was stopped as a roll of toilet paper was thrown at Zeus as he catches it confused till the armored warrior revealed himself to the Gods as he says to Zeus surprising him, "Say old man you need to use that roll of toilet paper because you are a literal piece of shit."


Silence stuns the crowd as they weren't sure what to do as Zeus analyzes the armored warrior as he asked the question, "Tell me how long were you here for human…."

That question catches the Gods off guard except for Brunhild as she laughs in her mind as she thinks to himself, 'HA HA HA HA!!! Only that man can dare to attempt to mock a God and has the strength to back it up.'

The armored warrior just replies to Zeus as he told them with venom in his tone, "Just enough to hear everything…."


The armored warrior Ki flared up as a large amount of pressure was released on the Gods making them faint on the spot except for some seriously powerful ones.

The Valkyries were unaffected from the armored warrior [Conqueror Haki: Kaioken x10] on every God as they were immediately knocked out as the armored warrior names himself as he revealed his face, "The name is Alex Smith and I'm the strongest human you will ever meet puny God."

Before Zeus could answer Alex just ignores him as he was an insect as he goes closer to Brunhild as he smiles as he asks her surprise Geir was shocked and at the same time scared.

Brunhild however just asks Alex in a bored but amused tone, "Was it necessary to do that but I for one found it funny."

Alex smiles at this as they leave while the Gods soon started to get up as Zeus just smiles at this wickedly looking at Alex as eye candy as he changes into his massive form having heart-shaped eyes on his face as he says in a joyful tone, "HEH HEH HEH HEH!!! OH, I'm in LOVE!!! Seeing that Human power the one that has been lost to time fights against the Gods that were not supposed to be harmed!! Has forced them to their knees…. *Breath* I'm going to enjoy breaking him *Lick*…."

While leaving the area a Geir looked at Alex as he returns to his base uniform with a tank top, blue jeans, fingerless gloves, and red eyes as the Dream Demon of L.u.s.t Incubus enter trying to get close to Brunhild…


But before he could his head was already cut off from his body as Alex responds in a disgusted tone while shaking his head, "Disgusting pervert I really start to hate how arrogant these demons are."

It was that moment Thor comes in as he exudes pressure on the three as Brunhild and Geir kneed down except for Alex as he waves at him in a friendly manner, "Hey there big guy I haven't seen you since I last visited Asgard to protect your home while you were guarding at the time how have you been?"

Thor just observes Alex as he recalls a time where he has met him help defend his homeland with that he loses his pressure as the Valkyries breathe in relief as Thor passes Alex and says to him in his own manner, "Thanks… but the next we meet I will be your enemy if you are the first to go…"

Like that he left as Alex helps the Valkyries up as Brunhild as he says to her, "Ok Brunhild are you ready to get some help?"

Brunhild sighs out loud as she says to Alex while Geir was getting up, "Sigh… very well then show me what humans do you think is needed to defeat Thor, and thanks for the assistance."

Alex smiles at this as they leave to prepare the first fighter to fight for humanity as Geir follows behind.


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 135,000

Title: Ultimate Hope, Ultimate Human Lifeform

Stands: D4C (Ultimate), The World Over Heaven, Killer Queen, Tusk

Transformation: Super Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting), Haki (Observation, Armament, Conqueror), Six Powers, Seimei Kikan, Swordsmanship (Advanced), Eight-Impact Fist, Spin, Hamon, Scan, DBZ Skills

Passive Skills: Infinite Energy, Energy Absorptions, Auto Regen, Evolutionary Body, Eyes of the Lord

Equips: Pure Gold Ring, Shusui (Anubis)

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